1) Install jwt token. 2) write some helper class and functions to generate tokens. 3) check the token if it is valid. 4) if the token is valid then store it into browser local storage. 5) after logout clear token from browser local storage.(09/05/2021)
Project: web-hosting-bd.com in React for Extreme Solutions own
Module Name: Website Design
Form Name: Home Page
Work Date: 23/05/2021
Engineer: Md Shafiq Khan
Team Lead: Akter Uddin Rony
QA & Testing: Maisha Kalam
Project Coordinator: Nizam Uddin Emon
https://extreme.com.bd/c/guptodhon Own Product:
https://extreme.com.bd/Software/own-product URL:
https://extreme.com.bd/news?id=1088 *****************************************************
web-hosting-bd.com in React
Developed by-
Extreme Solutions
771 Sheikh Mujib Road, Chattogram.
https://g.page/extreme-solutions-chittagongHotline: +88 031 712114, +88 01613 987363.