Account, Role, Permission: Account, Permission

  • 2021



    Date: 7-7-2021 Work Summary: Marine City project first task is four person create account and no other can not create account.Then the account holder see the menu on there project. This menu option show on the project. Company Name: Marine City Module: Account, Role, Permission Form Name: Account, Permission

    Posted by:  for  Marine City Medical College & Hospital  at 

    Date: 7-7-2021 Work Summary: Marine City project first task is four person create account and no other can not create account.Then the account holder see the menu on there project. This menu option show on the project. Company Name: Marine City Module: Account, Role, Permission Form Name: Account, Permission

    Project: Windows Shared Hosting for Marine City Medical College & Hospital
    Module Name: Account, Role, Permission
    Form Name: Account, Permission

    Work Date: 08/07/2021
    Engineer: Kalayan Roy Chowdhury
    Team Lead: Muhammed Azad Hossan
    QA & Testing: Maisha Kalam
    Project Coordinator: Nizam Uddin Emon
    Windows Hosting:
    Windows Shared Hosting:

    Windows Shared Hosting
    Developed by-
    Extreme Solutions
    771 Sheikh Mujib Road, Chattogram.
    Hotline: +88 031 712114, +88 01613 987363.

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