Employee: attendance

  • 2021



    Date: 03/06/2021 Project Name: ChockBoard Module Name: Attendance 11. Student Attendance form: attendance will be designed in the following manner. b. Create a New Form (Student Attendance) Complete c. Search criteria, all three are required(Date, Class, Section) to search will be show Name of student.-120min Complete

    Posted by:  for  Pro Health  at 

    Date: 03/06/2021 Project Name: ChockBoard Module Name: Attendance 11. Student Attendance form: attendance will be designed in the following manner. b. Create a New Form (Student Attendance) Complete c. Search criteria, all three are required(Date, Class, Section) to search will be show Name of student.-120min Complete

    Project: Centralized Patient Management Software for Pro Health
    Module Name: Employee
    Form Name: attendance

    Work Date: 07/06/2021
    Engineer: Abeda Akter
    Team Lead: Muhammed Azad Hossan
    QA & Testing: Maisha Kalam
    Project Coordinator: Nizam Uddin Emon
    Centralized Patient Management Software: https://extreme.com.bd/c/centralized-patient-management-software
    Centralized Patient Management Software: https://extreme.com.bd/Software/centralized-patient-management-software
    URL: https://extreme.com.bd/news?id=1174

    Centralized Patient Management Software
    Developed by-
    Extreme Solutions
    771 Sheikh Mujib Road, Chattogram.
    Hotline: +88 031 712114, +88 01613 987363.
    Website: https://extreme.com.bd

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