The present Footwear Shop Management Software is able to make searching process easier and storing data in more secure way. The current footwear store management system manually keeps all data related to sales, purchase, employee details, payment details and their customer details in each different file. All the operations are performed using the concept of file keeping and work performed using pen and paper.
Footwear Shop Management System Concept
To provide data security, making the searching process easier and saving space & time. Provide a proper package to handle overall financial transaction going within or outside the retail footwear shop related to this business process. By using this programming language and hardware components saving space and storage area. Eliminating manual workload and making business operations successful.
Footwear Shop Management System Idea
The overall business process is handled by using manual processes and keeping records in different files. This process takes time in finding any previous records and more chances of data duplication in various files which results in confliction and may create a problem for financial calculations. The current system is also not able to check the particular products using any code used for particular shoes used by the shoe manufacturer & seller company. Current system is also not able to locate the product storage information. The manual system is also not able to get information of sales and purchase for a particular product along with payment details. To retrieve information they have to check their billing file.
Footware Shop Management System Overview
As to use this Shoe Shop Management System in Bangladesh all its user will have a valid user id and password associated with it. Admin will responsible to provide their user id and password by creating it. Admin can grant special permission to any particular working employee. Admin can add new user, delete user, modify user, generate bills, and get information on cash inflow and outflow. Check stock, get reports on sales and purchase of products from suppliers and get information on their regular customers to provide special discounts.
Valid user or working employee will be able to enter product details, their code, and price and categorize products according to their size and price. This user can also search any particular product using price and size options as well as using product code options to check whether it is available in the Footwear Shop Management System or not.
Bill section of Shoe Shop Management System will generate bill details such as bill number which will be unique for each customer and supplier. If the bill is for customer, then it will include product type, size, number of items purchased, tax rate, total rate along with customer name and address.
It the bill is prepared for supplier then it will include supplier name, address, type of product suied, and date of receiving, total number of items, total price, and date of payments, how much is left to be given for that particular supplier.
Admin will also able to prepare a balance sheet for their business transactions for a particular date, between given period, weekly basis or monthly basis or as per user requirement.