Telemdicine Software - PrescribeRx

  • 2020



    Telemdicine Software - PrescribeRx

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    Telemdicine Software - PrescribeRx

    As healthcare systems around the world grapple with the coronavirus, ‘virtual-first healthcare’ is fast becoming the global response of private and public healthcare systems alike. Historically, telemedicine can be traced back to the mid to late 19th century with one of the first published accounts occurring in the early 20th century when electrocardiograph data were transmitted over telephone wires. Telemedicine, in its modern form, started in the 1960s in large part driven by the military and space technology sectors, as well as a few individuals using readily available commercial equipment.

    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have great potential to address some of the challenges faced by both developed and developing countries in providing accessible, cost-effective, high-quality health care services. Telemedicine uses ICTs to overcome geographical barriers, and increase access to health care services. This is particularly beneficial for rural and underserved communities in developing countries – groups that traditionally suffer from lack of access to health care. The importance of evaluation within the field of telemedicine cannot be overstated: the field is in its infancy and while its promise is great, evaluation can ensure maximization of benefit.

    Telemedicine refers to the use of information and communication technology to provide and support health care mainly for the purpose of providing consultation. It is also a way to provide medical procedures or examinations to remote locations. It has the potential to improve both the quality and the access to health care services delivery while lowering costs even in the scarcity of resources. Understanding the potentiality of telemedicine, many developing countries are implementing telemedicine to provide health care facility to remote area where health care facilities are deficient. Bangladesh is not an exception to this either. In this paper we mention the reasons why Bangladesh has to move for telemedicine. Analyzing these projects we have found out some factors which should be assessed carefully for successful implementation of telemedicine application. PrescribeRx is the best solution for doctors to analyze & treat patients using computerized EHR technologies. The prescription writing & medical records management software is the most popular medical practice management system in Bangladesh.

    The main benefit of PrescribeRx telemedicine software is- the system is fully customizable as per your data interaction needs. We will personalize the software data entry and reporting system upon your requirements. After developed in 2008, the system is already in full shape after customized for 1000+ medicine doctors & surgeons.


    PrescribeRx will simplify the data collection of patient health information in a digital format. These records can be shared across different healthcare settings. You can include a range of data, including demographics, medical history, medication and allergies, immunization status, laboratory test results, radiology images, vital signs, personal statistics like age, weight, BMI etc.

    The PrescribeRx software was designed to store data accurately and to capture the state of a patient across time. It eliminates the need to track down a patient's previous paper medical records and assists in ensuring data is accurate and legible. It can reduce risks of data replication as there is only one modifiable file, which means the file is more likely up to date and decreases the risk of lost paperwork.

    Due to the digital information being searchable and in a single file, PrescribeRx is more effective when extracting medical data for the examination of possible trends and long-term changes in a patient. It is designed to store data accurately and to capture the state of a patient across time.

    The Prescription Writing & Telemedicine Software will print a well-formatted Prescription that your patients will also like it. The Software is part of a series of research, teaching tools and study material with the features of Patients Records Management, Medicine Management, Patients Historical Data Analysis, Easy Prescription & Medical Certificate Printing, Statistical data analysis etc.


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