Electoral Training Institute (Bangladesh Election Commission)Electoral Training Institute (ETI)
Plot-E, 14/Z, Agargoan, Dhaka-1207
Fax no-+88 02 8181731
http://www.ecs.gov.bdBusiness Type:ALL (General)
Company Description:
Electoral Training Institute (ETI) is the principal Institute of Bangladesh Election Commission to train the election officials of the country since 1995. Through this long journey, it imparts training on preparation and updating of electoral rolls, preparation and distribution of National Identity Cards (NID),conducting various types of elections including Parliamentary election, City Corporation, Paurashava, Upazila Parishad and Union Parishad general elections and by-elections. From the very inception of ETI, it gives its best priority to provide quality training to the Election Commission officials to make them aware of their impartial and important role of the Election Commission.
Within 2021, ETI will transform itself into a “Center of Excellence” in the field of planning and development of electoral training & research. People who are very keen will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the activities of the election.
ETI is committed to developing competent, skilled, innovative, proactive, and morally strong professional trainers through capacity building and operational training who will inspire thousands of grass root level election staff, political workers, and people in general towards fair, impartial, and credible elections.
INSTITUTE Resources:
ETI is located at Plot- E-14/Z-A,Agargaon,Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207. The location of the ETI is adjacent to the newly built Nirbachon Bhaban. It is a well-furnished 12-storeyed building with full accommodation facilities for the trainees.
An extensive and specialized functional Library with a collection of about 4153 books, periodicals, journals and research reports has been set up for the benefit of trainees and faculty members. This Institute is included in the mailing list of various training institutes. The Institute procures books and other useful publications on a regular basis for the library. The library is open for users from 9.00 am to 10.00 pm.
The training facilities of ETI are sufficient for running eight courses simultaneously. These include eight training rooms including two Computer Labs and one Language Lab. Further, the Institute owns and utilizes a variety of training equipment and aids in its training activities including video cameras, multi-media projectors, overhead projectors, photocopiers, public address systems etc. Internet facilities are also available here (WIFI).
ETI is going to establish two modern Computer Labs with all modern facilities and modern technologies. The computers in the Lab are connected by WIFI.
A Language Lab is going to be established at ETI. Once the Lab is ready, all EC officials who require English & others language training will be able to utilize its facilities.
Dormitory, Cafeteria, and dining facilities are available in ETI. In the 7th floor, there is a dining room of 160 seats. From the 8th floor to the 7th floor there are four Dormitory floors of 99 trainees including 72 male seats & 25 female seats.
There is a Conference room with 200 seat capacity. Indoor physical activities are available in this Conference room. The trainees can do yoga training in this room.
ETI has a team of faculty engaged in training and research related to empowering election officials. The faculty of the Institute consists of a Director General, two Directors, three Deputy Directors, four Assistant Directors, one Programmer, one Assistant Programmer, and one Librarian as well as 14 (fourteen) class III & 18 (eighteen) class IV staff.
tRAINERS/Guest Speakers:
Most of the speakers are the senior officers of the Election Commission Secretariat. There are also guest speakers from other training institutes and government organizations. Sometimes our honorable Chief Election Commissioner and other honorable Election Commissioners also share their wisdom and experience with the participants.
Electoral Training Institute (Bangladesh Election Commission) is a ALL (General) located at Electoral Training Institute (ETI), Plot-E, 14/Z, Agargoan, Dhaka-1207, , Fax no-+88 02 8181731, , Email:dg_eti@yahoo.com. Electoral Training Institute (Bangladesh Election Commission) is using Library Management Software, and Software for Ministry & others Govt Organization, and and many other different software & services purchased from
Extreme Solutions.
Extreme Solutions has been providing software development services and solutions to Electoral Training Institute (Bangladesh Election Commission) for the last 4 years and 7 months of period.
Service Purchased: