ERP Software

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Best ERP Software in Bangladesh | Cloud ERP Software in Bangladesh

XERP: ERP Software in Bangladesh

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning is a software that acts as the encyclopedia of business activities. XERP is a versatile ERP software developed fully in Bangladesh by Extreme Solutions for any kind of enterprise automation including Garments/ RMG/Textiles Industries, Flour Mills & Plastic container manufacturing companies, Geo bag manufacture, Spinning mills, any types of trading businesses, etc. Business intelligence integrated cloud ERP Software for factory production-oriented business. There are many companies providing ERP software in Bangladesh but most of the ERP software was not developed based on core ERP functionalities and benefits in mind. Extreme solutions offer you the affordable and best ERP solution in Bangladesh for maximum results.

The software is a world-class ERP Software in Bangladesh very suitable for business perfectionist companies having industrial production-oriented or any trading-based business. The software is used by more than 500 companies including Garments/ Textile Factories, Plastic Manufacturing Industries, and Flour Mills in Bangladesh and abroad.

Why use XERP Software?

In a digital world, business success is defined by agility and speed. Legacy ERP software has been stopping your business from achieving its full potential. Our ERP Software (XERP) solution with greater agility and also business intelligence- achieve the results faster. 

Here are the top reasons why you should choose XERP for your business automation:

  • Modern: Always up-to-date with all the recent frameworks and technologies
  • Cloud compatible: Web-based real-time MRP Software
  • Experienced & Stable: More than 15 years in the market
  • Layered: 5 Tier Architecture, Agile-based development
  • Security: Highly Secured and built-in hacking protection system
  • Portability: Full-featured modules work combined in one app
  • Data Storage: Integrated and linked modules with one centralized database system
  • Scalability: Highly scalable Database System made for cloud computing
  • Easy: User-friendly interface designed with a mobile-first approach
  • Configurable: Customization possibility for any size & type of business system
  • Controllable: Unlimited user accounts controlled by Super Administrator
  • Stable: Highly cached, Master Page and theme-based development
  • User Experience: Lightweight mobile responsive UI designed for high data traffic
  • Secured: Non-injectable Parameter based data transfer for high data security
  • Authorization: Menu and Form level access Authentication- controlled by Administrator
  • Balanced: Sessions with Safe view-stat & authorization system
  • Accountable: User Audit Trails for tracing any types of user activities
  • Mechanism: Highly flexible ERP software with business intelligence
  • Independence: Flexibility to run swiftly for any size of users.

XERP Best ERP software in Bangladesh

The ERP software provides an integrated view of core business processes in real-time. The ERP Software processes business resources, such as materials requirements planning, sales orders pipeline and delivery, LC & local purchases, warehouse & inventory, production with BOM, accounting & payroll, etc. XERP is an out-of-the-box best ERP Software solution in Bangladesh, for companies who want to implement a highly dependable ERP Software system into their business operations.

XERP Software concentrates on all the business information in one place, which can dispense with the issue of synchronizing changes between multiple systems, and allow the management team to get a more exact perspective of the business' data. Many industrial production-oriented companies in Dhaka & Chittagong are using XERP software as their enterprise resources data management system. 

XERP Software covers the following common functional areas:

  • Cloud ERP Software: Web-based real-time ERP Software.
  • Full-featured all-in-one centralized modules work combined.
  • Highly Stable Database ERP Software made for cloud computing.
  • Out-of-box user-friendly interface designed with the mobile-first approach.
  • Customization possibility for any size & type of business system.

ERP Software Versions 

  • Industrial ERP Software

    Industrial Production ERP Software (XERP) Solution In Dhaka, Chittagong, and all over Bangladesh for Manufacturing companies.

  • Garments Management ERP- MRP

    Extreme ERP Software built an evolutionary Garments ERP solution that improves the work efficiency of the garments industry and reduces their workload.

  • Plastic Industry ERP Software

    Extreme Solution is the best Plastic Industry ERP Software Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh | Our XERP software will bring a lot of improvement to your business.

  • Flour Industry ERP Software

    Flour Industry ERP Software| Bakery, Flour Companies ERP: by Extreme Solutions

  • Trading ERP Software

    Top-end trading business automation ERP Software (XERP) for importers, exporters and distributors Company In Bangladesh.

  • Garments Management ERP

    ERP Software for Garments, Apparels & Textiles industries with integrated accounting, inventory & production system in Bangladesh

  • Sport Shoe Manufacturing ERP- MRP

    Sport Shoe Manufacturing ERP- MRP

  • ERP for Spinning Mills

    ERP Software for Spinning and Textile Industry is designed to handle complete needs in most efficient, effective & accurate way.

  • GEO Bag Manufacturing Industries ERP

    ERP Software for GEO Textile Manufacturing Industries is a system that integrates all departments and functions across a textile manufacturing business. please call: +88 01680 794707

Best ERP Software in Bangladesh | Cloud ERP Software in Bangladesh - by , Oct 9, 2018
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Software company in Bangladesh Extreme Solutions
Business Address: 771 Sheikh Mujib Road, Agrabad, Chittagong, 4100, BD | Tel: +88 01680 794707 | Email:
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