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  1. At present, BJRI is conducting research activities in three streams: (1) research on jute agriculture ie the development of high-yielding varieties of jute and jute fiber crops, production management, and seed production and conservation; (2) Research on jute technology i.e. innovation of value added versatile new jute products and quality ...

  2. May 12, 2022 · IoT can benefit farmers in agriculture by making their job easier. Sensors can collect data on rainfall, humidity, temperature, and soil content, as well as other factors, that would help automate farming techniques. On a broader scale, smart cities can help citizens reduce waste and energy consumption. 6. How may Ai could help in Business:

  3. If you are looking for Geo Bag/ Textiles manufacturing companies ERP software you have came to the right place. Extreme Solutions is highly concerned with the design or manufacture of clothing as well as the supply and use of Geo textiles Cloud ERP software.

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Software company in Bangladesh Extreme Solutions
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