Introductions to software engineering. with C# Software Development Course in Bangla. The perfect course for absolute beginners in programming languages and coding concepts. What is object? What is event? What is method? Variable (String, decimal, integer), Private and public method Conditional statement (If-Else)
Posted by: Akter Uddin Rony
XHRM ensures all most wanted features of Human Resources management. This software provides attendance to salary sheet preparation and in between systems. XHRM Has Proven It’s Capabilities: In the case of processing worker’s time- attendance and payroll management with ease for all types of attendance devices. This software made an ideal attendance system for manufacturing industries.
Posted by: Md.shohid
রোবোটিক্স অটোমেশন প্রযুক্তি সর্বপ্রথম যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের অটোমোবাইল ইন্ডাস্ট্রিগুলো তে ব্যবহৃত হতো। তখন মূলত প্রোডাকশন প্রক্রিয়ার বিভিন্ন পর্যায়কে স্বয়ংক্রিয় নির্দেশনা দেয়ার জন্য ইন্ডাস্ট্রিয়াল অটোমেশন প্রজুক্তিকে কাজে লাগানো হতো। বর্তমানে রোবোট, মোবাইল এপ, কম্পিউটার ভিশন, কৃত্তিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা, ড্রোন ইত্যাদির ব্যবহার অটোমেশনের প্রযুক্তির পরিধি অনেক বাড়িয়ে দিয়েছে। রোবোটিক্স, সিএনসি মেশিন এবং অন্যান্য কম্পিউটার-নিয়ন্ত্রিত ডিভাইসগুলি প্রায় সকল ইন্ডাস্ট্রিতেই ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে।
Posted by: Akter Uddin Rony
Robotics automation technology was first used in the automobile industries of the United States. At that time, automation technology was used to give automatic instructions to different stages of the production process. Currently the use of robots, mobile apps, computer vision, artificial intelligence, drones, etc. has greatly expanded the scope of automation technology. Robotics, CNC machines and other computer-controlled devices are being used in almost all industries.
Posted by: Akter Uddin Rony
Extreme Solutions is a reputable automation engineering company in Bangladesh combining Artificial Intellegence AI, Internet of thing IoT & Robotics technologies . we solve complex manufacturing problems and develop economically viable machines and control systems for companies of varying sizes. Feel free to discuss your project with us! Call 01977-251582 for more details
Posted by: Akter Uddin Rony
Having a fully functional Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is essential for a successful company. HRMS based on good saas helps the company to deal with people and jobs. Companies can also divide the workload of their employees. Bangladesh HR Management Systems aims to do the same in order to thrive in an orderly manner. The article focuses on the top 10 HR management software HR Software in Bangladesh.
Posted by: Muhammad Ibrahim
What is Artificial Intelligence In a Simple word, AI (artificial intelligence) refers to systems or machines that mimic our own intelligence to perform tasks and that can improve themselves in the process based on the information gathered. AI comes in different forms. Some examples are: Chatbots that use AI to understand customer issues faster and more focused to be able to answer.
Posted by: Rahif Bin Faim
The process of choosing the right ERP software for your business can be quite complex. Here are 5 key tips that will help you choose the right ERP plan for your organization Choosing the right business ERP Software 1) Share your specific business goals The first step in going to any ERP option will be a clear understanding of the goals / objectives of your business and what achievements you want to achieve in your ERP application. Complete control, visibility, high efficiency and high o
Posted by: Muhammad Ibrahim
University Management ERP Software in Bangladesh Extreme Solutions UMS (University Management ERP System) could be a web-based answer that covers all aspects of schools, universities, and colleges. It's developed for conducting, observation & analyzing complicated activities of the University and it is related to faculties like Centralized Admission, Centralized Examination, and so more options.
Posted by: Rahif Bin Faim
1. EXTREME SOLUTIONS EXTREME SOLUTIONS is the best mobile app development service provider in Chittagong for fully native apps development with customization services. We provide offline synchronization supported cost-effective Artificial-Intelligence-based mobile app solutions for any type of Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS devices. Our app solution is available for any devices like Android Mobile phones, Windows PC or Laptop & Phones, Web, Desktop, Wearables, iPhone, iP
Posted by: Muhammad Ibrahim
Nowadays in this business magnet world, choosing the right HR and Payroll software service can change the full face of your business. Because this software is organized with a total portfolio of entire employees’ work charts, their rights, and the company's progress. By executing with the best companies software of HR and Payroll, a business company can get online management and also stand with best organized.
Posted by: Muhammad Ibrahim
আপনি কি আপনার রিটেইল শপ অথবা ব্র্যান্ড শপের জন্য সফটওয়্যার খুঁজছেন? আপনার জন্য আমরা নিয়ে এসেছি, ৭০% বিশাল ছাড়ে মাত্র ৯৯৯৯/= টাকায়”এক্সট্রিম POS সফটওয়্যার” এই সফটওয়্যারের আকর্ষণীয় সকল ফিচার ও মডিউলে থাকবে, পন্যের সঠিক ডেটাবেজ। চারশ’র ও অধিক গ্রাহকের আস্থা, ক্রয়-বিক্রয়, মালামাল ব্যবস্থাপনায় পূর্ণাঙ্গ একাউন্টিং সিস্টেম হলো ”এক্সট্রিম পস”/POS Software
Posted by: Muhammad Ibrahim
ERP Software For Better Business Planning And Management: ERP is difficult to characterize and no ERP can guarantee that it can give all that an enterprise requires. Since ERP is an item that requires customization and that too at a decent expense. But if software vendors don’t understand small business work-space, the solution can't simply offer some value to an enterprise.
Posted by: Rahif Bin Faim
Best 10 ERP Software in Bangladesh: Here is a list of top ERP software in Bangladesh, which are considered as best. XERP: ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning software that serves as an encyclopedia of business operations. XERP is a fully developed ERP software developed in Bangladesh by Extreme Solutions for any flexible business type including Garments / RMG / Textiles Industries, Flour Mills & Plastic Container Manufacturers, Geo Bag Manufacturers, Spinning Mills, any type
Posted by: Muhammad Ibrahim
পেশেন্টের প্রেসক্রিপশন হবে আরও স্মার্ট ,সহজ এবং ডিজিটালাইজড ৭০% ছাড়ে মাসব্যাপী চলছে অফার! এখন মাত্র ২,৯৯৯/= টাকায় পাচ্ছেন প্রেসক্রিপশন লেখার অসাধারণ সফ্টওয়্যার। যার পূর্বের মূল্য ছিলো ১০,০০০/= টাকা। সম্মানিত চিকিৎসকদের জন্য “এক্সট্রিম সলিউশন্স” নিয়ে এলো স্বল্প মূল্যে মেডিসিন ডেটাবেজ ও ইলেক্ট্রিক হেলথ রেকর্ড ম্যানেজমেন্ট সিস্টেম সহ আজীবন মেয়াদে সম্পূর্ণ কাষ্টমাইজড প্রেসক্রিপশন সফটওয়্যার। যা ৫০০’র ও অধিক পেশেন্টের বিশ্বস্ততা, পেশেন্ট লেজার এবং সার্বিক সুস্থতার ডাটাবেজে সমৃদ্ধ।
Posted by: Muhammad Ibrahim
What is ERP software? ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning coming up with could be a software system that acts because of the book of facts of business activities. XERP is a versatile ERP software system developed totally in Bangladesh by Extreme Solutions for any varieties of enterprises automation together with Garments/ RMG/Textiles Industries, Flour Mills & Plastic instrumentality producing firms, Geo bag manufacture, Spinning mills, any forms of mercantilism businesses, etc. Bu
Posted by: Rahif Bin Faim
What is Inventory Management Software? Inventory management software is a software system that helps you to track, control and manage your inventories efficiently. By combining several functions associated with inventories, inventory management software helps you to organize, store, track material movements, consumption, manufacturing, order processing, etc. The key feature of Inventory management software is to maintain a perfect number of inventories which ensures uninterrupted production,
Posted by: Rahif Bin Faim
Best HR & Payroll software in Bangladesh HR & Payroll Management Solution used to manage everything for your organization or business. Extreme Solutions HR & Payroll Management system for all your company's employee-related activities from Attendance & Time Tracking to Recruitment, Loans, Taxes, Deductions, Insurance, Training & Development, Analytics, and so on.
Posted by: Rahif Bin Faim
The Ultimate Guide To What Is the Pos Software? A POS system supports business to accept payments from customers and keep track of sales. A point-of-sale system primarily used to refer to the cash register at a store. Now a days, modern POS systems are entirely digital, which means you can check out a customer wherever you are. In our everyday life, new advancements in technology make businesses more productive, cost-effective and understanding productivity and costs. POS could manage your r
Posted by: Rahif Bin Faim
Mobile App Development History in a Brief Mobile application (apps) development is becoming one of the most powerful and strongest mediums for communication, making business progress via mobile apps much easier for anyone that couldn’t imagine before. By using your device, you can control everything & check anything literally from anywhere like your business progress, analytics, statistics, errors, customers behavior tracking, following a business lead, profit and loss stateme
Posted by: Rahif Bin Faim
Government/ a2i affiliated, BASIS member software companies in Bangladesh a2i strives to unfold the true potential within the government to create remarkable innovations that can ease and improve the lives of citizens. Simplifying government for the public through equipping civil servants to simplify services and making government forms and services available through single access points while transforming government institutions into less-paper offices built upon well-crafted information
Posted by: Akter Uddin Rony
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
অ্যাকাউন্টিং সফটওয়্যারটি ব্যক্তি এবং ব্যবসায়ীদের দ্বারা আয় এবং ব্যয় প্রবেশ করতে এবং তাদের আর্থিক ট্র্যাক করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়। এটি আরও দক্ষ এবং ম্যানুয়াল প্রক্রিয়াজাতকরণের চেয়ে নির্ভুল হিসাব রক্ষক সফটওয়্যার। এটি অটোমেশনের মতো বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলির সাথেও সময় সাশ্রয় করতে পারে এবং এটি মালিককে যে কোনও সময় অ্যাক্সেসের জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ নথি এবং প্রাপ্তিগুলি সংরক্ষণ করার জায়গা দেয়। আপনি যদি সময় বাঁচাতে চান তবে আপনার ব্যবসায়ের জন্য অ্যাকাউন্টিং সফটওয়্যারটি একমাএ তথ্যবাহক হিসেবে কাজ
Posted by: Farzana Yesmin
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
বর্তমানে প্রিন্টিং প্রেসক্রিপশন জনপ্রিয় হচ্ছে। প্রিন্টেড প্রেসক্রিপশন ডাক্তারের ইমেজ যেমন বাড়ায়, রোগীর ওষুধ বুঝতেও সুবিধা হয়। প্রেসক্রিপশন লেখার জন্য বাজারে বহু সফটওয়্যার আছে। প্রথমে আপনাকে বিবেচনা করতে হবে আপনার কাজের জন্য উপযুক্ত কোনটি। এমবিবিএস, চক্ষু বিশেষজ্ঞ, হলে আপনার একধরণের সফটওয়্যার লাগবে আবার ডেন্টিস্ট হলে ভিন্ন ধরণের। অফলাইন সফটওয়্যারের বড় সুবিধা ডেটা কন্ট্রোল সম্পূর্ণ আপনার কাছে থাকে। যেহেতু ডেটাবেজ পিসিতে জমা হয়, তাই আপনার রোগীর তথ্য আপনার কাছে নিরাপদ থাকছে। অফলাইন প্রেসক্রিপশন স
Posted by: Farzana Yesmin
বর্তমানে প্রিন্টিং প্রেসক্রিপশন জনপ্রিয় হচ্ছে। প্রিন্টেড প্রেসক্রিপশন ডাক্তারের ইমেজ যেমন বাড়ায়, রোগীর ওষুধ বুঝতেও সুবিধা হয়। প্রেসক্রিপশন লেখার জন্য বাজারে বহু সফটওয়্যার আছে। প্রথমে আপনাকে বিবেচনা করতে হবে আপনার কাজের জন্য উপযুক্ত কোনটি। এমবিবিএস, চক্ষু বিশেষজ্ঞ, হলে আপনার একধরণের সফটওয়্যার লাগবে আবার ডেন্টিস্ট হলে ভিন্ন ধরণের। অফলাইন সফটওয়্যারের বড় সুবিধা ডেটা কন্ট্রোল সম্পূর্ণ আপনার কাছে থাকে। যেহেতু ডেটাবেজ পিসিতে জমা হয়, তাই আপনার রোগীর তথ্য আপনার কাছে নিরাপদ থাকছে। অফলাইন প্রেসক্রিপশন স
Posted by: Farzana Yesmin
The present Footwear Shop Management Software is able to make searching process easier and storing data in more secure way. The current footwear store management system manually keeps all data related to sales, purchase, employee details, payment details and their customer details in each different file. All the operations are performed using the concept of file keeping and work performed using pen and paper.
Posted by: Farzana Yesmin
There seems to be no end to the problems in the professional life of doctors with disease and patient management. The software can solve many problems of a doctor. With that Software, you can create beautiful prescriptions as well as record all the history of the patient. In 2008, Extreme Solutions created Prescription Management software (PrescribeRx) which has proven to be an integral part of the lives of hundreds of doctors over the past 12 years. Doctors from many countries around the worl
Posted by: Farzana Yesmin
ডাক্তারদের পেশাগত জীবনে রোগ ও রোগী ব্যবস্থাপনা নিয়ে সমস্যার যেন শেষ নেই। একটি সফটওয়্যারই পারে একজন ডাক্তারের অনেকগুলো সমস্যার সমাধান দিতে। যে সফটওয়্যারের মাধ্যমে সুন্দর প্রেসক্রিপশন তৈরীর করার পাশাপাশি রোগীর যাবতীয় ইতিহাস লিপিবদ্ধ করে নিতে পারবেন। ২০০৮ সালে এক্সট্রিম সলিউশন্স তৈরী করেছে প্রেসক্রিপশন ম্যানেজমেন্ট (PrescribeRx) সফটওয়্যার, বিগত ১২ বছরে যা সত্যিকার ভাবে শত শত ডাক্তারের জীবনের অবিচ্ছেদ্য অংশ হিসেবে প্রমাণিত হয়েছে। বাংলাদেশ সহ বিশ্বের অনেকগুলো দেশের ডাক্তারগণ আমাদের PrescribeR
Posted by: Farzana Yesmin
বর্তমানে সাফল্য যেন একটা সোনার হরিণ,সফলতা পেতে কেইবা না চায়। তাই এই সফলতার পিছনে একজন প্রযুক্তিব্যবহারকারী হিসেবে, হতে পারে তা কম্পিউটার কিংবা স্মার্টফোন। আপনার মনে কখনো না কখনো এই প্রশ্নটি নিশ্চয় এসেছে যে, এই মোবাইল বা কম্পিউটার গুলো কিভাবে কাজ করে আর কিভাবেই বা এগুলো আমাদের কঠিন কঠিন কাজ খুব সহজেই করে ফেলতে পারে? ঠিক ধরেছেন আমাদের আজকের বিষয় হলো সফটওয়্যার নিয়ে।
Posted by: Farzana Yesmin
আজকাল ইন্ডাস্ট্রিয়াল ও ট্রেডিং বেজড প্রায় সব ব্যবসায়িক অটোমেশনের জন্য ERP সফটওয়্যার এর জয়জয়কার। এখন বেশিরভাগ ভাল কোম্পানিতেই সফটওয়্যার অটোমেশন এর জন্য বিভিন্ন ERP সফটওয়্যার ব্যবহার হচ্ছে। এক্সট্রিম সলিউশনস বাংলাদেশের একটি অন্যতম ERP সফটওয়্যার নির্মাতা প্রতিষ্ঠান হিসেবে সুপরিচিত। অধিকাংশ ERP ব্যবহারকারীরা এক্সট্রিম সলিউশনস কতৃক নির্মিত XERP সফটওয়্যারটিকে বাংলাদেশের শীর্ষ ERP সফটওয়্যার হিসেবে ধারণা করে।
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
As healthcare systems around the world grapple with the coronavirus, ‘virtual-first healthcare’ is fast becoming the global response of private and public healthcare systems alike. Historically, telemedicine can be traced back to the mid to late 19th century with one of the first published accounts occurring in the early 20th century when electrocardiograph data were transmitted over telephone wires. Telemedicine, in its modern form, started in the 1960s in large part driven by the
Posted by: Mohammad Rayhan Bin Ferdous
Today is an era of digitalization. All the sectors are being digitalized by the grace of technology. Doctors are also using technologies for their surgeries and analytical activities. But for the daily patient management they often use handwritten prescription. Most of the times patient failed to understand the handwriting and sometimes they face some problems for that. Government also enforced law to make a clear handwriting prescription for the patients. So the necessity for patient manageme
Posted by: Mohammad Rayhan Bin Ferdous
Digital Marketing Service Do you want to promote your brands or product online and increase your sales? We can help you to make your company. Promote your products online with our expert Digital marketing service in Chittagong. We provide SEO, google advertisement, facebook marketing, product catalog design, digital email marketing services etc.
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
Extreme Solutions has developed more than 20 types of ERP software in Last 15 years. Their product line included world class ERP solutions for both Customizable and SAAS based software. The team is very professional with experienced software engineers. Some of the best ERP software developed by Extreme Solutions available in the market are: XERP Z Series: ERP Software for Garments/Textile Industries
Posted by: Akter Uddin Rony
একটি স্কুল ম্যানেজমেন্ট সফটওয়্যার থেকে স্কুলের প্রশাসক, ছাত্র, শিক্ষক, আভিবাবক সবাই উপকার পেতে পারে। একটি সঠিক স্কুল ম্যানেজমেন্ট সফটওয়্যারই শুধু এটা পারে। কিভাবে এটা ছাত্র ছাত্রীর উপকারে আসতে পারে সেটি একটু জানা যাক: ছাত্রছাত্রী তথ্য একটি স্কুলের ছাত্রছাত্রীদের অনেক তথ্য সংরক্ষন করতে হয়। উপস্থিতি, স্বাস্থ্যের তথ্য, গ্রেড, শৃঙ্খলা, কৃতিত্ব ইত্যাদির তথ্য সংরক্ষন ও ব্যবহার করার প্রয়োজন পড়ে। এই সমূদয় তথ্যের সঠিক সংরক্ষন ও ব্যবহার করা মানে হলো এটি যখন প্রয়োজন হবে তখনই যেন খুঁজে পাওয়া যায় আর এ
Posted by: Nizam Uddin Emon
EXTREME SOLUTIONS is a self-confident software development company. We have 15 years exprience of work in software development. It is one of the best software companies in Bangladesh. Which has responded to world-class pioneers. Extreme Office Management Software has come up with the ultimate solution to make business companies work easier.
Posted by: Nizam Uddin Emon
The point of sale (POS) is the time and place where a retail transaction is completed. At the point of sale, the merchant calculates the amount owed by the customer, indicates that amount, may prepare an invoice for the customer, and indicates the options for the customer to make payment. By the time being everything is going paperless, so in this consent point of sale also developed into desktop version and mobile version. For the rising demand for E-commerce, everyone is getting attached to
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
PrescribeRx is a personalized EHR software is the best solution for doctors to analyze & treat patients using computerized EHR technologies. The prescription writing & medical records management Software is the most popular medical practice management system in Bangladesh. The main benefit of PrescribeRx EMR software is- the system is fully customizable as per your data interaction needs. We will personalize the software data entry and reporting system upon your requirem
Posted by: Akter Uddin Rony
There are many companies providing medicine shop management software in Bangladesh. Extreme Solutions has been providing POS (Point of Sales) software named ExtremePOS since 2008. Specifically providing the shop management system to superstores, pharmacy, distribution house, hardware & auto-parts businesses etc. Therefore, ExtremePOS is one of the best shop management system- POS software in Bangladesh. You can install a free trial version of the windows based PO
Posted by: Akter Uddin Rony
It’s hard to believe that our medical sector still attempting to get through the day by using a paper-based system, especially when computers, data storage, and networking is so affordable these days. A prescription writing software will help you to shortening your hassle & embarrasment as well. You can manage your daily attended patients like a hospital outdoor. Now a days we are living in a era of digitalization. Why should our medical sector fall behind? Its time to get digitalize
Posted by: Shamima Yasmin. Rima
Every Business Needs an accountant: ExtremeOFFICE is your virtual accountant Its normal that your accountant is managing your accounts related issue, but did you ever think that "WOW! My Accountant providing me instant & flawless report"? No one can ensure that his accounts department can maintain a instant reporting system. If you demand for a instant report it might take 3 hours extra work & that times productivity of your employee. Bit a software always can p
Posted by: Shamima Yasmin. Rima
ExtremePOS is Best Small Business POS Systems. Connect your POS system to all the latest point of sale hardware – cash registers, receipt printers, barcode ... Run the best retail with ExtremePOS software. We recommend ExtremePOS for small businesses needing a low-cost POS system that supports all sales & inventory of your shop at a glance. ExtremePOS is Perfect POS software for all types of stores. Stores can be:
Posted by: Shamima Yasmin. Rima
Best ERP Software for production oriented companies in Bangladesh XERP is an industrial ERP Software for Garments, Textiles, Plastic Container Manufacturing & Flour Mills in Bangladesh. Best ERP Software Solutions Company in Bangladesh and Web based ERP Software in Dhaka Bangladesh. XERP Software simplifies business complexity and financial management with industry-leading business software, available on-premise or in the cloud. We already have developed complete ERP software solutions for
Posted by: Akter Uddin Rony
এক্সট্রিম সলিউশন্স চট্টগ্রামে মাইক্রোসফট ক্লাউড সলিউশন্স প্রোভাইডার। ব্যাবসায়িক হিসাব রক্ষণ থেকে শুরু করে উৎপাদন ভিত্তিক প্রতিষ্ঠান এমনকি চিকিৎসাক্ষেত্রেও প্রযুক্তিগত সহায়তায় আমাদের ১০ টির ও বেশি তৈরি সফটওয়্যার বিদ্যমান। নিচে সফটওয়্যার গুলো সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জানতে পারবেন। উল্লেখযোগ্য সফটওয়্যার গুলো হচ্ছেঃ 1. ই আর পি (প্লাস্টিক ইন্ডাস্ট্রি, ফুড ইন্ডাস্ট্রি, গার্মেন্টস ইন্ডাস্ট্রি)
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
Imagine a personalized and safe prescribing system that allows to easily create and print prescriptions quickly and efficiently that makes life more productive. The electronic prescription writing software will also craft relationship between physician, patients and pharmacies with the help of automated prescription writing and efficient patient management system. Our software engineers made it possible under supervision of specialized and experienced doctors by combining essential
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
As a Microsoft partner in Bangladesh, EXTREME SOLUTIONS has brought the most innovative technologies for Garments Manufacturing industries. 1. Cloud Email Solutions with Microsoft Office 365 suite and many other business collaboration tools at a very resonable prices. 2. Garments ERP Software with complete features for apparels industries management at attractive prices.
Posted by: Shamima Yasmin. Rima
বাংলাদেশের কিছু সফটওয়্যার কোম্পানি ERP এর ই বুঝে না ভুং ভাং মেরে ৪০/৫০ হাজার টাকার ইন্ডিয়ান ERP নিয়ে লাফালাফি করছে! অথচ আমাদের একেকটা অনলাইন প্রোডাকশন ERP ডেভেলপ করতে ৫ লাখ টাকার উপরে খরচই পড়ে। আমাদের ক্লায়েন্টদের অধিকাংশই এসব সফটওয়্যার ব্যাবহারের পূর্ব অভজ্ঞতা নিয়ে কাষ্টমাইজড ERP তে হাত দিচ্ছে। ইদানিং কোন কোয়েরি আসলে ERP কি জিনিস বেশি বলা না লাগলেও দাম শুনেই অনেকে হতাশ হন , অথচ বাংলাদেশেরই একটি কোম্পানি ৬ কোটি টাকা দিয়ে জার্মানি থেকে ERP কিনেছে যার পেছনে বাৎসরিক ব
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
Bulk SMS help you to reach the number of people with a single click! Bulk SMS is commonly used for alerts, reminders, marketing. These types of SMS Service is basically used by Media, Companies, Bank. Bulk SMS from Extreme Solutions: Extreme Solutions is a cheap Bulk SMS Service Provider in Bangladesh with web API. We offer single, group, and bulk SMS to end users at a competitive cost. A bulk SMS service is a perfect way to increase sales for your business
Posted by: Shamima Yasmin. Rima
Bulk SMS Marketing is an essential ingredient for any successful marketing campaign, with 98% of messages opened within the first three minutes of delivery. For business, the impact of text message penetration is now greater than ever before. According to Search Engine Journal consumers who are sent text messages have a 40% higher conversion rate than those who are not sending text messages.
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
Extreme Solutions provides the most comprehensive garment manufacturing GMS for the industry. It helps manage all business processes while keeping you prepared for the latest trends and technology changes. GMS system for garment manufacturing streamlines the garment manufacturing business and integrates information across departments and locations. Web-based GMS system provides customizable application, which efficiently manages the complete product lifecycle from sourcing and p
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
সফটওয়্যার তৈরি এবং বিক্রয়। ব্যবসা-বানিজ্য, হিসাব-নিকাশ, লেন-দেন ইত্যাদি প্রায় সব বিষয় প্রতিনিয়তই সফটওয়্যার নির্ভরশীল হয়ে উঠছে। সফটওয়্যার আপনার চাহিদা এবং যোগানকে অনেক সহজলভ্য করে তুলছে। তাই আমাদের সকল ব্যবসা-বানিজ্য এবং পরিসেবার খাতগুলো সফটওয়্যার নির্ভর হয়ে উঠবে। আপনার প্রতিষ্ঠান সুন্দরভাবে পরিচালনা করার জন্য একটি সফটওয়্যারই যথেষ্ট। Extreme Solutions, তৈরি করে দিচ্ছে সবচেয়ে কমখরচে আপনার চাহিদামত সফটওয়্যার। যে কোন ধরনের সফটওয়্যার তৈরি করার জন্য এবং রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ করার জন্য নিশ্চিন্ত
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
যে কাজ করতে কয়েকজন লোকের কয়েক দিন সময় লাগত, তা মুহূর্তেই হিসাব করে বের করতে পারে সফটওয়্যার। ছোট-বড় সব ধরনের প্রতিষ্ঠানেই তাই সফটওয়্যারের ব্যবহার বাড়ছে। এ ক্ষেত্রে আগে আমদানিনির্ভর হলেও এখন দেশেই তৈরি হচ্ছে এ ধরনের সফটওয়্যার। ব্যবস্থাপনা সফটওয়্যার সাধারণত নির্দিষ্ট প্রতিষ্ঠানের কাজের প্রক্রিয়া ও ব্যবস্থাপনার আলোকে করা হয়, যার কারণে বিদেশি বা রেডিমেট সফটওয়্যার সেসব কাজে ফলপ্রসূ হয় না। নির্দিষ্ট প্রতিষ্ঠানের চাহিদার ভিত্তিতে বিশেষভাবে তৈরি এসব সফটওয়্যার বিভিন্ন দামে কিনতে হয়। এক প্রতিষ্ঠান
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
মাইক্রোসফটের অফিস ৩৬৫ একটি সম্পূর্ণ ক্লাউড সার্ভিস প্রোডাক্ট। অ্যাপ্লিকেশনটি ব্যবহার করে কোনো প্রতিষ্ঠান আরও বেশি ডায়নামিক হতে পারবে। এটি একত্রে কাজ করার আবহ সৃষ্টি করে। অফিস ৩৬৫ এ যতগুলো ফিচার আছে, তা ব্যবহারের ক্ষেত্রে মাইক্রোসফট অফিস যারা আগে ব্যবহার করেছেন, তাদের ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহারে কোনো সমস্যাই হবে না। অফিস ৩৬৫ এর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সব ফিচার ফাইল শেয়ার করার ক্ষেত্রে অফিস ৩৬৫ এক যুগান্তকারী সুবিধা নিয়ে এসেছে।
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
Office 365 Business Essentials only @500 BDT Per Month Office 365 Business Essentials works best with the latest version of Office, Office 2013, and Office 2011 for Mac. Previous versions of Office, such as Office 2010 and Office 2007, may work with Office 365 with reduced functionality. You do not need a desktop version of Office to use Office 365 Business Essentials. However, you will receive a much richer experience and be able to work offline if you do connect a desktop versio
Posted by: Shamima Yasmin. Rima
গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকারের স্বাস্থ্য অধিদপ্তর কর্তৃক সহজবোধ্য ভাবে প্রেসক্রিপশন লেখার নির্দেশ প্রদান পূর্বক ২৮ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০১৭ বিজ্ঞপ্তি জারি করা হয়। এতে ঔষধের নাম স্পষ্ট ও বড় হরফে লেখার সুস্পষ্ট নির্দেশ রয়েছে। কিন্ত কতটুকু স্পষ্টাক্ষরে লিখলে তা রোগীকে সঠিক ঔষুধ খুঁজে পেতে সহায়তা করবে, তা নির্ধারণ করা কঠিন। হঠাৎ করে হাতের লেখা পরিবর্তন করাও কষ্টসাধ্য। এক্ষেত্রে চিকিৎসকরা প্রযুক্তির সহায়তা নিয়ে কম্পিউটারাইজড ডিজিটাল প্রেসক্রিপশন তৈরী করতে পারেন। সফটওয়্যার ভিত্তিক প্রেসক্রিপশন তৈরী করলে অনে
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
পয়েন্ট অফ সেলস্ বাংলাদেশের একটি স্বনামধন্য ( POS ) সফটওয়্যার, আপনি কি এমন একটি ব্যবসার মালিক যেখানে আপনাকে পণ্য ক্রয়, বিক্রয় করতে হয়, ক্রয় বা বিক্রয় করা পণ্যের রির্পোট দেখতে হয় এবং স্টক ম্যানেজ করতে হয়? তাহলে পয়েন্ট অফ সেলস্ আপনার ব্যবসার জন্য একটি আদর্শ সফ্টওয়্যার, এটি আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে প্রশংসিত একাউন্টিং সফটওয়্যার ব্র্যান্ড। কম খরচ এবং স্মার্ট অ্যাকাউন্টিং হচ্ছে সফ্টওয়্যারটির বৈশিষ্ট্য, আপনি এ সফ্টওয়্যারটি সহজে সেটআপ করে আপনার ব্যবসা-প্রতি্ষ্ঠানে ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন।
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
ব্যবসার সাফল্যের মূল হল ব্যবসার খুঁটিনাটি সব কিছুর হিসাব রাখা নির্ভুল ভাবে। ব্যবসার একটা গুরুত্ব পূর্ণ উপাদান হল টাকা। ব্যবসা হল একটা জীবন্ত জীবের মত। বেঁচে থাকার জন্য যেমন খাদ্য লাগে তেমনি ব্যবসারও টিকে থাকার জন্য খাদ্য লাগে। আর সেই খাদ্য হল ভাল কর্ম পরিকল্পনা ও টাকা। তাই ব্যবসার টাকা কিভাবে খারচ হচ্ছে সেটার পুরোপুরি হিসাব আপনার থাকতেই হবে। আর ইনভেস্ট করা টাকা আপনার ব্যবসার স্বাস্থ্য ভাল করছে নাকি খারাপ করছে সেটার থেকেই আপনি আপনার ব্যবসায়িক পরিকল্পনা ঠিক করতে পারবেন। কারন বেশি বা অপরিকল্পিত
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
ই আর পি সফটওয়্যার হলো একটি ব্যবসা প্রতিষ্ঠান ব্যবস্থাপনা পরিকল্পনা এবং পরিচালনা মূলক সফটওয়্যার। Extreme Solutions বাংলাদেশের একমাত্র প্রতিষ্ঠান যারা সম্পূর্ণ দেশীয় মেধা/রিসোর্স ব্যাবহার করে ই আর পি‘র মত বড় মাপের একটি সহজ সলিউশন তৈরি করেছে। আমাদের দেশের মেধাবী সফটওয়্যার ইঞ্জিনিয়ার, ডেভেলপারদের একসাথে করে XERP ডেভেলপ করা হয়েছে। একটা সময় বাংলাদেশের স্থানীয় এবং বহুজাতিক প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলো বিদেশী সফটওয়্যার ব্যবহার করতে বাধ্য ছিল। দেশীয় সফটওয়্যারের প্রতি তাদের আস্থা কম ছিল, কিন্তু 'Extreme
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
কেন CRM সফটওয়্যার ব্যবহার করবেন? CRM (কাস্টমার রিলেশনশীপ ম্যানেজমেন্ট) এই সফটওয়্যারটির দ্বারা আপনি আপনার ব্যবসা প্রতিষ্ঠানের সকল তথ্য এবং অফিস স্টাফদের সকল এক্টিভিটিস পর্যবেক্ষন সহকারে তাদের ও আপনার নিজের কাস্টমারদের এবং কাজের একটি ডাটাবেজ সংরক্ষন করতে পারবেন। সি আর এম সফটওয়্যারটির মাধ্যমে আপনি যেসব সুবিধাগুলি পাবেনঃ ১। আপনি আপনার কাস্টমার প্রোফাইল দেখতে পারবেন।
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
HR & Payroll সফটওয়্যারটি সম্পূর্ণ অনলাইন বেসড। সফটওয়্যারটির সাথে সকল প্রয়োজনীয় ফিচার এবং বেনিফিট অন্তর্ভুক্ত আছে। সফটওয়ারটির মাধ্যমে একটি প্রতিষ্ঠানের সকল কর্মচারী এর ডাটাবেজ তৈরী করা যাবে। যেমন প্রত্যেক কর্মচারী এর বাক্তিগত তথ্য, যোগাযোগের তথ্য, ব্যাংক একাউন্ট এর তথ্য ইত্যাদি রাখা যাবে। কর্মচারীদের ডিপার্টমেন্ট অনুযায়ী শ্রেণীবদ্ধ করা যাবে। আলাদা ভাবে এ্যাটেনডেন্স, ওভারটাইম ও ছুটির বিবরণ রাখা যাবে। বেতন কাঠামো প্রক্রিয়াকরণের জন্য কর্মচারীদের বিভিন্ন ডিপার্টমেন্ট এর একাধিক বেতন কাঠামো
Posted by: Jafar Ahammed
Purchase Management
Import LC & Local Purchase
Manufacturer & Supplier Setup
Import Agent & CNF Setup
LC Insurance & Banks
Local Purchase Entry
Purchase & LC Items Return Return
Payment: Suppliers, CNF Agent, Bank etc.
Payment Cheque Processing
Party Balance Adjustment
LC Expense Heads Setup & Expenses Entry
LC General Info
LC Amendment
LC Costing Calculation: Duty, CNF Commission, Insurance, Bank Charges & Others.
Local Purchase & LC Reports
Purchase History: Suppliers, Agents, Item Group, Products etc.
LC Status
Payment Status & history
Party Credit List
Date-wise Purchase
Supplier Ledger
Item-wise Actual Costing
LC wise Profit Statement
Payment-Cheque Status
Upload and Search any LC/LP related documents
Inventory (Warehouse) Management Module
Warehouses Info Setup
Provision for multiple godown Stock
Set Existing Products Opening Stock
Spare Parts Received
Spare Parts Storage
Stock Quantity Adjustment (Auto-parts, wastage, processed, finished etc.)
Stock-in Under LC or Local Purchase
Godown to godown item transfer
Production & Quality Management Module
Bill of Materials Entry (BOM List)
Auto costing assumption based upon item costing
Production Order No. assignment
Production Parts receive link with inventory
Quality Parameter input system
Line/ Station wise issuing of items
QC Quality Data Input
QC Final Pass
Repair Reprocess
Vehicle tracking with VIN number
Overall Maintenance
Finished Product storage
Final product receive after QC Pass
Final product storage
Final Product issue to RANGS Limited as per requisition
Return product receive and reprocess facility.
Note: There is Also Provision for Manually Adjust Materials from Stock by requisition.
Financial Accounting System
Banks Accounts Information
4 Steps Chart of Accounts (Group, Control, Sub-Accounts, Accounts Head)
Auto Head Selection By Voucher Particulars
Dual Entry Vouchering System
Voucher entry and Day Books
Auto & editable narration for voucher description
Voucher Cancellation Provision
Accounts Group
Control Accounts
Accounts Head
Debtors Ledger
Creditors Ledger
Debtors & Creditors Summery
Auto Voucher entry from Other Financial Activities
Day Book (Daily Collection / Expenditure Summery)
Bank Book
Financial Statements
Chart of Accounts
Ledger Book (by Group, Control A/C, Subsidiary A/C & A/C heads)
Income Statement
Cash-flow Statements
Profit and Loss Accounts
Balance Sheet
Trial Balance
Date-wise & Individual Voucher Report with canceled voucher
Human Resources Management with Payroll
Employee Designation Setup (For Admin, Supervisor etc.)
Working Hour/ Shift Setup
Employment Type for Fixed or work-based Salary (Casual & Permanent)
Employee Profile With Photo
Search Employee Data for Possible match with previous records
Rate/Salary Info for Casual & Permanent Employees
Auto Salary Generation upon Service/ Work (Daily/ Monthly)
Prepare Pay Slip & Salary Sheet Including Other Benefits
Payment to Employee (Salary, Advance, Convince etc.)
Daily Attendance Posting with Scheduling, Tasks & Status etc.
Performance analysis with Production time waste report.
Purchase Management Module
Supplier Info
Auto generate purchase list by items re-order level settings
Purchase requisition entry by Order number
Purchase requisition approval
Local purchase entry & item receive to stock
Purchased items return
Recent purchase record searching for any product
Track items warranty
Payment to suppliers
Payment Cheque Processing
Party Balance Adjustment
Party Ledger & Credit List
Item-wise Actual Costing
Upload and Search any LC/LP related documents
Orders & Shipment Management Module
Create contract by Contract No.
Customer order creation (PO) against Contract number
Order scheduling by PO
Submit materials indent against PO
PO & contract Status Monitoring
Cancel PO, Re-open closed PO
Delivery Order (for Shipment) against PO/ Contract No.
Provision for Invoicing without PO (for excess or rejected items)
Create PI for Export
Create export LC from PI (with amendment provision)
Container Loading (Finished Items Stock-out)
Print Challan by Container
Money Collection against LC
Provision For Money adjustment, Discount, Tax, VAT, TDS & VDS
Calculate Cost of Goods sold according to contracts/ PO
Sales Statements (Item, Date & Party-wise)
Contract History (Delivered/Pending)
Collection History
Customer Analysis and The Best Customer Reporting.
Customer Relationship Management Module
Customer details info
Customer brands
Sales representative info
Country & Zones
Delivery Locations
Sales Lead Creation
Submit Quotation
Sample Requisition
Courier Tracking
Sample Submission Result Follow-up
Deal closed (Order Confirmed/ Rejected)
Customer complain received log
Document Library: Storage of customers’ documents
Send occasional Email Greetings to customers
Historical Data Analysis of Customers
Customer Wise Sales-Collection History
Customer Ledger & Credit List with Financial Summary
Warehouse & Inventory Management Module
A totally flexible and reliable Stores Management System with markup costing that helps the management understand any time Inventory Position with values across factories and stores.
Warehouses Info (Main Godown, Production Floor etc.)
Warehouse Areas in Warehouses
Provision for multiple godown Stock
Stock tracking by Item Quantity & Weight
Stock-in Under LC or Local Purchase
Set/ Adjust Existing Products Current Stock
Item issue to Production floor against contract number
Track unused items in Production floor
Godown to godown item transfer
Warehouses Stock Position for any date
Current Stock Position by Group, Sub-Group, Category, Grade & Products
Date Wise Stock Register (item in/out history)
Stock by Godown Name
Stock Valuation/ Costing
LC/LP wise product stocking
Production & Quality Management Module
Production sections
Production lines
Machines Info Setup
Shifts by sections
Sample Library
Bill of Materials Entry (BOM List)
Material requisition & issue for production
Customer Order No. tracking in production
Hourly Production Entry with rejection quantity (Finishing)
Daily production report by hour, line & Order No.
Raw materials consumption from Sample Library BOM list
Auto costing assumption based upon item costing
QC Final Pass & barcode/ price-tag assignment
Recycling rejected products
Finished Product storage/ Final product receive after QC Pass
Efficiency/ Performance tracking by Supervisor/ Line No.
Time waste tracking
Order No. & Item-wise daily production summary & details
Order No. & Item-wise daily RM consumption summary & details
Repair & Maintenance Department Module
Machine & Vehicle Info Setup
Machine received for repair/ maintenance
Machine/ Vehicle Group-wise spare parts setup
Machine list for repair with complain & current status
Purchase requisition for spare parts
Scheduling maintenance by advanced date
Machine status update
Gate Pass with Barcode
Track all repair & maintenance history
Daily Attendances Entry.
Easy to Assign Employees Leaves after requesting through software
Easy to Assign Employee Promotion & Increments
Easy to Assign Bonus Information
Monthly Salary Sheet Processing
Overtime & Double duty Processing
Monthly Salary Sheet Reprocessing
Other Benefits Entry
Payment to Staffs
Deduction from Employees
Keep Employee Information with Photo
Provision for Salary Setup and fixed benefits.
Assigning Employee-wise in-out time
Daily Attendances Entry.
Easy to Assign Employees Leaves after requesting through software
Easy to Assign Employee Promotion & Increments
Easy to Assign Bonus Information
Monthly Salary Sheet Processing
Overtime & Double duty Processing
Monthly Salary Sheet Reprocessing
Other Benefits Entry
Payment to Staffs
Deduction from Employees.
Employee Information Bio-data with Picture.
Staff’s Monthly Attendances with Payment
Bonus Information As Company Required.
Monthly Salary Sheet
Monthly Overtime Sheet with Departments
Generates Employee wise Salary Pay Slip.
Leaves History with Department or Individual
Attendance History
Employee Ledger
Employee related any other Sales report (if needed)
Academic Information Management
- School Information Setup
- Stuffs & Teachers Profile with Photo (with Department & Designations)
- Class Setup with ID Code
- Sections Setup by Class
- Subjects Setup by Class (Including Optional Subjects)
- Management Committee with Governing Bodies
- Stuff & Teachers Attendance with In-Out Time
- Salary Sheet Preparation
- Employee Tasks Management
- Session Setup
- Yearly Process
Students Subscription Management
- Unique ID for Each Student
- Students Profile Info with Photo, Signature & Guardian Signature
- Print Student Profile with Photo in Admission Form Format
- Student Admission/ Subscription Entry
- Enrollment & Re-Admission Entry
- Inactivate Student Profile (No Further Activities Allowed Until Reactivate)
- Fees & Discounts Assignment
- Assign to Classes & Sections
- Assign Roll Numbers
- Class & Section-wise Student List Reports
- Admit Card Printing
- ID Card Printing
- Search Student Directory (by Class, ID, Name, Roll, Gender, Religion etc.)
- Transfer Certificate Printing
- Check Student History (Attendance, Result, Due & Payments, Books Taken etc.) Subscription Management
XERP Sales Module
Sales, Export LC & Collection
- Setup: Customers, Brands, Sales Representative, Sales Zone, Delivery Points
- Set Customer Credit Limit by Maturity Days & Amounts.
- Provision For Create/Edit Delivery Order (DO) against PO
- Money Collection from Customers (By Cheque, Cash etc.)
- Order Status Monitoring
- Sales Invoice Generation according to DO
- Provision for Sales Entry without DO
- Create PI for Export
- Create LC from PI (with amendment provision)
- Sales Return/Adjustment
- Cancel DO, Re-open closed DO
- Sales Collection (Cash/Credit/Cheque/TT/Barter)
- Collection against LC
- Collection-Cheque Status (in hand/in bank/passed/bounced)
- M.R/ S.R & Location Based Sales Invoice
- Tracking Customer Credit limit & Day Limit For Sales Invoice Preparations
- Provision For Auto & Manual Discount
Sale Reports
- Print DO & Sales Invoice
- Sales Statement (Date & Party-wise)
- Customer Wise Sales-Collection History (Opening-During The Period-Balance )
- Customer Ledger
- Credit List with Financial Summery
- DO History (Delivered/Pending)
- Sales by Item Group, Categories, Products, Customers etc.
- Sales by Marketing Persons
- Collection By Cash, Cheque, DD, TT ETC.
- Dues/Credit tracking and aging of dues
- Cheque In and Out Tracking
- Provision Of Making The Cheque Dishonor
- Provision Of Again Placing Of Cheque For Dishonored Cheque
- Customer Analysis and The Best Customer Reporting.
Menu Architecture
Sub Menu |
Entry Form |
Setups |
Customers |
Customer Brands |
Sales Representatives |
Sales Zone |
Delivery Points |
Sales Order Entry |
Edit Sales Order |
Create New PI |
Update PI Info |
Create LLC from PI |
LLC Amendment |
Order Delivery |
Direct Invoicing |
Sales Return |
Close/Reopen PO/LLC |
Collections |
Sales Collection |
Collection From LC |
Cheque Processing |
Reports |
Sales by Items |
Sales by Pack-Size |
Pack-Size Sales Summery |
Sales by Item Grade |
Item Sales by Month |
Yearly Sales by Pack-Size |
Yearly Sales to Customers |
Yearly Sales by Grade & Company |
Sales by Grade & Company |
Customers Sales Summery |
Customers Sales Details |
PO By Date Range |
PO Items |
Pending Delivery Items |
Invoice By Date Range |
Invoice By Payment Status |
Search Invoice |
Credit List |
Customer Ledger |
Sales Collection History |
Purchase Module of XERP Software. The best ERP Software in Bangladesh.
Import LC Local Purchase
- Product Manufacturer & Supplier Setup
- Import Agent & CNF Setup
- LC Insurance & Banks
- Local Purchase Entry
- Purchase & LC Items Return Return
- Payment: Suppliers, CNF Agent, Bank etc.
- Payment Cheque Processing
- Party Balance Adjustment
- LC Expense Heads Setup & Expenses Entry
- LC General Info
- LC Amendment
- LC Costing Calculation: Duty, CNF Commission, Insurance, Bank Charges, Others.
Local Purchase & LC Reports
- Purchase History: Suppliers, Agents, Item Group, Products etc.
- LC Status
- Payment Status & history
- Party Credit List
- Date-wise Purchase
- Supplier Ledger
- Item-wise Actual Costing
- LC wise Profit Statement
- Payment-Cheque Status
Menu Structure
Setups |
Supplier Categories |
Manufacturers |
Import Agents |
CNF Agents |
Insurence Company |
Purchase Zones |
Referrers |
Vendors (Suppliers) |
Local Purchase |
Purchase Entry |
Purchase Edit |
Purchase Return |
Purchase Payment |
Cheque Processing |
Adjustment |
LC |
LC Expense Heads |
LC General Info |
LC Status Updates |
LC Amendment |
LC Expenses |
LC Finalization |
LC Payment |
Purchase Reports |
Purchase by Invoice |
Supplier Credit List |
Supplier Ledger |
Purchase by Products |
Party Payment History |
Search Purchase |
LC Reports |
LC By Date Range |
LC Detail View |
Item Costing Comparison |
LC Items History |
LC Payment History |
Search LC Info |
Inventory module of Cloud Based Industrial ERP Solution.
- Product Group Setup
- Product Categories Setup
- Product Grade Setup
- Product Information Setup
- Auto Code generation for products
- Search Information by grade, categories, groups
- Unit type conversion for products
- Warehouses Setup by Locations
- Set Opening Stock
- Stock Quantity Adjustment
- Provision for multiple godown Stock
- Easy Adjustment Provision of Purchase
- Stock-in Under LC or Local Purchase
- Godown to godown item transfer
Stock Reports
- Current Stock by Group, Category, Grade & Products
- Date Wise Stock Register (item in/out history)
- Stock by Godown
- Stock Valuation
- LC/LP wise product stocking
Menu Architecture
Product Setup |
Product Groups |
Product Sub-Group |
Product Grade |
Product Category |
Product Name |
Pack Size |
Units |
Ink Specifications |
Warehouses |
Warehouses Setup |
Store Areas |
Adjustment |
Raw Stock Adjustment |
Wastage Stock Adjustment |
Processed Item Adjustment |
Finished Stock Adjustment |
Machinery Stock Adjustment |
Others Stock Adjustment |
Reports |
Current Stock (Raw) |
Current Stock (Wastage) |
Current Stock (Processed) |
Current Stock (Finished) |
Current Stock (Machineries) |
Current Stock (Others) |
In-Out History (Raw) |
Transfer History |
Production Module
Production Material Consumption
- Production Costing Calculation
- Provision For Pre Fixed Raw Material Assumption
- For Preparation Each Ton of Finish Good
- Easy To Setup Raw Wastage % Per Finish Goods Production
- Auto Stock Deduct Based on Daily Finish Goods Production
- Auto Finish Goods Add On Finish Good Stock
Note: There is Also Provision for Manually Adjust Raw Material from Stock by requisitions Voucher & also provision for Finish Goods adjustment.
Raw-stock Production Reports
- Supervisor-wise Production Report
- Monthly Production Report (Item & Date wise)
- Raw Material Assumption (Each Ton)
- Detail Raw Stock Report With Purchase Values
- Costing of Daily Production (Actual Or Last Purchase Value Or Average)
Menu Architechture
Setups |
Sections |
Machines |
Lines |
Shifts |
Operations |
Colors |
Production Purposes |
Standard Production |
Production |
Shearing |
Offset Printing |
Power Press |
Round Tin |
Plastic Container |
Screen Print |
Plastic Finishing |
Reports |
Stock Register |
Hourly Production Report |
Employee Efficiency Report |
Production by Date |
Production by Sections |
Core Accounting System
- Banks Info
- 4 Steps Chart of Accounts (Group, Control, Sub-Accounts, Accounts Head)
- Auto Head Selection By Voucher Particulars
- Dual Entry Vouchering System
- Voucher entry and Day Books
- Voucher Approval
- Voucher Cancellation Provision
- Ledgers
- Accounts Group
- Control Accounts
- Sub-Accounts
- Accounts Head
- Debtors Ledger
- Creditors Ledger
- Debtors & Creditors Summery
- Auto Voucher entry from Other Financial Activities
- Day Book (Daily Collection / Expenditure Summery)
- Financial Statements
- Chart of Accounts
- Receipts & Payments
- Income Statement
- Cash-flow Statements
- Profit and Loss Accounts
- Balance Sheet
- Trial Balance
- Date-wise & Individual Voucher Report with canceled voucher
- Net Position of Funds
Menu Architechture
Setups |
Subsidiary Accounts |
Control Accounts |
Accounts Head Setup |
Banks Setup |
Bank Accounts |
Particulars |
Data Entry |
Voucher Entry |
Voucher Edit |
Reports |
Chart of Accounts |
Trial Balance |
PL Account |
Income Statement |
Balance Sheet |
A/C Group Ledger |
Sub A/C Ledger |
Control A/C Ledger |
A/C Head Ledger |
Cancelled Vouchers |
Voucher by Date |
Payroll & Human Resources Management System in XERP Software
- Employee Designation Setup (For Admin, Supervisor, Worker etc.)
- Working Hour/ Shift Setup
- Employment Type for Fixed or work-based Salary (Casual & Permanent)
- Employee Profile With Photo
- Search Employee Data for Possible match with previous records
- Rate/Salary Info for Casual & Permanent Employees
- Auto Salary Generation upon Service/ Work (Daily/ Monthly)
- Prepare Pay Slip & Salary Sheet Including Other Benefits
- Payment to Employee (Salary, Advance, Convince etc.)
- Daily Attendance Posting with Scheduling, Tasks & Status etc.
Setups |
Employee Departments |
Sections |
Designations |
Rules & Regulations |
Duty Shifts |
Holidays |
Employee Setup |
Promotion/Termination |
Bonus Setup |
Data Entry |
Daily Attendance |
Edit Employee Attendance |
Monthly Attendance |
Salary Processing |
Bonus Processing |
Pay to Employee |
Reports |
List of Employees |
Salary Sheet |
Pay-Slip |
Employee Ledger |
Attendance History |
Employee Applications |
Document Library |
LC |
PO |
Purchase |
Others |
Search Doc Library |
Setups |
Address Book |
Task Scheduler |
Expense Heads |
Complain Categories |
Data Entry |
Customer Queries |
Customer Support |
New Campaign |
Email to Customer |
Campaign Expenses |
Facts Module
Declarations |
Price Declaration |
Consumptions |
Consumption Statistics |
Print Impresion |
Reduce/MTT/Thiner |
Ink Consumption |
Coating, Varnish, Sizeetc |
Measurements |
Tin Sheet Measurement |
Standard Height Spec. |
XERP Software Administration System
Setups |
Country Setup |
City Setup |
Company Info |
Main Menu |
Sub Menu |
Form Settings |
Notice & Messages |
Post News to Scroll |
Send Message to User |
Edit News |
All News Updates |
Received Messages |
Users & Security |
Permission Level |
Create Login Profile |
User Permissions |
Block User |
Reset Password |
User Login History |
User Activity Log |
Admin Reports |
Important Documents |
Maintenance |
Data Backup |
Coach Setup (Vehicle Info)
Coach Setup (Vehicle Info) Setup (Vehicle Info)
Route Setup (Location, Counters, Fares)
Route Setup (Location, Counters, Fares)
XFSM will convert your existing Fuel & Gas station into an intelligent and automated service station. Best filling stations management system to run your business smoothly.
XFSM- Iot Based Modern Filling Station Management System
Gas Filling Station & Petrol Pump management software with flexibility to run filling station with business complexities.
Traditional Filling Stations face a lot of problems for looking after delivery and stocks, calculating transactions and keeping track of activities efficiently.
XFSM is a complete IoT based solution for modern Fuel & Gas station’s management. We will convert your existing Fuel & Gas station into an intelligent and automated service station.
No need to remove your existing assets and resources or reinvest for dispensers or ATG’s. After the transformation, you will be able to manage everything smartly and with confidence.
The IoT devices will be seamlessly integrated for sending data into a central database, from where you will be able to analyze and monitor your complete business data.
Using XFSM Mobile app, all your service station’s data will be available to you from anywhere you want to access. The system can notify you in your mobile for any notifications you desire.
Fully scalable end-to-end software automation solution for filling service stations. The software is designed for petrol pump and fuel retailers in Bangladesh for flexible and simple filling station management solution.
Benefits of filling station management software
Instantly get each dispenser meter reading (auto counted in software)
Instantly get fuel tanks inventory from software
Control activity of cashiers and fuel attendants to avoid stealing
Many analytical reports over petrol station operation easy and convenient
Get all your accounting status instantly
Keep all track records of credit customers
Our filling station management software can keep record of all kind of inventory process such as:
Fuel products inventory
Lubricant and other products inventory
CNG Monthly billing system
Fuel Purchase along with facility to put all kinds of deductions and expenses related to each purchase.
Gain Loss for liquid fuel products such as petrol and diesel
Cash and credit sale invoice nozzle wise
Lubricant and other products sales, purchase invoices
A well defined created chart of accounts
Credit Voucher (Cash Receiving Voucher)
Debit Voucher (Cash Payment Voucher)
Journal Voucher
Separate bank vouchers
Bank Deposit Voucher
Cheque Issue Voucher
Account Ledgers
Cash book
Receivables + Payables Reports
Auto Trial Balance
Auto Profit & Loss
Balance Sheet
Monthly Expense Chart
Current stock report shows you updated stock of each product any time
Stock transaction report gives you summary of complete stock transaction
Fuel purchases gives you details of all kinds of fuel purchases
Fuel sale summary
Lubricants, CNG Kits and all other products purchase report
Lubricants, CNG Kits and all other products sales report
Daily business activity
For more details about the filling station management software, please call us +88 01613 987363
Panel Transfer Charge
Cloud accounting software in Bangladesh featured with CRM, billing, sales, purchase, inventory, and financial accounts management system.
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Accounting Software in Bangladesh
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Recommended package’s price is 15 USD per month or 150 USD per year! For more details about the software please visit the website:
Extreme OFFICE software focuses on total accounting, client communications, sales & accounting system. The scope of this software also covers digital marketing automation, managing employee tasks to customer relationship, employee attendance, website content management system etc. A CRM system can also become a powerful tool for deep business analysis for confident decisions making in complex business systems.
Extreme OFFICE CRM part manages a complete database of your customers. Manage various kinds of activity with your clients like an invoicing, follow up note, activity history, key contacts, customer communications, internal account function etc.
Manage your marketing team, team leader, marketing manager etc, can have the privilege of each type of user.
Cloud Accounting Software Features list
Customer database
Product management
Purchase and sale management
Income-expense management
Bank cash
Collection payment
Day book
Ledger book
Business plan
Employee Information
Salary sheet
Work Tracking and Team Work
Sales and Product Plan
Marketing Campaign
Godown set up
Stock in-out
Opening stock
Stock Position Report
Stock Ledger
Product stock
Chart of accounts
Trial Balance
Income Statement
Balance sheet
Net Equity Statement
Accounts Ledger
Account balance
Free SMS
Best accounting software in Bangladesh packed with features and customized for you to achieve your sales goal. Accounting, ERP, HR, Payroll, Sales, Procurement, Software, CRM, Inventory, Management,, Web Site Design, Website Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh, UK, Australia, USA, Canada, Web Site Company.
To use Online Accounting Software in Bangladesh,please register at website.
We are open from 10am — 7pm week days.
Extreme Solutions
Wali Mansion (4th fl.), Over Computer Heaven
600 Sheikh Mujib Road, Agrabad,
Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Info: +88 01613 987363 (Sales), +88 01977 251582 (Marketing)
Support Team: +88 01680 794707 (Software), 01941 279343 (Web)
Landline: +88 031 712114 (Billing & Accounts)
USA Contact: +1(315) 988 0096, +1(315) 985 4707
Best auto-parts software in Bangladesh for automobile spare parts inventory & accounting using by many auto parts companies in Dhaka & Chittagong.
Auto Parts Inventory with Accounting Software
Auto-parts sales & inventory management software for automobile spare parts importers & distributors. Using by many autoparts companies in Dhaka & Chittagong of Bangladesh.
Auto Parts accounting Software covers following areas:
Supplier Management
LC Management
Customer Management
Sales/ Distribution Management
Inventory Management Module
Accounts Management Module
Reporting & Statements Module
Software Administration & Security Management
Price of the Auto Parts Software
60,000 taka for lifetime
1 year free service & supports
Any extra reports required by company
Lifetime guarantee for runtime errors
12,000 taka for yearly service contract (optional)

Product Setup in Auto Parts Inventory Software

Sales Entry in Auto Parts Inventory Software

For demo of the software, please contact +88 01613 987363
Feature & Details of Auto-Parts Inventory Software
Login Form |
ID & Password based authentication
Sales |
Setups |
Products (4 level hierarchy)
Sales Area/Locations
Easy Products Searching
Sales Entry to Customers
Invoice Printing
Sales Amendment
Sales Return
Collections |
Money Collection
Cheque Processing
Collection History
Reports |
Sales Invoice
Credit List
Sale by Categories
Sale by Types
Delivery Orders
Pending Deliveries
Sale by Days
Sales by Products
Sales by Customers
Marketing Person Sales
Setups |
LC Purchase |
LC Information Entry
LC Expenses Entry
LC Item Received
Payments |
LC Purchase Payment
Payments to others
LC Reports |
LC Purchase History
Purchase by a Products
Purchase by Categories
Purchase by Types
Pending Stocks
Purchase by Days
Purchase by Suppliers
Compare Suppliers for Items
Inventory |
Items |
Item Groups
Item Categories
Item Types
Item Name
Re-Order Levels
Item Barcode
Edit Item Info
Warehouses |
Stock-in |
Transfer |
Stock Transfer
Damaged Stock
Damaged Stock Processing
Reports |
Current Stock
In-Out History
Transfer History
Order Report
Price List
If you are looking for the best Auto Parts Inventory with Accounting Software in Bangladesh, please contact +88 01613 987363
Extreme Solution is the best Plastic Industry ERP Software Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh | Our XERP software will bring a lot of improvement to your business.
In a digital world, business success is defined by agility and speed. Legacy software has been stopping your business from achieving its full potential. Our Plastic Industry ERP Software (XERP) solution with greater agility and business intelligence will achieve the results faster. The ERP Software system works with combined modules of-
1. Planning & Costing Module
2. Local Purchase Management Module
3. Import LC Management Module
4. Orders & Billing Management Module
5. Customer Relationship Management Module
6. Warehouse & Inventory Management Module
7. Production & Quality Management Module
8. Financial Accounting System
9. HR & Payroll Management Module
10. Repair & Maintenance Department Module
11. Business Analysis, Reporting & Statements Module
12. Software Administration & Security Management
ERP Software Architecture
Highly customizable Plastic Industry ERP Software that is seamlessly integrated with your multi company transactions.
Full featured out of the box cloud ERP software with the flexibility to run swiftly for any size of users.
The System will be integrated in a web server environment and a centralized database will be used for synthesizing these systems, which will retain in a real IP based central Windows server.
The workstations (Computer or any other smart devices) would be anywhere and will be used for accessing the master database through web browsers internet connection.
XERP Development Features:
3 Tier Architecture, Agile based development
Integrated Security System for hacking protection
Cloud ERP System: Web-based real-time ERP Software.
Full-featured all-in-one centralized modules work in combined.
Highly Stable Database System made for cloud computing.
User-friendly interface designed with the mobile first approach.
Customization possibility for any sized & types business system.
Unlimited user accounts controlled by Super Administrator.
Master Page and theme based development
Light-weight mobile responsive UI design for high data traffic
Parameter-based data transfer for data security
User level access Authentication- assigned by Administrator
Sessioning and Safe view-stat Configuration & Authorization
Integrated and linked modules etc.
Technologies Used for Development
Extreme SAS Framework for ERP Templating
Microsoft® MVC 4.0 with HTML5 & CSS3 for front-end In ERP
Microsoft® C# as back-end coding language
Microsoft® SQL Server 2012 for Database
Crystal Reports & Developer Express for reporting
JQuery & AngularJs for AJAX functionalities
Flour Industry ERP Software| Bakery, Flour Companies ERP: by Extreme Solutions
The global flour market is expected to exceed 270 billion by 2022 with a CAGR of around 4.5%. Flour mills who want to capture a significant share in this market need to not only automate their operations but also enable their IT systems to accommodate this type of growth in the flour industry.
A good Flour Industry
ERP Software for flower mills not only helps in achieving greater operational efficiency but also enables the business to stay ahead of its competition. Check out our Flour Industry ERP (XERP)
Software activities.
Main Activities
Purchase Management
Orders & Sales Management Module
Inventory (Warehouse) Management Module
Production & Quality Management Module
Financial Accounting System
Human Resources Management with Payroll
Business Analysis, Reporting & Statements Module
Software Framework, Administration & Security Management
Extreme ERP Software built an evolutionary Garments ERP solution that improves the work efficiency of the garments industry and reduces their workload.
In a digital world, business success is defined by agility and speed. Legacy software has been stopping your business from achieving its full potential. Our Garments Management Software- MRP solution with greater agility and business intelligence will achieve the results faster.
In the mid-90s, ERP systems were typically seen to be straight-ahead industrial manufacturing tools; largely oriented to the indexing and databasing of singular resource elements such as raw materials, individual products, or the management of people. Over time, the emergence of other modules began to extend ERP base systems, either through the integration of formerly stand-alone systems, or purpose-built modules that actively pushed and pulled data throughout a common platform. Nowadays, ERP software become an essential tool for managing a large-scale business.
Extreme Solutions is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (XERP) solution suitable for many industries and organizations of all sizes, especially for the Garments industries. It offers features for accounting, inventory management, human resources, customer relationship management (CRM), project management, and more.
Extreme Solutions also has business management tools including a company hub, calendar integration, internal newsfeed with social media integration, dynamic feedback tools, external action triggers, dashboard customization, a resource navigator, custom reporting, and much more. It also has tools for field service management, surveying, business analytics, and so on.
The ERP Software system works with combined modules of-
Purchase Management Module
Orders & Shipment Management Module
Customer Relationship Management Module
Warehouse & Inventory Management Module
Production & Quality Management Module
Repair & Maintenance Department Module
Business Analysis, Reporting & Statements Module
Software Administration & Security Management
Industrial Production ERP Software (XERP) Solution In Dhaka, Chittagong, and all over Bangladesh for Manufacturing companies.
XERP Software is one of the leading Cloud ERP Software in Bangladesh, for Industrial Manufacturing also Production oriented companies.Our industrial ERP Software is Better Than Best Software Solutions for Your Sector. The ERP Software system works with combined modules of-
Orders, Sales & Export Management Module
Purchase & Import (LC) Management
CRM (Party Management Module)
Collection & Payment Management Module
Inventory Management Module
Production Management Module
Banking & Transactions Management
Core Accounting System
Human Resources Management with Payroll
Reporting & Statements Module
Software Administration & Security Management
ERP Software Architecture
Full featured out of the box ERP Software with the flexibility to run swiftly for any size of users.
The ERP Software System can be integrated into an IIS web server environment and a centralized MS SQL Server database will be used for synthesizing these systems, which will retain in a real IP based central Windows server.
The workstations (Computer or any other smart devices) would be anywhere and will be used for accessing the master database through web browsers internet connection.
Integrated Features:
3 Tier Architecture, Agile based development
Integrated Security System for ERP Software hacking protection
Light weight UI design for high data traffic
128bit encryption for securing data
Scalable Database System
Master Page and theme based ERP Development
User level access Authentication- assigned from Administrator
Sessioning and Safe view-stat Configuration& Authorization
Integrated and linked modules etc.
Technologies Used for Development
Extreme SAS Framework for ERP Templating
Microsoft® MVC 4.0 with HTML5 & CSS3 for front-end In ERP
Microsoft® C# as back-end coding language
Microsoft® SQL Server 2012 for Database
Crystal Reports & Developer Express for reporting
JQuery & AngularJs for AJAX functionalities
ERP Software Features
ERP General Features
Secured Administration & User Panel
Web based centralized cloud server system
Compatible with smart devices/mobile browsers
Multi users with multi authorization types
Time-based Multiple User Data-Entry Management
Transactional SMS/ Email Integration (Optional)
Searching & Reporting data by any criteria.
Smart Home Automation in Bangladesh is proving by Extreme Solutions
Smart Home Automation in Bangladesh is proving by Extreme Solutions
for details please call: 01977251582
What if all the devices in your life could connect to the internet ? Not just computers
and smartphones, but everything: clocks, speakers, lights, doorbells, cameras,
windows, Curtain, hot water heaters, appliances, cooking utensils, you name it. And
what if those devices could all communicate, send you information, and take your
commands? It’s not science fiction; it’s the Internet of Things (IoT), and it’s a key
component of home automation and smart homes.
Simple, stylish and elegant design door lock for your Smart Home. Fingerprint, Card, Password, Authorized Code/OTP and Spare Keys – 6 ways to unlock the door. Have an easy key-less smart and secured life. Unlocking records and push notification for each time unlock in the smartphone app. Choose from our 10 elegant design.
Smart Industrial Automation in Bangladesh
Smart Industrial Automation in Bangladesh is proving by Extreme Solutions
for details please call: 01977251582
What if all the devices in your life could connect to the internet ? Not just computers
and smartphones, but everything: clocks, speakers, lights, doorbells, cameras,
windows, Curtain, hot water heaters, appliances, cooking utensils, you name it. And
what if those devices could all communicate, send you information, and take your
commands? It’s not science fiction; it’s the Internet of Things (IoT), and it’s a key
component of home automation and smart homes.
Simple, stylish and elegant design door lock for your Smart Industrial. Fingerprint, Card, Password, Authorized Code/OTP and Spare Keys – 6 ways to unlock the door. Have an easy key-less smart and secured life. Unlocking records and push notification for each time unlock in the smartphone app. Choose from our 10 elegant design.
Smart Health Care and Medical Service Automation in Bangladesh is proving by Extreme Solutions
Smart Health Care and Medical Service Automation in Bangladesh with the help of IoT technologies is proving by Extreme Solutions
for details please call: 01977251582
ICU At Home
What if all the devices in your life could connect to the internet ? Not just computers
and smartphones, but everything: clocks, speakers, lights, doorbells, cameras,
windows, Curtain, hot water heaters, appliances, cooking utensils, you name it. And
what if those devices could all communicate, send you information, and take your
commands? It’s not science fiction; it’s the Internet of Things (IoT), and it’s a key
component of home automation and smart homes.
Simple, stylish and elegant design door lock for your Smart Health Care and Medical Service. Fingerprint, Card, Password, Authorized Code/OTP and Spare Keys – 6 ways to unlock the door. Have an easy key-less smart and secured life. Unlocking records and push notification for each time unlock in the smartphone app. Choose from our 10 elegant design.
Smart Hotel Automation in Bangladesh with the help of IoT technologies is proving by Extreme Solutions
Smart Hotel Automation in Bangladesh with the help of IoT technologies is proving by Extreme Solutions
for details please call: 01977251582
What if all the devices in your life could connect to the internet ? Not just computers
and smartphones, but everything: clocks, speakers, lights, doorbells, cameras,
windows, Curtain, hot water heaters, appliances, cooking utensils, you name it. And
what if those devices could all communicate, send you information, and take your
commands? It’s not science fiction; it’s the Internet of Things (IoT), and it’s a key
component of home automation and smart homes.
Simple, stylish and elegant design door lock for your Smart Hotel. Fingerprint, Card, Password, Authorized Code/OTP and Spare Keys – 6 ways to unlock the door. Have an easy key-less smart and secured life. Unlocking records and push notification for each time unlock in the smartphone app. Choose from our 10 elegant design.
Smart Building Automation Services in Bangladesh with the help of IoT technologies is proving by Extreme Solutions
Smart Building Automation Services in Bangladesh with the help of IoT technologies is proving by Extreme Solutions
for Building Automation Service details please call: 01977251582
Building automation is the automatic centralized control of a building’s heating, ventilation and air
conditioning, lighting and other systems through a building management system or building automation system (BAS).
The objectives of building automation are improved occupant comfort, efficient operation of building systems, reduction in energy consumption and operating costs, and improved life cycle of utilities. Whatever the size of the building, its purpose or application: STATA’s comprehensive building automation and control systems portfolio allows us to perfectly tailor an automation and control solution to each project‘s individual needs. Openness and flexibility are the bottom line for all our systems. As a result, open communication protocols enable their easy integration with other systems and the option to modernize later on. Combining electrical in a comprehensive, multi-discipline approach and designing for reliability – this is how perfect places become a reality.
Say Hello to Smart Gate
All of our gates are bespoke to our customer’s requirements.Simply get in touch to book a free consultation with our electric gate specialists and receive a free no obligation quotatio
Automatic Gates Bespoke Design
Whether you’re looking for electric wooden gates or electric metal gates we can help you decide what the best option is for your premises and give a complete solution.
What if all the devices in your life could connect to the internet ? Not just computers
and smartphones, but everything: clocks, speakers, lights, doorbells, cameras,
windows, Curtain, hot water heaters, appliances, cooking utensils, you name it. And
what if those devices could all communicate, send you information, and take your
commands? It’s not science fiction; it’s the Internet of Things (IoT), and it’s a key
component of home automation and smart homes.
Simple, stylish and elegant design door lock for your Smart Building. Fingerprint, Card, Password, Authorized Code/OTP and Spare Keys – 6 ways to unlock the door. Have an easy key-less smart and secured life. Unlocking records and push notification for each time unlock in the smartphone app. Choose from our 10 elegant design.
Smart Agro & Dairy Firm Automation firm automation in Bangladesh IoT based automation for smart dairy firm
Smart Agro and Dairy Firm Automation Services in Bangladesh with the help of IoT technologies is proving by Extreme Solutions
for Agro and Dairy Firm Automation Service details please call: 01977251582
Agro and Dairy Firm automation is the automatic centralized control of a building’s heating, ventilation and air
conditioning, lighting and other systems through a building management system or building automation system (BAS).
The objectives of building automation are improved occupant comfort, efficient operation of building systems, reduction in energy consumption and operating costs, and improved life cycle of utilities. Whatever the size of the building, its purpose or application: STATA’s comprehensive building automation and control systems portfolio allows us to perfectly tailor an automation and control solution to each project‘s individual needs. Openness and flexibility are the bottom line for all our systems. As a result, open communication protocols enable their easy integration with other systems and the option to modernize later on. Combining electrical in a comprehensive, multi-discipline approach and designing for reliability – this is how perfect places become a reality.
Say Hello to Smart Gate
All of our gates are bespoke to our customer’s requirements.Simply get in touch to book a free consultation with our electric gate specialists and receive a free no obligation quotatio
Automatic Gates Bespoke Design
Whether you’re looking for electric wooden gates or electric metal gates we can help you decide what the best option is for your premises and give a complete solution.
Watch the video
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
What if all the devices in your life could connect to the internet. Not just computers
and smartphones, but everything: clocks, speakers, lights, doorbells, cameras,
windows, Curtain, hot water heaters, appliances, cooking utensils, you name it. And
what if those devices could all communicate, send you information, and take your
commands? It’s not science fiction; it’s the Internet of Things (IoT), and it’s a key
component of home automation and smart homes.
Simple, stylish and elegant design door lock for your Smart Agro and Dairy Firm. Fingerprint, Card, Password, Authorized Code/OTP and Spare Keys – 6 ways to unlock the door. Have an easy key-less smart and secured life. Unlocking records and push notification for each time unlock in the smartphone app. Choose from our 10 elegant design.
Centralized multi-branch campus management ERP software with academic, accounting, exam, live class. For University or any educational institute management.
Online University Management software features:
Centralized multi-branch campus management ERP software with features of academic, accounting, exam, live class etc. For University or any educational institute management. An advanced students management software with online-exam, live class, study materials, a multi-campus centralized management system for global education providers.
Online Registration
Online Examination
Online course management
Online Class notes/video
Online Certifications
Online exam scheduling
Online Payment gateway
Advance attendance system
Online class attendance system
Unlimited User access
Automated email notification
Online Help Sessions
Tracking Activities
Activity Log Management
Advance Reporting features
Student Panel:
Recent news
Events & Calendar
Download & Upload Activities
User Profile
User Courses
Achievement/ Result
Activity Log ( Tracking activities)
Online Exam
Online Library
Required Material (Class notes & Videos)
Teacher Panel:
Messaging gateway
Leave Application
News & Event Reminder
Download & Upload History
User Profile
Materials (If required) (Class notes & Videos)
Salary Details
Admin Panel:
Student Fees
Download & Uploads
Import files
Export files
HR (Salary)
Activity Log (Students & Teachers)
Features of University/ Campus Management Software
1. Admission management: Apply in online from anywhere and get applicant ID for payment. Payment by mobile banking and download admit card.
2. Student enrollment: After admission test then institute publish admission result and select applicant to enrollment. Applicant get confirmation SMS and payment by mobile banking, after confirm payment then applicant automatically enroll as student. Easily promote student from one class to another class.
3. Class routine: Institute create class routine teacher & subject wise. Teacher all together or individual would be get his or her routine. Also student or guardian would be get his or her routine form online.
4. Class tutorial: Individual teacher could be take class tutorial and publish tutorial result on online. Any student or guardian could be collect tutorial result from online or via mobile SMS.
5. Exam routine with admit card: Institute create exam routine section & group wise. After create routine and approved student to get exam admit card then any student or guardian download admit card from online anytime.
6. Student result process: Institute just entry student roll & subject wise result then automatically calculate GPA & Grade. There is automatically generate merit position, result sheet, result card and tabulation sheet. Individual guardian get SMS of his or her son or daughter result. Student also get result from online anytime by his or her roll no. If any institute want to publish result with class test or continuous assessment (CA) then institute just input class test or CA mark, software automatically calculate GPA & Grade with class test or CA mark according to institute setup policy.
7. Student daily attendance: It would be from finger print device. There is no need to roll call in class room. That’s why class teacher have got much time to teach the student.
8. Student assignment management: Class teacher could be assign student assignment or home work on online. Student or guardian could be see and download the assignment. Any student could be upload as file or text his or her homework or assignment on online then class teacher automatically get and see the home work or assignment. Software will be notify the student when any assignment or homework from class teacher.
9. Daily class content management: Individual or all teacher together preserve individual subject class content like Audio, Video, word file, Image or multimedia class contest on online. Any teacher or student can search and download any previous or current class content according to his or her permission.
10. Form Fill up management: Set examinee type such as regular or irregular and more. Assign money regarding examinee type and subject wise. Select student whose are able to attend exam then student apply for form fill up. If paid assign money by mobile banking then his or her application would be count as valid registration and teacher print out registration form.
11. Stipend management: Student apply for stipend with necessary information then teacher select student depend on his or her information and proceed further.
12. Library management: Institute could be preserver all kind of books or magazine or any other publication soft copy on online. Also hard copy stock information. Liberian could be issue book to the teacher or student and return receive from teacher and student. There is option to include financial part such issue time and return date expire fine money and purchase book also more.
13. Lab management: Teacher or lab technician could be made lab routine and tracking student lab usage status. There is provision to assign lab apparatus such as computer or hardware with fixed time to student. Teacher or lab technician could be get lab usages status report.
14. E-competition
Institute select topic and competitor as a group or individual.
Institute declare competition & result date regarding topic
Create marking criteria and member as judge.
Competitor participate as a participant and entry or upload competition content as text, word, audio, video and image file within due date.
Individual marking member or judge marking individual participant regarding topic criteria.
After that merit position or rating sheet automatically generate
15. E-tutor: It is like as virtual tutor. A class teacher, private teacher or guardian like (Father, Mother and also other members) play rule a virtual teacher. Suppose father has lived in any remote place, he could be teach or monitor his son or daughter as a virtual teacher.
Make syllabus regarding subject, semester or exam wise
Make daily routine (subject wise in time interval)
Assign work according to routine iv Tutor solved student problem
Take exam by daily, weekly, monthly and also more like online test
Evaluate and take decision basis on various report at regular interval
16. Communicate with each other friends, teacher & guardian using chat option like media corner
17. SMS send for various purpose such as (present or absent, result , call guardian meeting, committee meeting and also more )
18. Working Staff and vacancy information.
19. Current Teachers Profile management with smoothly searching option that way you can find a current and previous Teachers information easy and smoothly with picture.
20. 3rd and 4thEmployees Profile management with picture.
21. Attendance management of Teachers, Others Employees and Students and show report such as (late, early in, early out and class/working hours etc.).
22. Teacher diary (Teacher or Staff Activity Log): A teacher would be assign any work to any individual or group teacher with duration. When the assign work is done or half done or not yet done then he or she changed the work status with justification to assigned teacher. That means a teacher or institute head always look after the work that assigned task is done or not. It would be work like teacher diary.
23. Tour management: Apply to authority to approve for tour with destination and estimated cost. If authority approve the application then he or she could be go to tour then tour time would be count as on tour in attendance. After come back from tour he or she update tour details with cost then it would be auto voucher in Accounts & Finance.
24. Training management: Apply to authority with selected training topic and venue to approve. If authority approve the application then he or she could be attend the training then training time would be count as on training in attendance. Also it would be add his or her profile as experience automatically.
25. Movement (Tracking) management of Teacher, Staff & Student: It is real time tracking system a Teacher, Staff or Student. A student when In or Out of institute then he punch in Finger Print Device or carry a Device. We collect real time data from Finger Print Device or carry able Device and report the teacher or guardian of current presence condition of the student via online or SMS.
26. Opinion (Suggestion or Complain) management of Teacher, Staff & Student: A teacher could be share his or her opinion to with his or her colleague or institute head in real-time. Colleague or institute head could be reply or taken measure regarding opinion. Also a student or guardian could be share his or her opinion with institute head and he or she could be reply regarding the student or guardian opinion. Every individual could be seen the opinion report. It would be work like email system.
27. Leave Management (Teacher, Staff & Student)
Type of Leave
Leave Application submission
Leave Application Approval by the authorized person.
Leave Adjustment (if in case of taken more than/less of approved leave).
Leave balance report
Student leave application and authorization
28. Salary sheet generate and approval by authorized person. It would be generated automatically regarding institute or government policy. Here is seen how many days a teacher or staff is present or absent or leave. There is chance to deduct salary if any one absent or late in or early hour.
29. Accounts Management
Manage of all Current & Non-Current Asset related accounting of the Organization.
Manage of all Bank related transaction. If exist any Bank loan it will be managed.
Manage of all source of funding (such as donor) and others Income and their accounting of the Organization.
Manage of all type of Direct & Indirect Expense of the Organization.
All Types of Voucher (Receipt, Payment & Journal)
Daily Cash Book vii General Ledger viii Trial Balance
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
30. Inventory Management
Item information which is purchase for use in Organization such as (Paper, pen and also more)
Supplier information with supplier ledger
Purchase details of Item with Purchase ledger iv Return details of Item regarding Purchase
Issue Item for use in the Organization to individual Teacher or Others vi Stock report of Item with Issue History
31. Website control panel.
Create user
Control user permission
32. Collection Student fees using Mobile Banking (if there exist available online Bank). Already we are using SureCash smoothly.
We have another Software not built-in software with device (which is called Windows Service) is used for transfer data from finger print device to Server which data is shown in Website. There is no need any human interaction.
E-Competition System such as (Easy writing, Debate etc.) and e-Tutor which is work as like as private tutor. A teacher or guardian and private tutor paly role as e-tutor from remotely which is called tele- education.
We would be provide another software to District Commissioner which is help all kinds of relevant person to monitoring various matter such as (Institute Attendance, Academic activities, Other curriculum activities and also more) centrally.
33. Price:
For any information about Online Universiey Management System.
Price and other information please call us: 01977 251 582, 01613 987 363
Supply Chain Management Software
Online bus ticketing software in Bangladesh with features of ticket booking, reservation, sales developed by Extreme Solutions.
General Features |
Setup Provision
Secured Administration & User Panel |
Setup Bus with Type & Details |
Web based centralized cloud server system |
Setup Seats Quantity |
Compatible with smart devices/mobile browsers |
Allocation Seat Map |
Multi users with multi authorization types |
Setup Seats Fare with type (economy, business class etc.) |
Time based Multiple User Data-Entry Management |
Setup Routs |
Transactional SMS/ Email Integration (Optional) |
Setup Ticket Counters |
Searching & Reporting data by any criteria. |
Scheduling Transport Routs for Vehicles |
Edit Scheduling |
Block/Reserve Seats |
Bus Ticketing ERP Software
Online Bus Ticketing Management Software
General Features :
Secured Administration & User Panel
Web based centralized cloud server system
Compatible with smart devices/mobile browsers
Multi users with multi authorization types
Time-based Multiple User Data-Entry Management
Transactional SMS/ Email Integration (Optional)
Searching & reporting data by any criteria.
Modules Features
Coach Info.
1. Setup Bus Providers/Company/Owner Info.
2. Setup Coach with type & Details
3. Setup Record by Upload Bus Documents/Scanned Copy
4. Allocation Seat Map
Routes Info.
1. Setup Routes
2. Setup Station/District Wise Counter Location
3. Setup Ticket Counter Info.
4. Setup Seats Fare with Type
1. Scheduling Transport Routes for Vehicles
2. Edit Scheduling
1. Counter Based Sale Ticket with Print & Booking Ticket
2. Counter Wise Booked Ticket Sale
3. Setup Trip with Details
4. Print Way Bill
Return Ticket
1. Return Sold Ticket with Money Back
2. Cancel Booking
Staff Info
1. Setup Staff Designation
2. Add Employee Info.
1. Bus Statement
2. Trip Statement
3. Date-Wise Sale Summary
4. Schedule Details
5. Coach-Wise Sale
6. Returned Tickets
7. Counter Commission
8. Counter Sales
9. Daily Sale Statement
10. Trip Final Report
11. Print-Old
12. Reprint Way Bill
1. Create Login ID
2. Change Password
3. Reset Password
4. Block/Unblock User
5. Setup Permission for Accessing Software Modules & Functions from Super Administration
6. Searching User Activity
7. Upload Company Documents
8. Notice Entry/Update/Delete
9. Database Backup & Download
Student information management software for attendance, academic & accounting system of schools in Chittagong.
Digital Pathshala is a web-based interactive software for Educational Institutes facilitates advanced student information management for maintaining all academic & accounting information in an institute. In todays world speed and accuracy are the fundamental things necessary to excel educational institute. Digital Pathshala provides user-friendly dashboards with login access for teachers, non-teaching staff, administrators and management personnel using any types of computer or mobile devices. The various modules facilitate all the processes of your institution, from admission of new students to generating transfer certificates when students complete their studies.
Top-end trading business automation ERP Software (XERP) for importers, exporters and distributors Company In Bangladesh.
Trading ERP Software
Extreme Trading ERP Software is a main web-based solution for all you're exchanging or Trading business. This Trading ERP Software bundle comprises of coordinated business application with better basic leadership instruments. XERP Software gives a conclusion to-end arrangement that sorts out and controls each part of the business from request administration, operations, store network and logistics, to documentation, bookkeeping, and business knowledge reporting. Extreme Solutions Providing Trading ERP Software in across all over Bangladesh.
Why Choose X ERP?
Trading ERP System: Web-based
All in one full featured
Customized by your requirement
Secure Database System
1-year full free service & support
Stay Connected with Extreme Solutions for Trading XERP. Contact us on +8801817251582
Extreme Solutions Cheapest Provider for Windows Reseller Hosting in Bangladesh.
Windows Reseller Hosting In Bangladesh
Every minute of every day bolster and 99.9% uptime at moderate costs! Our Windows Web Hosting offers the power and adaptability of in WebsitePanel, IIS 8.5, Microsoft SQL Server, Crystal Reports and an assortment of web-application innovations for programming dialects, reporting apparatuses and database servers In Bangladesh.
We additionally have a dependable Windows server Hosting bolster group with blend of experienced architects and client bolster masters for further help in regards to your main goal basic applications Hosting customers. Enjoy ASP.NET Windows Hosting administrations from the Cheap Windows Hosting Company in Bangladesh.
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Patient Billing and accounting software for clinical laboratory, diagnostic Center & dental clinics, physiotherapy centers billing Solution in affordable price in Bangladesh.
XLAB a modern billing and accounting software, which trades at clinics and diagnostic centers, including the use of health care services that have been tailored made. You can easily operate the software and it does not require any high configuration machine. It can operate with desktop, laptop, notebook or Smartphone. It is Online-based software so you can keep an eye on it by sitting anywhere in the world. Installation/update will face no difficulties and no additional server maintenance. Software functions sales, Daily Income and Expenditure, Doctor’s commission completely accurate. Extreme software solutions as well as providing training manuals and videos that will support immediate problem. Monthly or annual subscription of the software can be created also for customer’s convenience. There is the opportunity to use the software for 30 days free trial before purchase. To learn more about XLAB accounting software or online demo please visit page (User: demo, Password: demo123) or contact our direct sales number – 01613987363.
Why choose XLAB?
Test Management
Accounts Management
Referrer Doctors Set Up
Invoice with Collection & Due
Day Book Printing
User Profile
Report Preparation
Search Report By Date Or Name
Cloud Based, no hassle for installation
Easy to Operate.
A user interface is intuitive.
Browse from anywhere in the world.
Software Manual & video training.
Monthly & Yearly Subscription Based
Lab Software Modules & Functions
Set Up |
1. Billing Setup |
Referrer Doctore
Services Categories
Service Names
2. Expense Setup |
Expense Group
Expense Head
Accounts |
1. Billing |
Pateint Test
Reports Delivery
2. Expense |
3. Reports |
Invoice By Date
Item Wise Sales
Money Collection History
Due List
Expense History
Day Book ( Daily Sheet )
Maintenance |
1. Company |
Important Document
2. Notice & Messages |
Notice Board
Send Message
Received Message
3. Users & Security |
User Profile
Create Loggers Profile
Block User
User Login History
Demo link:
User id: demo
password: demo123
To Learn More About XLAB Please call us on +801817251582, +8801613987363.
Online POS Software for Mobile Shop with Sales, Purchase, Inventory, RMA and Accounting module In Bangladesh.
Online POS Software for Mobile Shop with Sales, Purchase, Inventory, RMA and Accounting module.
Software Features:
Barcode Based Products Setup
Warehouses Inventory
Suppliers Management
Purchase Management
Customers Management
Sales Management Module (POS)
Banking & Transactions Management
Accounting Management System
Reporting & Statements Module
Security Management
ERP Software for Garments, Apparels & Textiles industries with integrated accounting, inventory & production system in Bangladesh
Garments Management ERP
ERP software is one of the most popular concepts in automation of modern industrial management system. The key objective of an ERP software is to collect all information of an enterprise for planning and implementing decisions having complete analysis of business data processing system.
Benefits of Garments ERP Software
Garments ERP software has a lot of benefits for textile and apparel industries.
Everyone interacts with a centralized database system
Plays an important role in easily monitoring of industry.
Takes less time than manual data-entry process.
Easily accessible from anywhere using the internet.
Remove the possibility of unauthorized data manipulation
Faster decision making: Get reports within a very short time.
Features Garments ERP?
In a computerized world, business achievement is characterized by nimbleness and rate. Legacy tools & applications have been preventing your business from achieving its full potentials. Extreme Solutions will make it easier for the garments industries data processing system using GMS ERP Software. The software covers the following functional areas-
Web-based real-time ERP Software
Full-featured All-in-one centralized modules work in combined
Highly Stable Database System made for cloud computing
Out-of-box user-friendly interface designed with mobile first approach
Customization possibility for any sized & types business system
We provide 24*7*365 full service & Support.
Modules included in the Garments ERP Software:
Order Management, Sourcing & Supply, Commercial Management, Production, QC Management, Accounting, Delivery & Shipment Management, MIS etc.
If you are looking for Textile ERP software, please contact us at: +88 01613 987363
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Best Construction Company Management Software in Bangladesh. Check the video demo first.
Best Construction Company Management Software in Bangladesh
Are you looking for the best Construction/Builder Company Management Software in Bangladesh? Extreme Solutions has been developing online based construction project & accounting management software since 2005.
The features included:
1. Departments Based Workflow Management
Purchase => Store => Costing => Project => Accounts
2. Department wise Multi-User Profile & Permission Management
3. Supplier & Contractors info
4. Create Subprojects
5. Subcontract with Bill of Quantity Entry
6. Documents Library with Upload and Download System
7. Product Info Setup by Products Group
8. Create PO (Issue)
9. Item Received (Store Management)
10. Employee Profile with Salary info
11. Printable Salary Sheet
12. Salary Payment
13. Financial Accounting System
14. Statistical & Analytical Reports as given formats
15. Software Framework & Administration
For more info please call 031-712114, 01613-987363.
Check the video demo first.
Top Construction Software in Bangladesh - 2021 Reviews, Pricing & Demos › construction
Products 1 - 20 of 597 — Over the last decade, a few integrated construction business software suites have positioned themselves as market leaders. This list includes
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What are the Top Construction Project Management Software?
Best Construction Management Software & Tools for 2021 › top-5-construction-p
Mar 17, 2021 — Construction project management software available in the market are deployed either as SaaS (cloud-based) or on-premise solutions. Both
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Best Construction Management Software in 2021 | › Construction Software
Nov 30, 2020 — Construction management software makes it possible for a construction business to set timelines and budgets for projects, no matter how many
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Best Construction Project Management Software - 2021 Review › Blog › Reviews
6 days ago — Some of the software listed today, such as Procore and Smartsheet, are wide-reaching and suitable for just about any construction business.
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Procore | Construction Management Software
The all-in-one construction management software built to help you finish quality projects—safely, on time, and within budget.
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Construction management software can automate administrative tasks, facilitate planning and scheduling, and help you manage workload assignments.
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Construction management and accounting software for modern businesses. and automates more business processes by controlling operations with a flexible,
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Mar 15, 2021 — Many of the key problems facing construction industry companies – the need for greater data visibility and transparency, complicated
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Sport Shoe Manufacturing ERP- MRP
Sport Shoe Manufacturing ERP
In a digital world, business success is defined by agility and speed. Legacy software has been stopping your business from achieving its full potential. Our ERP Software (XERP) solution with greater agility and business intelligence will achieve the results faster. The ERP Software system works with combined modules of-
1. Planning & Costing Module
2. Local Purchase Management Module
3. Import LC Management Module
4. Orders & Billing Management Module
5. Customer Relationship Management Module
6. Warehouse & Inventory Management Module
7. Production & Quality Management Module
8. Financial Accounting System
9. HR & Payroll Management Module
10. Repair & Maintenance Department Module
11. Business Analysis, Reporting & Statements Module
12. Software Administration & Security Management
Sport Shoe Manufacturing ERP software how make your company beneficial?
Increase controls with a single, integrated, affordable, flexible, proven and internationally recognised apparel, fashion & footwear ERP solution.
Every new year and every new season, customers and suppliers can be difficult to predict; they shift their focus and market needs change. But you can respond just as quickly when you’ve got all of your critical business information in one basket and available at the click of a button. Be on top of inventory instore, on your eCommerce platform, in your warehouse or in transit.
Easily access your company’s data in real time, with specialised tools and advanced reports. View historic data and make informed business decisions to assist you in growing your business. You can see sales, operations, and financial data wherever you are, day or night. Workflow-based alerts let you focus on what’s important to you.
Technologies Used for Development:
Extreme SAS Framework for ERP Templating
Microsoft® MVC 4.0 with HTML5 & CSS3 for front-end In ERP
Microsoft® C# as back-end coding language
Microsoft® SQL Server 2012 for Database
Crystal Reports & Developer Express for reporting
JQuery & AngularJs for AJAX functionalities
Mortgage Management Software
Mortgage Management Software
Footware shop management software in Bangladesh developed by Extreme Solutions
Extreme Solutions has developed “Shop 360 degree“- one of the most complete footwear shop management software in Bangladesh. The cloud software will bring your business completely online. It is featured with a centralized (head-quarter based) supply and distribution management system. A perfect solution for chain retail stores with POS, inventory, and accounting management system.
“Shop 360 degree“ is a Footwear Shop Software for Individual Shop or Retail Chain is designed to handle all the needs in the most efficient, effective & accurate way. “Shop 360 degree“ Footwear Shop Software was launched in the market during 2018. Since then “Shop 360 degree“ Footwear Inventory Software is committed to providing the best supporting system for the Retail & Distribution Business upgrading itself from time to time according to the market needs. As a result of tireless teamwork, “Shop 360 degree“ software achieved the clientele of more than 100 chain footwear shop retailers in Bangladesh.
For more info, you can call +88 01613 987363
ERP Software for Spinning and Textile Industry is designed to handle complete needs in most efficient, effective & accurate way.
What is the best manufacturing ERP software for spinning mills?
XERP is one of the best ERP Software for Spinning mills. Manufacturing ERP refers to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software and systems used to plan, manage and deliver specific functionalities that support manufacturers and manufacturing business operations.
For more details please call: +88 01680 794707
What is Manufacturing ERP Software?
Search for: What is manufacturing ERP software?
What is the best ERP application?
Best ERP Software
Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is one of Oracle's many ERP solutions.
SAP Business ByDesign. SAP Business ByDesign is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning tool for small and medium-sized businesses.
Sage Business Cloud X3.
Microsoft Dynamics ERP.
Best ERP Software Vendor Companies Comparison 2021
What is the best ERP application?
What is textile software?
Textile software takes care of all the manufacturing ranging from planning weave patterns, structure, clothing material, and other related tasks. It automates material and resource planning, production tracking, and scheduling the lifecycle of the product.
Best Textile Industry Software | Free Demo - SoftwareSuggest › textile-industry-software
Search for: What is textile software?
What is ERP software examples?
Image result
ERP Software Examples
Aptean ERP.
Abas ERP.
Oracle NetSuite.
Microsoft Dynamics 365.
SAP Business One.
Sage 300.
More items...•Jul 24, 2021
15 ERP Software Examples 2021
Types of ERP Systems: Cloud vs On-Premise vs Hybrid
There are three main types of ERP systems that function with different deployment model options. The most common types of ERP systems include cloud ERP, on-premise ERP, and hybrid ERP.
What is ERP? (Enterprise Resource Planning) | QAD › what-is-erp
Search for: How many types of ERP software are there?
Is Oracle an ERP system?
Is QAD an ERP system?
Is SharePoint an ERP system?
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Which software is used for textile designing?
How different software can help in yarn manufacturing?
Is SAP better than Oracle?
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For more details please call: +88 01680 794707
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What are the disadvantages of ERP?
Is Jira an ERP tool?
For more details please call: +88 01680 794707
Is Zoho an ERP system?
Which one is most popular ERP software after SAP?
Is Tally ERP software?
What are the current technologies of ERP?
ERP Software for Spinning Mills - IndiaMART › › ERP Software Packages
iB Spin , is a modular, integrated application software developed specifically to address the manufacturing, distribution and accounting needs of spinning mills
Spinning Mills Manufacturing ERP Software - IndiaMART › › ERP Software Packages
SpinERP- Spinning Mills ERP Manufacturing Software System exclusively designed, developed with the latest software tools, truly integrated and tested for
Size: Stock Keeping for Raw Material,Spares a...
Driven Type: Machine Maintenance for Preven...
Packaging Type: Entire Financial Management
Packaging Size: Production and Waste Monito...
For more details please call: +88 01680 794707
Global Softwares introduces its spinning ERP solution in › Tech updates
Jun 2, 2018 — After successful initiative in the Indian textile sector as ERP solutions developer, Global Softwares now plans to launch its textile spinning
Spinning ERP modules - Wins Soft› spinning
WS Spinning ERP is designed for Spinning Mills, to cover a wide range of Spinning administration and management processes.
Textile Spinning ERP Software - Bigdbiz Solutions › Spinning-textile-erp
Bigdbiz Spinning Textile Software. Spin Plan, Costing, Accounting, Cotton Purchase & Raw Material A/c,Finished Goods Stock Maintenance, Sales & Analysis.
Textile ERP - SoftWorks › portfolio-textile_erp
Customized ERP software for Yarn Dyeing factories, Knit composite textils Queen South Textile Limited; SAG Fashion; Hossain Dyeing & Finishing Mills Ltd
Study of commercial ERP softwares used by spinners - Indian › articles › FAdetails
Most textile companies today have separate application software to carry out each The kind of ERP solution that mills utilise are of household type,
KALSOFTE | Spinning mill ERP software, textiles ERP
Solutions. Our ERP modules results in Productivity Improvement , Inventory Stock and Cost Reduction , Energy Conservation , Better Raw Material Realisation ,
Spinning Mill ERP [SpinSys] - Vogue Software Services › spinningmill-ERP
The spinning mill ERP is developed to capture data from the procurement of cotton till production of yarn and assist the manpower in arriving at the efficient
Spinning Mill ERP Software - › portfolio › spinning-mill-er...
Spinning Mill ERP Software is developed to capture data from the procurement of cotton till production of yarn and assist the manpower in arriving at the.
ERP software for textile industries › erp-software-for-spinning-mills
ERP Software for Spinning Mills. Roadmap IT Solutions has almost fifteen years experience in providing high-quality ERP solutions to its customers belonging
WS spinning ERP Pricing, Reviews, Features - Free Demo › ws-spinning-erp
WS spinning ERP is a Textile Industry software. WS Spinning ERP is designed for Spinning Mills, to cover a wide range of Spinning administration and
10 Best ERP Software for Textile Industry - SoftwareSuggest › ERP Software
Products 1 - 25 of 97 — Oracle NetSuite ERP is an ERP Software for Textile industry. This ERP System can be used by Startups, SMEs, Agencies, Enterprises.
Spinning -TexAms ERP Enterprise Resource Planning › spinning-production
TexAms ERP, the smart ERP solution from Binary software covers the total back-office process of spinning mills from Raw Materials Management to Production
Erp software for textile - SlideShare › sheshir › erp-software-for-t...
5. What functions are linked with textile ERP systems? 6. Are companies using electronic commerce? 4. Enterprise Resource Planning is Software for running a
Spinning Mill ERP Software... - ?????????? ??? - Facebook › posts › spinning-mill-erp-s...
Spinning Mill ERP Software is developed to capture data from the procurement of cotton till production of yarn and assist the manpower in arriving at the
JKSpin, A Spinning Mill ERP Solution - JK Techzone› spinning-mill-erp-solution
spinning mill store ERP software, Spinning Mill ERP Solution, LC management, textile inventory management software, yarn factory software.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software in Textile Industry › erp-software-in-textile-industry
Mar 4, 2013 — ERP software's are available in different sectors in textile. ERP software for spinning mills; ERP software for weaving mills
Spinning ERP | Sales CRM | Support CRM | Best ERP Software › Products
Oct 1, 2019 — From Fibre to Yarn Our ERP Spinning Automation Solution integrates all Key Palani Andavar Mills Spins Cotton into Success – Download
Best Garments & RMG ERP in Bangladesh - PrismERP › industries › rmg
PrismERP has some exclusive offers of garments (RMG) ERP & textile ERP solution which integrates the production process into the system and can operate with
Rating: 4.9 · 8,864 votes · $5,000.00
ERP Software For Textile Industry | ERP for Spinning Mills › erp-software-for-Spin...
Lighthouse ERP for textile industry ensures that the operations are executed wiithin the expected deadline for the delivery to the distributors.
10 Popular ERP solution providers - Apparel Resources › manufacturing-tech
NOW ERP by Datatex is the ultimate solution for the apparel industry, brands, private labels, from fibre or yarn to garments or cut and sew only. The ERP
Textile ERP - Coimbatore - AES Technologies › products › te...
Our software is a comprehensive one stop solution to cater the textile industry needs from Costing to Order fulfilment including HR related activities like
XERP: ERP Software in Bangladesh › erp-software-bangladesh
Using by many Garments/ Textile Factories, Plastic Manufacturing Industries, Flour Mills in Bangladesh. Why use XERP Software? In a digital world, business
Oct 9, 2018 ·
Rating: 4.7 · 4,373 reviews
Vaahini Software Private Limited
Spinning Mills ERP Solutions. Vaahini software Pvt Ltd is an outstanding provider of Software solutions to comprehensive business sectors... Read More
Textile industry - GluonERP Providing the Best ERP System › Industries
We Provide ERP software to SME'S and large enterprises. Gluon ERP- software for home textiles; Gluon ERP-software for spinning mills; Gluon ERP-software
Enterprise-resource-planning-ERP-in-textile - ResearchGate › publication › linksPDF
ERP in textile mills. The ERP system for textile mills are provided by leading ERP software developers in India and abroad. It can be used both,.
Use of ERP in Textiles - Fibre2Fashion › industry-article › use-...
It provides software for textile industries of all kind, from vertically integrated companies requiring system top cover the entire production cycle to
Textile Manufacturing ERP Agreement with Sunflower Textile › 2021/05/05 › agreemen...
May 5, 2021 — Amar Bebsha Limited has successfully signed an agreement with Sunflower Textile Mill to develop Textile Manufacturing ERP software.
Spinning Mill Management System - Products » Global › products › gspin
ERP software for Spinning Mills that connects Multiple Mills and Sales Depots through a Single Server. product. Cotton. Sample Receipt / Quality / Approval /
19 Best Textile Software of 2021 - Reviews, Pricing, Demos › textile
Feb 10, 2021 — FDM4 ERP is an ERP solution that meets the needs of the apparel industry by seamlessly managing the entire apparel and textile manufacturing
ERP for textiles industries is software solution for testiles industries. This ERP contains many modules for textiles industries ex:Finance ERP, Spinning
QTEX- Fully integrated end to end Textile. ERP Solution - Qutiq › home › qtex
QTEX provides an ERP solution that helps in effectively carrying out total back-office process of spinning mills from Raw Materials Management to Production
Datatex | LinkedIn › company › datatex
Datatex textile ERP platforms represent over 30 years of continuous software development and refinement in close collaboration with users in the textile and
Best Textile Industries Software 2021 - infobrez › textile-industry-software
Get Best Textile Industries Software from leading Textile Industry Software WS Spinning ERP is intended for Spinning Mills, to cover a wide scope of
What is best ERP software for textile industry? - › What-is-best-ERP-software-fo...
MRPeasy is great for textile and garment manufacturers. It offers general manufacturing ERP functionalities for: customer relationship management with accurate
4 answers
10 votes:
Hello. I think I will be the right person to answer this question because I have plenty
ZABERP Web Based ERP Solution | Leading ERP and Cloud
Leading ERP Solution in Bangladesh, Best ERP Software Solutions Company in Bangladesh, ERP for Textile, Knitting, Dyeing and Spinning Mills.
Textile ERP Software › Blog
Mar 6, 2020 — These days, textile industries are using advanced software called Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or textile ERP or ERP for textiles. This
Open Source Textile Product Manufacturing ERP - ERPNext › manufacturing › open-source-text...
ERPNext is a textile products manufacturing software that boosts productivity with integrated inventory, sales, customer support, vendor management,
Best ERP system for the Textile & Apparel industry | Datatex
Jun 9, 2021 — Datatex is the world leader in IT software solutions for the textile and apparel industry. It is currently present in 45 countries and 5
Enterprise Resource Planning in Textiles › 2017/11 › hodge_full-1PDF
by GL Hodge · Cited by 21 — A survey on the application of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in the textile and apparel industry was conducted. The survey identifies software
Stage India | ERP Software, Apparel Software, Apparel ERP
Stageindia provides the most powerful ERP Software solution for the Apparel, Home Furnishing, Textile, Processing and Retail Industry.
Supply Chain Management Software for Textile Networks › features › 2020/09 › su...
Sep 30, 2020 — A software company's focus on the textile industry can be a key The ERP solution consists of a sales module and a production module.
Sudarshan Software Exports Ltd., Coimbatore › sudarshansoftware
About Sudarshan Software Exports Ltd., Retailer, Suppliers of ERP Software, Spinning Mills Software, Spinning Mill Manufacturing System from Coimbatore,
Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) - Jingle Infosolutions Pvt › erp
Spinning Yarn Dyeing Fabric Dyeing (Woven Fabric/Knitting Fabric) Knitting Fabric Woven Fabric Leather garment Industries. Rice Mill
MISPIN Comprehensive Software Solution for Spinning Units › ERP for Textile S...PDF
This system has been specifically designed for the Textile Spinning Industry. that are integrated and form into an ERP solution for a spinning unit.
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With thorough experience in textile spinning mills industry, SSEL has launched India's 1st Textile ERP software product to spinning mills industries during
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ERP Software for GEO Textile Manufacturing Industries is a system that integrates all departments and functions across a textile manufacturing business. please call: +88 01680 794707
If you are looking for Geo Bag/ Textiles manufacturing companies ERP software you have came to the right place. Extreme Solutions is highly concerned with the design or manufacture of clothing as well as the supply and use of Geo textiles Cloud ERP software. However, the industry has been transformed in the last couple of years.
For more details please call: +88 01680 794707
Flexibility and rapid response have become essential qualities for any effective textile business. Achieving them dynamic management of the entire organization is a must.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a framework that coordinates all offices and capacities across a business into a solitary framework while as yet serving every division's particular necessities. It is intended to assist organizations with settling on more brilliant choices, serve their clients better and work all the more effectively by and large via mechanizing processes and workflows.
E-resource ERP provides a framework within which textile industries can organize their business and manufacturing know-how to create a vital management resource. Of course, industry decision-makers have to have rapid access to company data.
ERP is first and foremost a means of saving time and it does this by automating processes that tend to be un-useful.
In a review distributed on IGI Global, results show that ERP software system offer plenty of operational, strategic, and organizational benefits. This reaches from decreasing expenses and shortening process durations to further developing stockpile the board and normalizing work processes.
On top of these, ERP software system offer various theoretical advantages like higher representative assurance and better organization picture. No wonder many companies implement ERP systems to improve their business performance (64%) and position their company for growth (57%). These software solutions serve as comprehensive tools that let top management integrate the different aspects of their operations in one convenient platform. ERP systems have practical uses for different kinds of businesses because of the many tools they have to offer.
It can maintain the benefits of a standard package with a high level of adaptability, ensuring that the solution can be tailored to almost any requirement. Its modules could be configured to the needs of any textile business, whatever its size.
However, not all companies require all the features of an ERP suite. So, these platforms may be more beneficial to some industries than others. More often than not, those who can maximize these tools are businesses that tackle multiple tasks every day using different software solutions.
No doubt, ERP systems are indispensable tools for all types of businesses that require different tools for various operational tasks. In order to further understand its features, we have compiled some of the many pain points that these platforms can solve.
But some misconceptions about ERP systems that just because a majority of the ERP solutions out there are created for large firms doesn’t mean that small or medium-sized company can’t take benefit from it.
ERP is a necessity for manufacturers, large and small, and can aid in overseeing production as well as helping plant managers make decisions pertaining to their manufacturing operation.
With all of the benefits associated with ERP, there are also various limitations. Like:
• Expensive System
• Customization of ERP setup is limited
• High Implementation Times
The modern business landscape has increasingly become fast-paced, making it difficult for enterprises to keep up. By using ERP systems, you can not only accelerate your operations but also become more efficient in achieving your business goals. Now that you know why an ERP system is important to your company, all you need to do is find one that suits your business model.
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manufacturing companies at the time. engineering, software and agriculture companies. the premier engineering university in Bangladesh – Mr.
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fication System (NAICS), unlike earlier censuses, which The General Summary report contains industry and geo- Bags; uncoated paper and multiwall.
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inventory Management software
Inventory Management Software in Bangladesh
Inventory management software is a software system that helps you to track, control and manage your inventories efficiently. By combining several functions associated with inventories, inventory management software helps you to organize, store, track material movements, consumption, manufacturing, order processing, etc. The key feature of Inventory management software is to maintain a perfect number of inventories which ensures uninterrupted production, sales, high customer satisfaction, reduced inventory handling cost, and so on. In simple words, using inventory management software, you can maintain the right level of inventories at the right time without worrying about keeping the inventory handling at a low cost.
Which company provide best Inventory Management software in Bangladesh?
There are many companies who have inventory management software in Bangladesh. But Extreme Solutions offer the best inventory management software in Bangladesh. When you install our inventory software, you can reduce your costs because it works a lot of human resources. Also, it gathers all the resources, for example-
Fast and Accurate
Accessible from anywhere
Reduces costs by analyzing product information and sustainable solutions
Gathered all the resources
A balanced inventory turnover ratio
How can Extreme solutions Inventory software affect the inventory turnover ratio?
Comprehensive prescription software for Endocrinology specialist physicians & diabetes doctors.
Software for Endocrinology specialist physicians & diabetes doctors
Super easy to learn + Brilliant in the analysis. EMR with the most comprehensive software for Endocrinology Clinics.
EMR Made for Endocrinology
Specialized EMR Case sheets for Diabetes Type I, Diabetes Type II, Pre Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes. Comprehensive History taking for Diabetes Mellitus (and Thyroid) with particular attention to Family History of Diabetes.
Patient advice on Diet and Nutrition, Lifestyle Changes, Self Monitoring, along with education on Hypoglycemia, Insulin Injection, and Foot-Care.
Executive Medical Summary
1-page Patient Medical Summary, which highlights automatically key bits of the Patient's chart. You can now know the Patient’s Past Medical history, Family History, Key Vital Trends, Current Treatment Plans, and Important Investigations, without turning a single page, or a single click. Prepare for Patient visits at one glance.
An exhaustive compilation of EMR controls CC, HPI, ROS, Vitals, General Examination, Systemic Examination, Advice, PMH, Medical History, Social History, Family History, Surgical History and more. But what makes this different from anything else you have seen? Every aspect of these EMR sections, including the structure and data, is completely flexible to the Specialty and Doctor’s preference. The best part is it all comes preconfigured for you along with a Support Specialist.
Revolutionary in Design
Our Case Sheets Technology will convert all your paper-based forms into EMR digital sheets. You need not to worry about learning new software. Just carry on working in PrescribeRx just the way you used to work on paper. The only difference is, that things will now move much faster at your Clinic.
Follow-up Visits
Intelligent Recalls and follow-ups that auto-creates appointments in your Calendar sends a confirmation to the Patient, and reminds the Patient to turn up on the day of the appointment.
Patient discharge management software with hospital discharge certificate printing features. Best EHR software to download with 15 days free trial.
Discharge Certificate Management Software
Are you looking for an efficient patient discharge management system for preparing & printing discharge certificates in your hospital? PrescribeRx software has everything you need to make discharge certificates with patients' electronic medical health records management system.
PrescribeRx is a complete EHR software for every specialized medical doctors/ physicians and medical professional having need of keeping patients data analysis, printing prescriptions and also printing medical certificates.
The software is very efficent for managing and printing discharge having used by many medical professionals in Bangladesh fore more then 10 years. Can be used for individual medical doctors or used in any hospital for managing patients health records. The highlighed feature of the software are:
Keep computerized halth records for efficient health care
Keep illness, disnosis & treatements history
Printing Prescriptions (10+ formats & layouts)
Manage OPD patients in hospital
Store patient related documents, images & videos
Printing Medical Certificates
Studying medicine details/ generic literature
Prescribe Rx is ultra-fast as Microsoft SQL Server was used as the database system and Microsoft dot net technology as the front-end framework which increases software scalability and stability to ensure that your system will not become slow or unstable although after it will contain millions of data. The reporting system is also very intuitive with SAP crystal reports technology.
We are providing the software with per PC lifetime license. You can also try our system with a limited quantity of prescription preparation. After purchasing you will get licensing code for activating the software. You can also ask for any extra reports or for a personalized customization into your prescription writing system.

Office 365 Business
Best for businesses that need Office applications plus cloud file storage and sharing. Business-class email not included.
Business-class email hosting not included
Desktop versions of Office 2016 applications: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, plus Access and Publisher for PC only
Web versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
One license covers 5 phones, 5 tablets, and 5 PCs or Macs per user
File storage and sharing with 1 TB of OneDrive storage
Maximum number of users: 300
FastTrack deployment support with purchase of 50+ seats at no extra cost
24/7 phone and web support
Office 365 Business Premium
Best for businesses that need business-class email, Office applications, and other business services
Email hosting with 50 GB mailbox and custom email domain address
Desktop versions of Office 2016 applications: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, plus Access and Publisher for PC only
Web versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
One license covers 5 phones, 5 tablets, and 5 PCs or Macs per user
File storage and sharing with 1 TB of OneDrive storage
Inform and engage with a company-wide intranet and team sites with SharePoint
Host online and video conferencing meetings for up to 250 people
Get a hub for teamwork with Microsoft Teams
Let customers schedule appointments online with Microsoft Bookings
Collaborate across departments and locations with Yammer
Manage tasks and teamwork with Microsoft Planner
Maximum number of users: 300
FastTrack deployment support with purchase of 50+ seats at no extra cost
24/7 phone and web support
Office 365 Business Essentials
Best for businesses that need business-class email and other business services. Office applications not included.
Email hosting with 50 GB mailbox and custom email domain address
Web versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint (desktop versions of applications not included)
File storage and sharing with 1 TB of OneDrive storage
Inform and engage with a company-wide intranet and team sites with SharePoint
Host online and video conferencing meetings for up to 250 people
Get a hub for teamwork with Microsoft Teams
Collaborate across departments and locations with Yammer
Manage tasks and teamwork with Microsoft Planner
Maximum number of users: 300
FastTrack deployment support with purchase of 50+ seats at no extra cost
24/7 phone and web support
eCommerce Marketplace
Feature of Extreme Solutions eCommerce Marketplace-
Tax Management
Inventory Tracking
MSN Language Translator
Upselling & Cross-Selling Features
Separate Vendor Store
Product Reviews & Ratings
Order tracking via AfterShip
New Payment Gateways
Advanced Search Module
Homepage management
Cart Abandonment Alerts
Easy Checkout Process
PayPal Payout
Multiple Payment Options
ShipStation For Real-Time Shipping
20+ Pre-Integrated Payment Gateways
Advanced Order Management
eWallet Management
TaxJar & Avalara
Self Pickup Module
Smart Recommendations
Refund/Return Management
Social Media Sharing
Robust Reporting & Statistics
Discount Coupon & Offers
PWA Compliant
Facebook Pixel
Stripe connect
Behaviour Analytics via HotJar
Invoicing Module
Location-Based Product Sorting
Email Hosting Plan
User mailbox: 2 GB
Shared calendar & contacts
Web access
Outlook app
Anti-malware & anti-spam
Fingerprint Attendance Device
Almost all companies, Industrial or Government sector use this fingerprint attendance system for reduce daily attendance and HR work load. It is more reliable, accuracy, performance, profit, lesser mistake, stop illegal activity, Productive, safer and secure.
Top Mobile App Development Company in Bangladesh| Extreme Solutions
As a Mobile Application Development Company, we developed numerous mobile apps(Android & iOS) and have a lot of experience. Also, we know the process of mobile application development very deeply based on our vast level of experience on it.
So, Mobile Application Development is the process of creating software for mobile devices. You can build, customize, and deploy functional apps across all major mobile operating systems with Extreme solutions if you want.You can count on our technically sound expert developers for the ability to understand your ideas and transform them into reality.
PrescribeRx for Dermatology
Website Development with React js
Website Development with React js
Accounting Software in Bangladesh| Download Free
Accounting Software in Bangladesh
Accounting software is a computer program that assists bookkeepers and accountants in recording and reporting a companies financial transactions. The functionality of accounting software differs from product to product. Larger firms may choose to implement a customized solution that integrates a vast amount of data from many different departments. Small firms often choose an off-the-shelf product.
Accounting software is a valuable resource for modern businesses. Software allows detailed tracking of financial transactions and near-instantaneous reporting and analysis. Before accounting software, these tasks had to be performed by hand, using large transaction.
Accounting software also allows for the storing of numerous amounts of data without having to take up physical space. This results in companies needing less office space because they no longer need large file rooms to store binders of data. Less office space allows for cost savings.
Keypoints of Extreme Solutions Accounting software:
Extreme Solutions Accounting software is a computer program that assists accountants in recording and reporting a firm's financial transactions.
Different firms needed different accounting software. Some may only need generic, off the shelf accounting software, While others will need customized, complex accounting software. Extreme solutions provide both of the software service at the same time and maintain top quality
Extreme Solutions Accounting software makes accounting calculations easier to perform, understand, and analyze.
Less office space is required with accounting software, as it makes the use of physical data obsolete, which saves costs in regards to rent.
This Accounting software makes retrieving old accounting data easier, which is helpful for internal and external audits.
Key feature of the Best Accounting software in Bangladesh
User-Friendliness: When you build your own accounting system, you must ensure that the one you select is user-friendly, intuitive, and anybody can utilize it from your staff, including those who aren’t accounting or tech knowledgeable. Extreme solutions offers great user friendly software with great usage compatibility.
Analysis and Report: Analysis and reporting are the qualities that a good cloud ERP accounting & finance software must own. Reports record maintenance is a basic need of any business to analyze and report in the critical financial situation. Easy access to the records can facilitate the major tasks and meetings within organizations. At the time of decision making, this analysis and report will help the management and save their maximum time as well as the stress.
Billing and Invoicing & Payment Processing: Extreme's developed accounting software should be able to manage invoicing and payments at its best. It is like you must be aware of the amount you owe to someone or if someone owes you. Extreme solutions software will help you analyze the amount that is due to you, and then you may anticipate the cost of accounting software. All accounting software allows you to print invoices, and most of them also allow you to email them. Your basic client information, such as names, addresses, account numbers, and normal terms, should be remembered by your system. Especially when it comes to accounting and finance management.
Security: The accounting department always has sensitive and vital financial information, which we can also say knows about the secrets of any business. Thus it is critical to maintain the data secure and safe. It is advisable to develop accounting applications with an extreme level of security and scalability within apps. For each business, Security is a core and crucial component. So, be sure that you look for data protection and security as a must-have feature while selecting accounting and financial softwares.
Identify and Prevent Errors: Transparency and accuracy are the two factors ensured when you are using accounting software. A dependable solution is designed and coded to provide data on time, compute properly, and eliminate mistakes. As a result, you can expect your company’s financial development to be clear and easy to comprehend. Via you’ll be able to develop programs and strategies that are tailored to the needs of the business.
Benefits of using Extreme Solutions Accounting Software
Our Accounting software Data-entry procedures are pretty simple and fast.
You can receive in-depth and comprehensive financial reports.
Manual errors are reduced due to which precise decisions can be taken
Reduce the time for approval of invoices and cash disbursements.
Multiple departments can access the centralized accounting data.
Enables scalability and flexibility.
You can reduce your operational costs through the elemination of outsourcing of bookkeeping
Better decision making processes through the acquisition of timely and informative financial reports
Overall, you get timely and informative financial reports
PrescribeRx for cardiologist
PrescribeRx for cardiologist
Prescribe Rx
Patient Management Software
Patient Management Software in Bangladesh
As a health care provider, our first priority is caring for patients — and the buildup of everyday tasks like paperwork, scheduling and billing can get in the way of that. What is patient management software anyway?
A patient management system is also known as clinic management software, patient manager software, medical patient software or medical practice management software (MPM). It refers to several efficient automated systems that track patient information, diagnoses, prescriptions, interactions and encounters within healthcare organizations like medical clinics or hospitals.
Some of these software applications focus on general patient management, while others address specific processes such as inpatient tracking or blood testing. One thing they all have in common is that they make your job as a care provider smoother and more manageable. The FDA now considers software like this its own category of software as a medical device, so it’s important to know what’s what in this field!
Key Features
Not all of the patient management software features listed below are like Extreme Solutions Patient Management Software application. However, each feature is part of some patient management systems currently available. This comprehensive list can help you understand your practice’s unique requirements and get a head start on the software selection process.
Medical Records
The ability to track, store and access patients’ electronic medical records is vital to any health care provider. Some patient tracking software offers its charting module, and others integrate seamlessly with independent EHR/EMR solutions. Find out what you need before choosing a patient record management solution.
Whichever you choose, charting features should record, update and archive crucial patient data within the system for access at future encounters. It produces flow sheets for each patient, which list immunizations, previous diagnoses, surgeries, test results, chronic issues and other important data.
One of the most valuable clinic management system features is scheduling. The days of calling and making appointments via telephone are on their way out, and that’s good news for those looking to implement practice management. Patients can book their appointments online with 24/7 access to a patient portal with a patient scheduling module. They can also cancel and reschedule appointments in the system — which means your desk staff doesn’t have to.
Furthermore, patient manager software can send automated appointment reminders via email, text or phone call, reducing patients’ likelihood of forgetting appointments. Medical patient software also records appointment histories, including no-shows.
Patient Encounter
This group of clinical management software features tracks and manages the patient encounter before they even walk in the door. Patient check-in software modules generate electronic intake forms for them to fill out prior to their visit. This helps streamline a patient’s initial clinic or hospital visit and reduces wait times otherwise spent filling out forms in person. Once patients arrive, they can check-in electronically, and the system tracks their wait times to gather metrics for performance analysis.
Medical Billing
No one likes to talk about the financial side of healthcare, but it’s a necessary element of the industry. Hospital patient management systems offer billing modules that reduce the stress of the revenue cycle management process.
Automatic Reminders
Send automatic reminders to patients via email and phones to keep them informed about appointments and doctor availability. This helps reduce the number of no shows and also increase patient satisfaction as they do not have to stand in long queues.
POS for apparel stores and Fashion House our POS is a relevant software for fashion house.
Fashion house POS
Extreme POS is a releavant software for fashion house. It is a solution that integrated you business from POS operations to accounting to inventory. All in one in a full featured software,you can't imagine how Extreme POS will make your sales easy through multi ware house. You can keep many more store history. Extreme POS is a desktop based solutions. Extreme solutions proving the service all over in Banladesh.
Features are :
Product &Inventory
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Customer Management
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Purchase history
Accounting with Cash & Bank Management
Customers & Suppliers
Income & Expense
All transaction History
Leading travel agent companies accounting software in Bangladesh for travel agencies providing Hajj & omarh visa processing, airlines ticketing, hotel reservation services etc.
Manage your travel agency billing and accounting easily with precise solutions from EXTREME SOLUTIONS. Most travel agencies in Bangladesh prefer TargetCRM for billing and accounting system automation in travel agencies.
TargetCRM is an online Travel agency management software with the accounting system for the automation of customer relationships for travel agencies in Bangladesh. Manage reservations, create invoices, track payments with accounting software for travel agents providing Hajj & Umarh visa processing, airlines ticketing, hotel reservation services etc.
Online Invoicing & Billing Software For Travel Agencies in Bangladesh with most complete features made for tours & travel agent companies. Accounting in a travel agency is full of specificities that must be taken into account and TargetCRM has been designed to cover them all.
Monitoring travel agents' commissions can become complex. Different commission rates depend on the products, payments due to customers' partial payments, commissions shared between multiple agents on certain sales etc.
TargetCRM also allows improving the processes of interaction with customers of a travel agency, which leads to an increase in the level of loyalty to increase sales. TargetCRM designed primarily for companies that are not willing to pay big money for the commercial industry solutions and want to have an inexpensive and flexible solution that can be adapted to the business processes of the company.
To learn more about Travel Agency management software, please email to or contact hotline: +88 031 712114, +88 01613 987363
Online POS for Mobile Distributor
Customized CRM Software developed for software & web development companies. One of the most innovative CRM software specially developed for IT companies.
"Extreme CRM" was developed by EXTREME SOLUTIONS mainly built for IT, software & web development service-oriented companies. It is fully capable to automate the process of sales leads generation, team management, sales invoice generation, accounting data entry, automated email/SMS sending, MIS of business analysis etc. The scope of this software covers digital marketing automation, managing employee to customer relationship, employee performance analysis, website content management system etc.
The software is also capable to provide personalized business data to provide services/products that customers demand most, make better customer service, help sales teams to cross-sell and up-sell more effectively, close deals, retain current customers and to better understand exactly who the customers are etc. So, if you are looking for a fully customized/ personalized CRM software with lifetime license, Extreme CRM is one of the best options for you.
To learn more about one of the most innovative CRM software specially developed for IT companies with customization services, please email to or contact hotline: +88 031 712114, +88 01613 987363
Tiles shop management software in Bangladesh for importer, retailer & distributors of tiles, fittings, hardware houses & sanitary products with tiles measurement calculation.
Main administrative panel
Products & Warehouses Inventory
Suppliers Management
Purchase Management
Customers Management
Sales Management Module (POS)
Banking & Transactions Management
Accounting Management System
Reporting & Statements Module
Software Administration & security management
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Provision For Setup Customers
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Easy Point of Sales (POS)
Multi Sales Invoice & Challan
Sales Return & Replacement
Customer Dues Collection
Customer Credit List
Sales History & Statistical Reports
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Barcode System Product Code Maintains (Optional)
Supplier information
Auto Purchase Invoice generation
Easy Adjustment Provision of Purchase
Stock-in Purchase
Purchase Return
Item to Order List (based on minimum stock)
Date& Item Wise Purchase History
Suppliers wise purchase
Any Date Of Time Total purchase value
Party Ledger
Supplier Payment
Stock Inventory
Items Opening Stock Entry
Stock Quantity Adjustment
Stock Movement (Godown to Godown Transfer)
Current-Stock by Godown & Stock Valuation
Item Search by Name, Group, Categories & Warehouses
Date Wise Stock Register
Item Wise Stock Register
Customer Ledgers
Suppliers Ledgers
Purchase & Sales history
Bank Statement
Accounts Management System
Expenses Head Setup
Collection Heads Setup
Bank Information Entry
Daily Collection& Expenses Entry
Bank Deposit & Withdrawal Entry
Party Cheque Processing
Daily Collection-Expenditures Report (Day-Book)
Voucher Entry
Account Head Ledgers
Daily Collection / Expenditure Report
Financial Statements
Receipts & Payments
Income Statement
Cash-flow Statements
Profit and Loss Accounts
Trial Balance
Extreme Office (Business Basic)
Extreme Office (Business Essential)
Extreme Office (Business Standard)
Extreme Office (Business Premium)
Restaurant, Pharmacy, Medicine Shop management software in Chittagong with sales, accounting, store & inventory management system. Best for invoicing pharmacy, medicine shop, restaurant billing in Bangladesh.
POS Software: Restaurant POS, Pharmacy POS Bangladesh
Manage your Restaurant, Pharmacy, Medicine Shop with this shop management software. Many Restaurant, Pharmacy, Medicine Shop are using our shop accounting software for their daily business transaction management, accounting, store and inventory management tasks. The Software is also using by many foreign Restaurant, Pharmacy, Medicine Shop worldwide for their daily product selling & shop management task into a POS software.
Restaurant, Pharmacy, Medicine Shop management software in Bangladesh with sales, accounting, store & inventory management system. ExtremePOS is best for invoicing pharmacy, medicine shop, restaurant billing in Bangladesh. Extreme Solutions is one of the leading software development firms in Bangladesh.
The software was specially developed for Restaurant, Pharmacy, Medicine Shops in Bangladesh. Any other type of companies having stock & inventory can use this software for their daily transactions.
The readymade packaged software price is also very comfortable for every Restaurant, Pharmacy, Medicine Shops. You can free download the shop management software with 30 days trial (download link is given below).
Extreme shop management Software can be used by any types of Restaurant, Pharmacy, Medicine Shop for accounting, purchase, sales & inventory automation and also giving service to customers in terms of transactions.

Shop Management Software Features:
Barcode Based Products Setup
Warehouses Inventory
Suppliers Management
Purchase Management
Customers Management
Sales Management Module (POS)
Banking & Transactions Management
Accounting Management System
Reporting & Statements Module
User Security Management

Shop Management Software Modules:
Product Management Module
Sales Management Module
Inventory Management Module
Party Management Module
Purchase Management Module
Bank &Transanction Management Module
Stock Management Module
Ledger Report Module
Our Shop Management Software is an out of box POS Software in Chittagong.
To learn more about ExtremePOS Call now : +88 01613 987 363.
FREE Trial Download
Windows 7, 8, 10 (64 bit)
Login ID: admin Password: 1
Windows 7, 8, 10 (32 bit)
Login ID: admin Password: 1
HR, Payroll, Accounting with PF Software for Govt. Organization in Bangladesh
Cloud HRM: HR, Payroll, Accounting with Provident Fund software for Govt. Organization
Automates all the PF & Gratuity transaction process which includes PF amount, gratuity settlements, bonus, pensions and many more
Automated Fund-Related Transactions, Making PF & Gratuity Trouble-Free Cloud HRM allows total oversight of fund calculations in one place. A simple and fast way to receive accurate fund & transaction reports. Welcome to worry-free fund management with Cloud HRM.

Training Services. Enterprise & Government ... Automatically calculate all existing and previous provident funds. Utilise smart system functions for simple fund management, organization-wide. All within one ... PF Accounting Process. Review individual ... The difference between HR & payroll software. Human resource and ...
The best firm in Bangladesh for providing HR & Payroll Management Services. ... Tax Compliance Software ... and good relationship with the government agencies (where all these tedious ... Professional Employer Organization (PEO)/Employer of Record (EOR) ... Provision of Provident Fund services to PEO employees.
ACE Advisory is a leading provider of professional and outsourcing services in Bangladesh including Corporate Secretarial, Accounting, HR & Payroll & Tax.
All statutory deductions like EPF, TDS, ESI are deducted at the time of processing payroll. The company then remits the amount to the respective government ...
account for between 10 and 40 percent of central government expenditures, and ... human resources and payroll process, as well as a budgetary exercise); ... The resulting accounting transactions and audit findings. ? ... esses and often as a discrete organizational function, is a much more complex ... provident funds.
It is a modern global payroll and compliance software tool for organizations with a remote ... localized legal and finance-related compliance documents to onboard remote ... of payroll taxes; Compliance with Government policies, and wage regulations ... Kredily is a free HR & payroll software with extremely versatile features ...
Other than Troyee-Accounting-Inventory package software, 3BL also deals with ... in the field of Accounting, Inventory, MIS, Human Resource, and adding greater ... Payroll & Provident Fund Management System, ? Management Information ... Distributing /Marketing, Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGO).
May 26, 2020 — Assisting you with free and open source payroll software. ... Judging from this, we think it is time you consider utilizing payroll software for your organization. ... specialized in different fields, such as administration, accounting, HR, etc. ... Direct electronic transfer of funds to employees; Absent management ...
Crozdesk's data-driven software ranking of 155 Payroll Management solutions. ... Accounting, human resources management, and payroll are key business ... amount is paid to the right employee, it allows organizations to pay their taxes correctly, ... payroll to keep track of taxes due to the government, pension schemes and ...
Our contributions in labor law, provident fund and tax management ... There are various Government and private organizations that provide ... statutory and HR services i.e. Payroll Processing, Employees Provident Fund ... Minimum Wages Act, Bonus Act and Bangladeshi Labor Welfare Fund Rules and various other acts.
Finding the best payroll software for your company can be a challenging task. ... Rippling makes it easy to manage your company's Payroll, Benefits, HR, and ... on your chosen dates and handles HMRC RTI and pension submissions on your behalf. ... services companies or fund accounting for nonprofit organizations.
With features built into the software to account for your complex payroll rules to be compliant ... Employee master Information,; Academic information,; Organization ... Vacancy approval done by HR department; Single repository for applicant ... Provident fund; Leave travel allowance ( LTA); Pay Group for different pay run ...
Govt. | Must include:
The industry's leading fund accounting software can help your organization with ... payroll to tax form management, HR accounting demands organization and ... Additionally, you can manage benefit programs like 401(k) packages and pension plans ... making it ideal for government human resources accounting processes.
Our HR and Payroll Management Services ensure clients can focus on ... Our accounting software is hosted in secure cloud servers with daily backups and ... and submission/transmission of tax payments to Government Exchequer. ... Executive recruitment services; Local provident fund/gratuity fund setup and management.
Most payroll system software are automatically updated when tax laws ... of processing all statutory deductions like EPF (Employee Provident Fund), ... The payroll administrator then sends the amount to the appropriate government agencies. ... Payroll accounting: It is important that every organization keep a record of all its ...
HR, | Must include:
BRAC University's Accounts department has the following organizational structure: Head of Accountant ... Payroll is a part of HR software. Payroll module ... Provident fund, income tax and other deductions from salary, expenses or income transfer from one ... The entire amount deducted is deposited to government account.
Most of these lead to queries for the payroll processing department (HR or ... It is believed that a payroll processing software can help avoid these challenges. Yes ... There may be different types of employees in your organization and it is ... Minimum wages (based on the location of work of the employee); – Provident Fund ...
Mar 21, 2020 — A payroll management system is a software program designed to organize all the ... to insurance carriers, and/or paying employment taxes to the government. ... Payroll software requires employers to input employee wage ... In organizations with many employees, it's easy for misclassifications to occur.
Provident | Must include:
Employee's fund means employee's provident fund, pension or gratuity fund and ... are now investing the fund in share markets, purchasing government bonds, ... an added load on organizations for accounting and administering such funds. ... he is liable to pay tax on the amount of recognized provident fund that he will ...
HrXpert Payroll Software helps you for Various types of Salary structure as per ... heads and reporting executives for defining the hierarchy tree in an Organization. ... Bonus payment options as per govt. rule and company policies and concern reports ... Provident fund management (PF), including Monthly, Half yearly, Yearly ...
Fully interfaced with our Financial Management System, on-line posting facility with the Provident Fund System and Job Costing System and also can be interfaced ...
To sum it up Employees' Provident Fund is a government scheme for benefiting salaried ... Human resource department often has to answer employees queries related to EPF. ... EPFO, employees provident fund, PF, EPF, Payroll software, payroll management software ... The speed of the actual accounting software is fast.
Oct 30, 2018 · Import from Other Accounting Software: ATX and TaxWise. ... Auto provident fund filing & salary disbursements give you a peace of mind on ... Jul 25, 2020 · Subject: [sap-hr] Should HR/Payroll be on a stand alone SAP box? ... the majority of the basic payroll work (taxes, deductions, government tax forms, etc.
... Stockbroker · Financial independence · Estate planning · Target date fund. See also. Bank · Cooperative · Credit union · v · t · e. A salary is a form of payment from an employer to an employee, which may be specified in an ... In accounting, salaries are recorded on payroll accounts. ... Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Loading App Close This is a State of Georgia application. ... Mize CPAs Inc. Free Quote Contact Login Simplify payroll and HR services. ... ADG Accounting, Inc. KSC offers over 40 programs of study, as well as individualized ... Payroll, unemployment, government benefits and other direct deposit funds are available on ...
Best Payroll Management Software in India start from Rs. 10. ... EmployeeVibes HR Management Software Pricing EmployeeVibes HR ... It has in-built compliance for Provident Fund, Professional Tax, ESIC, Income Tax, and others. ... with organizations APIs Last-mile compliance with government-mandated tax and ...
HR & Payroll Software in Bangladesh for garments manufacturing companies. ... and leave management, payroll processing and provident fund management.
Rating: 4.7 · 678 reviews
Oct 14, 2020 — Payroll is an integral part of an HR ecosystem for SME, Startups and Organizations. ... What organizations use payroll software? ... and deduction calculations according to changes in government norms? ... Employee Provident Fund. 2. ... The automated payroll system can work as accounting software by ...
Apr 30, 2020 — Unless you are an accountant or you are us, you probably might not be too excited ... Payroll has a serious impact on the net income of an organization. ... Payroll staffs spend countless hours collecting information from the HR, Finance, ... With good payroll software, mundane tasks can be automated, and ...
Results 1 - 47 of 47 — Payroll software is offered by HR technology vendors, but it can also ... Contents owned and updated by the respective DDOs / Treasuries Department, Government of Tamil ... accounting and finance and 2 years of partnering with HR leaders ... It also tracks all activities of an employee in an organization.
Compandben has TWO international HR, accounting and payroll partners in ... in Ethiopia and these organizations have a tradition of outsourcing their non core ... Provident fund schemes,; Private pension schemes,; Government backed ... to compile earnings history if it is not a stored data on currently used software.
Human Resource can also be called as manpower, employee, workforce, ... 3.67% into Employee Provident fund; 8.33% into Employees pension scheme ... However, for government PSUs it will remain 12% but PSU employees can pay 10%.
software | Must include:
As published in the Government of India, Gazette notification No. 25 dated. 21.06.2005 ... “EPF Scheme” means Employees' Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 e. ... “Applicant” means an applicant who files an application under the Right to. Information ... accounting procedure of Employees' Provident Fund, Pension Fund and.
About Employees' Provident Fund Organisation. ... EPFO HR SOFTWARE CAN BE ACCESSED USING [For Office ... Read; Notice Inviting application for empanelment of advocates - Zonal Office, Haryana. ... control of Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India (click here)
A Payroll system is a software that an organization uses to automate their payroll process. ... An authorized payroll accountant needs to take all these data with proper ... Employee availed tax exemption schemes provided by the Government. ... PF (Provident Fund), ESI (Employees' State Insurance), and PT (Professional ...
The payroll process software can help accounting, finance, and HR teams work ... Gabriella Parente-Neubert has been an HR and organizational development ... the next important thing is to understand the Government's payroll compliance. ... This PF is divided into separate funds: EPF (Employees' Provident Fund) and ...
Our Singapore HR Management (HR Services) and Payroll Services includes Payroll ... salary, benefits, health insurance, probation, leave, Central Provident Fund ... semi-skilled and unskilled professionals for employment in organizations ... government (e.g. Work-Life Works Funds) wherever applicable for companies ...
Find, choose and compare the eLearning Industry's Top Payroll Software. ... HR, payroll, attendance, recruiting, applicant tracking, onboarding, and ACA ... Goss account is providing FREE accounting software that will beneficial for ... a function to calculate and pay taxes directly to the government, depending on the income.
Nov 3, 2017 — ThinkStock Photos Under the EPF scheme, an employee has to pay a certain ... The government is considering to lower the rate of contribution towards EPF. ... the application in hard copy with the regional provident fund offices. ... its go-ahead to a new accounting policy for its equity-linked investments.
MINISTRY OF FINANCE , GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ... of CPIO For HR 1 Section Ofice of CGA Order No 2422 2431 Dated 22nd March 2021 · Merger of ... of Union Government Appropriation Accounts - Civil - 2020-21-Time Schedule for ... and Chief Accounts Officer in the Employees Provident Fund Organization New Delhi ...
Malam Payroll is Israel's largest and leading company supplying advanced ... range of management and organizational data exploring tools, including payroll systems, human resources systems, attendance systems and pension savings systems. ... Malam Payroll is proud to serve its clients in Israel, including government ...
Define Grade wise pay scale on allowances like the Govt. employees salaries. Define unlimited number of Branches/Departments/Designation/Payment mode etc. Define EPF share of employee and employer seperately. ... H.R. Related Reports ... software india payroll software organization membership accounting payroll ...
Bangladesh · Senior Officer Payroll & Provident Fund · Action Against Hunger, Bangladesh
Senior Officer Payroll & Provident Fund at Action Against Hunger, Bangladesh ... Update the database on staff and Salary on(HR Software HOMER) ... High quality accounting for the ACF Base office: Ensure timely closure and ... Update day to day partner organizations monitoring the financial activities of the sub-grantees
e.g. Provident fund at 12% of basic pay is deducted from salary. ... The bonus is dependent on the profitability of the organization and can be given to ... However, male employees in central government are given a paid paternity leave for 15 days. ... HR, payroll, accounting, and customer support departments are some of the ...
To upskill HR payroll professionals who are dealing with basic assessment ... KPMG in India payroll experts, this payroll course is highly application driven. ... Employees' Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 ... Learn the basics of income tax, payroll, payroll process, payroll compliance, payroll accounting ...
Oracle HRMS enables you to set up one or more Government Reporting ... Do I need to run a separate program to create hierarchy diagrams? ... if you associate a cost center to an HR organization, you can record the payroll costs ... Provident Fund Organization: Records your PF organization's PF challan ... 410-Accounting.
Learn More about basic salary, allowances, gratuity, employee PF, ... Employee Provident Fund is an employee benefit scheme where investments are made by ... chartered accountants, doctors and lawyers, etc. by to the state government.
The compensation package, providing the basic salary, health benefits, and 401(k) ... After reviewing your company's strategic plan and your human resource ... For example, you are considering implementing a team bonus program for high ... Once the best employees and talent come to work for your organization, you ...
Download free Salary Sheet Excel Template a payroll document in which you can ... rules of Employment which includes provident fund and employee allowances. ... HR maintains financial records of employees like wages, salaries, deductions, ... Government employees,
public sector employees, and pensioners get to DA.
The Most Important Modules and Key Features of Our HR & Payroll (HRMS) Solution. ... like to know about any single employee from their organization in employee list. ... Provident Fund: This module with all the necessary information in provident ... accountants and customers, to perfectly match with every organization.
PrescribeRx for Urology Doctor
With the PrescribeRx you will get Urology EHR, Urologists can see a large volume of patients with bladder, urethra, ureter, kidney and adrenal gland issues while treating and documenting disorders related to the epididymis, penis, prostate, seminal vesicles and testes.
As a template-free EHR, PrescribeRx enables physicians to practice medicine based on their own individual style while constantly refining their approach to medicine and eliminating medical error. This allows physicians to practice smarter and higher quality medicine and lowers physician stress. Praxis is the top rated EHR for Urology and is customizable to a personalized Urology workflow, which means improved efficiency in all aspects of the Urology medical practice.
The latest Medscape's survey found that 42% of practicing physicians report physician burnout; of those working in Urology, the burnout rate was an alarming 54%, the nation's highest. Urologists report strenuous hours seeing large volumes of patients coupled with long hours in front of their computer documenting visits. Therefore, it is more critical than ever that today's Urologists use an EHR that is fast, easy and able to handle all the surgical and non-surgical treatments of urological disorders and diseases.
PrescribeRx is the Best EHR for urology medicine based on an AI engine that learns from each physician and gets progressively faster and smarter. With Praxis, the #1 rated Urology EHR, physicians can streamline Urology procedures.
Online EHR Software
Although some clinicians use the terms EHR and EMR interchangeably, the benefits they offer vary greatly. An EMR (electronic medical record) is a digital version of a chart with patient information stored in a computer and an EHR (electronic health record) is a digital record of health information.
EHR (or Online EHR or Web based EMR) is an EHR software program which maintains patient health records data on remote servers instead of servers located within the premises of a medical clinic or facility. Also called hosted EMR, it resides on the EHR vendor's network and is accessed via the Internet on the client's devices and equipment. The practice leases the software and network on a monthly or annual subscription basis from the EMR vendor.
It provides medical practices with simplified operation, instant scalability, reduced costs and improved data sharing with security to its users and requires only a computer with an Internet connection
Scalable from single physician clinics to large, multi-location and multi-specialty practices
Designed around the unique and specialty specific workflows, it allows you to streamline your workflow while complying with ever-changing rules and regulations—freeing your time so you can focus on what matters–improving patient care.
Includes specialty-specific templates and features that simplify the care delivery, documentation, and billing processes of specialty practices
Streamlines communication, simplifies administrative and financial tasks, and enhances physician and staff productivity
Time-proven implementation methods for successful EHR transition
Is Online EHR Systems Safe?
Most physicians who are skeptical of cloud-based EHR systems cite security as a primary concern. While uncertainty is understandable, web-based EHR systems can actually deliver greater security than client-server systems and paper records.
Web-based EHR systems achieve HIPAA compliance through data centers with bank-level security and high-level encryption methods that render data unreadable — even if a security breach occurs. Client-server systems are often left unencrypted and only as secure as the room where they are stored.
Cloud-based data is safer than paper and client-server records in the event of a natural disaster or fire because the data is backed up securely in multiple locations. Backups for client-server records are most vulnerable to breach in transport to storage facilities, unlike cloud systems.
Most people are already allowing a great deal of their sensitive data to be stored in the cloud. Email systems like Gmail and Yahoo! are stored in the cloud. Online banking, shopping, and personal information on social sites like Facebook are all cloud-based systems as well.
Ultimately, cloud-based EHR systems provide users of all sizes and industries great advantages in cost savings, data accessibility, and security. Now, medical practices just have to be willing to look to the cloud for the future of healthcare IT.
Cargo & Vessels Inspection Survey Company Management Software in Bangladesh with Ship & Vessels, Customers & Orders, Financial Accounting System, HR, Duty & Payroll, delivery, administration and security management.
Cargo consignment & Vessels Inspection-Survey Company Management Software
Ship & lighterage Inspection/ Survey Company Management system with Ship & Vessels information, Customers & Orders management, Order Tracking, Financial Accounting System, Casual Employee and other human resources management, Duty & Payroll management, Delivery Management, Software administration and security management.
To know more details please call us: +88 01613987363 or send an email to
The software was mainly developed for GMS International- A leading survey-inspection company in Chittagong, Bangladesh
Menu Architecture:
• Dashboard ?
• HRM & Payroll
• Setups
• Employee Departments
• Sections
• Designations
• Duty Shifts
• Work Types
• Agents/ Introducer
• Employee Setup
• Employee Documents
• Duty
• Duty Entry
• Payment Entry
• Monthly Attendance
• Reports
• List of Employees
• Performance Analysis
• Salary Sheet
• Pay-Slip
• Employee Ledger
• Attendance History
• Employee Applications
• Attendance or Duty Report
• Duty Report-Individual
• Mother Vessel Wise Expense
• Point Wise Expense Sheet
• Wages-Sheet-Individual
• Wages-Sheet
• Setups
• Customers
• Supplier Categories
• Vendors/Suppliers
• Vessels
• Survey Type
• Lighter's Light Survey
• Locations/ Zones
• Ghat Setup
• CNF Agents
• Godown Setup
• Cargo Setup
• Delivery Points
• Orders
• New Work Order
• Mother Vessel Draft Survey
• Lighter Draft Survey
• Lighter Quantification
• Assign Lighter
• Loading Info.
• Order Delivery
• Books
• Books Info Setup
• Book Issue
• Reports
• Qty Calc./ Lighter History
• Lighter History Summery
• Invoice By Date Range
• Invoice By Payment Status
• Search Invoice
• Credit List
• Customer Ledger
• Sales Collection History
• Order wise Profit
• Document Library
• Employees
• PO
• Purchase
• Others
• Search Doc Library
• Purchase
• Setups
• Supplier Categories
• Manufacturers
• Import Agents
• Insurence Company
• Purchase Zones
• Referrers
• Local Purchase
• Purchase Entry
• Purchase Edit
• Purchase Return
• Purchase Payment
• Cheque Processing
• Adjustment
• LC
• LC Expense Heads
• LC General Info
• LC Status Updates
• LC Amendment
• LC Expenses
• LC Finalization
• LC Payment
• LC Item Return
• Purchase Reports
• Purchase by Invoice
• Purchase by Products
• Supplier Ledger
• Supplier Credit List
• Party Payment History
• Search Purchase
• LC Reports
• LC By Date Range
• LC Detail View
• Item Costing Comparison
• LC Items History
• LC Payment History
• Search LC Info
• Production
• Setups
• Sections
• Machines
• Lines
• Shifts
• Operations
• Colors
• Production Purposes
• Standard Production
• Production
• Shearing
• Offset Printing
• Power Press
• Round Tin
• Plastic Container
• Screen Print
• Plastic Finishing
• Reports
• Stock Register
• Hourly Production Report
• Employee Efficiency Report
• Production by Date
• Production by Sections
• Accounts
• Setups
• Subsidiary Accounts
• Control Accounts
• Accounts Head Setup
• Particulars
• Bank Account Setup
• Data Entry
• Billing
• Voucher Entry
• Balance Adjustment
• Acc Linking
• Reports
• Ledger
• Chart of Accounts
• Income Statement
• Trial Balance
• Balance Sheet
• Bank Book
• A/C Group Ledger
• Sub A/C Ledger
• Control A/C Ledger
• A/C Head Ledger
• Trade Receivables
• Bank A/C Summary
• Agent Summary
• Agent Duty Summary
• Cancelled Vouchers
• Voucher by Date
• Facts Module
• Declarations
• Price Declaration
• Consumptions
• Consumption Statistics
• Print Impresion
• Reduce/MTT/Thiner
• Ink Consumption
• Coating, Varnish, Sizeetc
• Measurements
• Tin Sheet Measurement
• Standard Height Spec.
• Admin
• Setups
• Country Setup
• City Setup
• Company Info
• Form Settings
• Notice & Messages
• Post News to Scroll
• Send Message to User
• Edit News
• All News Updates
• Received Messages
• Users & Security
• Create Login Profile
• User Permissions
• Block User
• Reset Password
• User Login History
• Admin Reports
• Important Documents
• Maintenance
• Data Backup
The software was mainly developed for GMS International- A leading survey-inspection company in Bangladesh
POS for Shoes
eNewsPaper in
Inventory management software in Bangladesh: Extreme made an easy and measurable Inventory management software that avails you to handle your stock easily
Trading business software (sales, accounting & stock inventory)
Manage your trading company with Extreme POS software. Trading companies are using the POS software for their daily business transaction management, accounting, and inventory management tasks. We developed best Accounting, Sales & Inventory management software for trading business in Bangladesh. ExtremePOS is one of the best business management software in Chittagong developed by Extreme Solutions- one of the leading trading software development firms in Bangladesh.
The software was specially developed for trading companies, and retailers in Bangladesh. Any other type of companies having stock & inventory can use this software for their daily transactions.
The readymade packaged software price is also very comfortable for every company. You can free download the POS software with 30 days trial (download link is given below).
Extreme POS Software can be used by any types of trading business, departmental stores or distribution companies for accounting, purchase, sales & inventory automation and also giving service to customers in terms of transactions.

Trading Software Features:
Barcode Based Products Setup
Warehouses Inventory
Suppliers Management
Purchase Management
Customers Management
Sales Management Module (POS)
Banking & Transactions Management
Accounting Management System
Reporting & Statements Module
User Security Management

Trading Software Modules:
Product Management Module
Sales Management Module
Inventory Management Module
Party Management Module
Purchase Management Module
Bank &Transanction Management Module
Stock Management Module
Ledger Report Module
Extreme POS is an out of box Trading Software in Chittagong.
To learn more about ExtremePOS Call now : +88 01613 987 363.
FREE Trial Download
Windows 7, 8, 10 (64 bit)
Login ID: admin Password: 1
Windows 7, 8, 10 (32 bit)
Login ID: admin Password: 1
Download your Free trial today and enjoy the software for 30 days free!
XFF is one of the best freight forwarding management software in Bangladesh developed by Extreme Solutions, Chittagong.
Why freight forwarding management software?
Freight forwarding software helps forwarders to manage freight , shipments, quotes, Invoice, inventory. Logistics software for freight forwarding companies in Bangladesh. Most of the freight forwarding companies in Bangladesh struggles to provide real-time support for shipping & freight information in real-time. But using the XFF app developed by Extreme Solutions will help you to move your freight forwarding business go paperless! Reduce your costs and improve your business productivity by using the XFF freight forwarding software.
Freight Forwarding Management
Manage your freight from end-to-end, including documents, email templates & notifications to customers, dashboards & other business tools. Our software solution ensures that you stay on top of your freight management needs. Our forward-thinking SaaS platform features Shared logistics (Track & Trace), mobile access to customers, access to CRM, and a customizable system to meet your needs and much more!
Costs & Profit/Loss Analysis
Manage your payments and receivables process with advanced features and reports from Estimated and Actual Costs, through Profit for Shipments in Consolidations to Vendor Invoice & much more…
Invoicing & Collection
Create invoices for customers using any currency, and in any language. Forward invoices to your customers via the Logitude system and track your payments and collections.
Cargo/Shipment Quotes
Manage your quotes by offering customers adjusted quotes for their freight that are seamlessly turned into active shipments. Our cargo management software enables your customers to have the latest consignment prices.
e-AWB Software Capability
We help you to move your freight forwarding business go paperless! Reduce your costs and improve your business productivity as part of the IATA initiative by using our forwarding software.
Multi Booking System
Multi Booking System
Website design company specializing in cheap professional web design in Chittagong. Contact us now if you are looking for an affordable custom website design for your business.
Professional Website Design
Established in 2005, Extreme Solutions is a website design company that has been providing companies all over Bangladesh with website designs that has seen their business traffic expand tenfold and increase their websites page ranking on Google, Yahoo, Bing and all of the major search engines.
With the experienced knowledge of industry leaders has seen Dynamic Web Design propel against all of the competition by creating stunning art work and websites that display companies core features and goals at the cheapest price making us 1 of website design Melbourne web design company to choose.
Having a team that works together with our clients make communication a breeze and to achieve goals is not just a dream but a reality.
Having experienced Certified Website Designers and Developers ensures that your website will be running up to 100% of its capabilities and comply with all internet regulations so that you can rest assured your site will not crash or data not displaying. We also test and debug your website so that it will work on all different browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome and others), on both Mac and PC platforms, on desktop and laptop monitors and to allow for all common screen resolutions.
Upon using the latest technologies and techniques we can create basic websites for you which take about 2 – 5 days to complete or if your after something more specific we can create custom built designs so that you can stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression on your viewers
Contact your local website design team today to see how we can expand your business and to build your business a website that will reflect who you are.
We design and build your website but we also aim so that your website is at the top of it’s ratings and receives a high flow of constant traffic resulting in sales.
eCommerce website development in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Experienced in Reactjs, Express, WordPress (WooCommerce), Magento, nopCommerce, Drupal, PrestaShop and Custom CMS Development.
eCommerce Website Development
We worked with some of the Bangladeshi leading startups, SMEs, and international retailer to grow their business through user-friendly online shopping experiences. We design, build, support, integrate, optimize, and market amazing eCommerce websites that converts visitors into sales. So if you are looking for a well-designed, customizable, super-fast eCommerce web-applications development company in Bangladesh, you have reached the right company.
For the last 14+ years, we have been providing web development services to our clients. Experienced in Reactjs, Express, WordPress (WooCommerce), Magento, nopCommerce, Drupal, PrestaShop, and Custom CMS Development. Many small to enterprise companies have taken our services in Bangladesh, USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and many other countries. More than 500 websites have been developed by us and made customers satisfied with creative designing, expert programming and after-sales services.
The web development services we provide are- Small to Medium Business website, Group of Companies website, Enterprise/ Corporate business website, Newspaper website, eCommerce Website (Fully Customized or Woo-Commerce), Clubs website, Real-Estate website, Product & Portfolio website and many other types of web development services.
If you are looking for website development services in Chittagong, you can either suggest your budget or suggest your requirements. The price of our web development services starts from 16,000 BDT only.
All the developed websites provided to our customers are with eye-catching design, mobile responsive, and also AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) optimized. HTML codes and website structures are SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly for getting the top place in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Our engineers take careful steps in every aspect of the creative designing & development process.
We use various technologies for developing websites depends on customer requirements and budgets. The main technologies, framework, and platforms we use for website development are:
Javascript & Jquery
Asp.Net Core+SQL Server
Design your website from EXTREME SOLUTIONS
We not only design your website, we will also develop your brand- which will promote your online presence 24 hours a day!
For your online presence to impress your visitors, your website needs to exclude credibility with professionalism and quality. We understand that in the internet arena saturated with billions of web pages, a well-designed website is vitally important to marketing, building brand awareness, and attracting prospective customers.
We ensure to provide you best of website design & development services in Chittagong.
For more details, please call us to +88 01613 987363.
Newspaper Website
Ecommerce Website (
Highly Skilled Bangladeshi Web Designers, Specialists In School website development services.
Dynamic Website for Schools
With our unparalleled skills, knowledge, enthusiasm and a studio made up of only the best professional web design talents, Total Web Design prides itself in producing unique and affordable web design solutions for education sectors in Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide and other parts of Bangladeshi. We develop high quality, secured and user friendly school websites to ensure that your organisation conveniently goes through website tools and enhanced user experience on the site. Our team of web developers and talented graphic designers knows what it takes to create a site that looks fantastic, functions efficiently, and one that can generate web traffic.
Total Web Design believes that your institution can have a professional school site at a reasonable and affordable cost. Our school web design and web development services help:
Build site traffic and school exposure
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School web design is a field that Total Web Design excels in and never fails to deliver. We have worked with several businesses and educational institutions in the past, giving us the necessary skill and experience to make your very own web design a success. By working directly and closely with our clients, we ensure affordable web design services that will uniquely reflect a school’s ideas, values, philosophies and vision. Find out more about our web design Bangladesh services by giving us a call now!
Dynamic Corporate Website Development
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Bulk SMS service provider & price in Bangladesh for companies sending mass SMS for marketing purpose. Only @ 5tk. for 10 SMS!
Are you looking for Bulk SMS services in Chittagong?
You can buy Bulk SMS in a very convenient price in Chittagong. All Operators in Bangladesh is supported. We have a very good reputation for our SMS services in Chittagong. We can help you for sending mass SMS as marketing services. You can purchase minimum quantity of 10 SMS to 10 lac SMS from us.
Below are the pricing packages for non-branded SMS:
500 SMS ---- 250 taka
1,000 SMS ---- 500 taka
5,000 SMS ---- 2,000 taka
10,000 SMS ---- 4,000 taka
20,000 SMS ---- 6,000 taka
40,000 SMS ---- 10,000 taka
1,00,000 SMS ---- 25,000 taka
So, the price is starting from 5 taka per 10 SMS. The more SMS quantity you purchase the price will be cheaper for you. More SMS price slots are:
Amount (Bangladeshi Taka)
Branded/ Masking SMS Rate
Non-Brandad SMS
Less than 1000 tk.
50 poisa per SMS
1,000 tk. to 4999 tk.
40 poisa per SMS
5,000 tk. to 9,999 tk.
30 poisa per SMS
10,000 tk. and above
50 poisa per SMS
25 poisa per SMS
We provide bulk SMS through our own gateway API and website panel. Our SMS service is Unicode supported. Your SMS will be received by your target clients instantly! You can send SMS from our intuitive web-interface or using our web-API. Choice our SMS services for hassle free integration with any software.
Demo HTTP Web-API link:
If you are looking for Bulk SMS services in Bangladesh, please call us +88 01613 987363
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Easy prescription software for eye specialist doctors & ophthalmology surgeons. Electronic Health Record software with prescription template for ophthalmologists & eye surgeons in Bangladesh.
Prescription Software for Ophthalmologist
PrescribeRx is a easy prescription writing software for eye specialist doctors & ophthalmology surgeons. The software included complete features of prescribing & EHR (Electronic Health Record) management system for ophthalmologists & eye surgeons in Bangladesh. You can now easily print Lens/ Glasses Prescription also using the software.
The Prescription Writing Management Software will print well formatted Prescription your Patients will love it. We are Medical Software Development Company in Bangladesh making a complete Prescription Writing Software system with the help of some specialized Doctors which is a part and parcel for every medical practitioner.
This Software is part of a series of research, teaching tools and study material with the features of Patients Records Management, Medicine Management, Patients Historical Data Analysis, Easy Prescription & Medical Certificate Printing, Statistical data analysis etc. expecting to release in a very cheap cost with finest service and supports all over in Bangladesh.
General features
Specially designed for ophthalmologists & eye surgeons
Medicine & Lens Glasses Prescription preparation
Print separate prescription for medicine & glasses
Patients Searching in Software Dashboard
Find Old patients historical data
Printing old Prescriptions
Edit-Delete provision for any records
Daily Serial Entry with Appointment Card
Patients Appointment Schedule Report
Money receipt against collection
Admission for visiting Doctors (Direct or from serial)
Daily/Weekly/Monthly List of Patients and collected amounts
Disease profile,
Patients search and preview.
Drug Directory
Drug Details
Search Drugs
Drugs by Brands
Drugs by Generics
Drugs by Classes
Drugs by Conditions.
Advance search
Generic Name editor
Literature for Generic Names, showing dosage, indication, side effects etc.
Prescription can be Export to other formats or Email to your Patients.
Different Statistical Reports
For 64 bit Download
For 32 bit Download
Login Information: User 123, Password 123
To learn more about Prescribe Rx (Prescription Management Software) or another Our product or service? Contact us, we’ll be happy to help.
Hotline: +88031712114, +8801613987363
Lab management software in Bangladesh with billing, accounting & inventory for diagnostic center, clinical lab and pathology labs in Chattogram.
Lab Management System in Bangladesh
Are you looking for a Medical Lab/ Diagnostic Centre/ Pathology Lab management software? We can help you for below categories:
Medical laboratory software in Bangladesh
Free medical lab software in Chittagong
Clinical laboratory software in Chattogram
Free clinical lab software in Bangladesh
Diagnostic center software
Pathology billing software in bangladesh
Free lab accounting software
Medical lab software
Medical laboratory software
Free lab management software
Clinical lab software
Laboratory software free download
Online pathology software demo
Free pathology laboratory reporting software
Laboratory information system software
Free laboratory management software
Pathology reporting software free
Pathology lab test reporting software free download
Laboratory information management system free download
Pathology lab test reporting software free
Pathology lab management software
Clinic management software
Architecture of the Software:
Cloud Based, no hassle for installation
Easy to Operate.
User interface is intuitive.
Browse from anywhere in the world.
Software Manual & video training.
Monthly & Yearly Subscription Based
Lab Software Modules & Functions:
Login Form
Set Up
• Billing Setup
• Referrer Doctor
• Services Categories
• Service Names
Expense Setup
• Expense Group
• Expense Head
• Billing
• Pateint Test Entry
• Money Receipt for Advanced Amount
• Reports Delivery
• Daily Expense Entry
• Invoice By Date
• Item Wise Sales
• Money Collection History
• Due List
• Expense History
• Day Book ( Daily Sheet )
• Company Info
• General Settings
• Important Document
Notice & Messages
• Notice Board
• Send Message
• Received Message
Users & Security
• User Profile
• Create Loggers Profile
• Block User
• User Login History
Employee HR, Attendance & Payroll Software in Bangladesh for garments manufacturing industries. XHRM software includes payroll management software, salary management, leave management in Bangladesh.
Leading HR, Attendance & Payroll Software in Chittagong for garments manufacturing industries. XHRM software includes employee attendance and leave management, human resource management, automated payroll processing, provident fund management etc. Below are some of the general functionalities of XHRM software.
Software Features :
Common Features
Secured Administration User Panel
Web based centralized server based system
Compatible with smart devices/mobile browsers
Multi users with multi authorization types
Time based Multiple User Data-Entry Management
Transactional SMS/ Email Integration
Searching & Reporting data by any criteria.
User authentication & authorization assigned by Administrator
Interactive landing page for user
General Info:
Financial Year Setup
Month Setup
Department Setup
Section Setup
Designation Setup
Shifts Name Setup (Normal & Overlapping shift)
Sub-Shift Setup
Season wise shift Setup
Day start, Day End, Report Time, Tolerance Time (In/Out), Loss Time
Shift Break Time Entry (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Rest etc.)
Shift wise OT setup (OT start before/after shift start time, OT stab)
Unrest Conditions
Shift wise OT start time setup
Weekly Holiday Setup
Gov. Holidays Setup
General Working Day allocation in any weekly Day off/Holiday
Roster Plan:
Department/Section, Sub-section, Individual, Multi employee selection, Date range wise shifting plan
Date range and unique id wise shifting plan upload system form excel file
Employee Information
Unlimited Number of Employee Data Entry
Employee Type (officer, worker, supervisor, driver, cleaner etc.)
Employee Category (Probationary, Permanent, Contractual, Temporary etc.)
HR Responsibility
Department Configuration
Employee Personal Information (Name, Code, Phone no, Email, Father’s name, Mothers name, NID/Birth ID, Religion, male, female, blood group, identity, mark, image, sign, upload option, date of birth, marital status, document upload option)
Official information (Employee type, employee category, joining date, approximate confirmation date, punch card, Bank name and bank A/C no, Reporting person, Primary shift, Department/section, Sub-section, Designation setup)
Information list (view & edit)
Change Employee Id
Change Card id
Leave allocation according to joining (CL, SL, EL, ML, LWP)
Commission material entry
Nominee information entry
Academic Information entry
Training history entry
Transfer, Promotion & Increment
Individual employee wise/Department wise Transfer, Promotion & Increment option with History
Transfer, Promotion- Increment upload system
Fixed amount/calculative increment option
Roster Setup
Attendance scheme setup
Commission Materials
Auto & manual punch data upload (from Excel/Access database)
Multiple shift wise attendance process
Attendance Reprocess
Attendance Freeze/unfreeze option
Data Process with backward compatibility
Late Approve
Manual Entry option
Edit Employee Attendance
Edit Daily Attendance
Late and Early Leave Management
Manual Attendance (individual/multiple)
Outside duty
Leave Management
Leave head (CL, EL, SL, ML, LWP)
Leave allocation/transfer in every calendar year
Yearly Holiday heads
Yearly calendar setup
Leave Type
Leave Process
Leave Info
Leave Approve
Leave Transfer
Full Leave entry
Half/Short leave entry (Hour basis)
Paid & unpaid leave management
Suffix-Prefix leave calculation
Maximum leave allocation in a month
Leave approve by user/superior
Leave ledger
Earn leave encashment with Pay Slip (Signatory Sign Auto Upload system)
OT Management
Buyer OT Settings
OT Rate Setup
OT Manual Entry
Bonus Management
Bonus Type Setup
Bonus Rule Setup
Overtime benefits setup
Salary/fixed amount benefits
Leave benefits
Attendance bonus allowance (amount) (Note: if full present in a month cycle then rk300, if leave taken CL, EL then tkl50, for other’s leave taken no allowance)
Night shiftwork allowance (note: if night shift work then given tk50/day)
Bonus Process
Attendance benefits assign with history
Bonus rules entry option (Employee Type/Category wise changeable)
Particular date wise bonus process with history
Bonus forecast in Particular date
Bonus Pay slip (Both Bangla & English) (Signatory Sign Auto Upload system)
Bonus Freeze option
Fixed Salary heads (Basic, House rent, Medical, Conveyance etc.)
Salary Grade & Slab setup
Salary scheme setup
Salary scheme allocation to employee
Monthly/ yearly/ Allowance allocation (Conditional) (medical bill, attendance bonus, transport bill deduction etc.)Monthly Salary Process
Particular Date wise Salary Process
Department/Salary Structure/Individual employee wise Salary Process
Salary Process Freeze/Unfreeze option
Salary Adjustment
Employee Salary Increment
Pay Slip (Both Bangla & English) (Signatory Sign Auto Upload system)
Bank Advice
Cash Salary
Employee Salary Details Report
Salary Summary
Performance Appraiser
Based on Himalay Sourcing Ltd practice
Performance Appraiser Report
Loan Type
Loan Apply
Loan Approval
Loan Adjustment
Loan Manual Payment
Loan Status
Loan Rules Integrated Pf rules
Monthly installment & interest deduction and Integrated with Salary Process
Loan installment amount, /installment count change option
Loan Installment Ledger (individual/All) (Excel & PDF export option)
Loan Refund (Installment wise &fixed amount)
Loan Summary
Employee Report
Daily Report
Job Card
Monthly Report
Employee Info
New Employee Info
Resigned Employee Info
Confirmation Date
Employee Info Detail
Employee Database export to excel
Service Book
Employee CV
Employee Final Settlement
Gratuity Settlement Rules
PF Settlement Rules
Salary Settlement for Resignation. Dismissal, Retirement, Termination & Contractual Completion
PF Settlement for Resignation, Dismissal, Retirement, Termination.
Settlement Attendance & payroll Details
Salary Settlement (Both Bangla &English)
PF Settlement Slip (Both Bangla & English)
Settlement Summary
Salary Report
Salary Sheet Exports in Excel and PDF
Salary Summary Report
Extra OT Report
Bonus Report
Loan Report
Attendance Report
Daily Attendance Report
Time Cad (Multiple/Individual)
New Employee List
Left Employee List
Attendance Summary Report
Absent Report
OT Report
Attendance Monitoring
Late/Early leave employee report
Leave Report
Leave Balance
Leave Approve
Leave Info Report
Absent Amount Report
Head and Deferent date selection wise Leave Report
Leave Summary Report
Absent Amount Report
Head and Deferent date selection wise Leave Report
Leave Summary Report
Multi Project Setup
Important Documents Upload
Database Backup
Notice & Messages
Auto Notification on important incidents
Pay slip and Selected Documents Send option by Mail from Software
Notice Board
Internal Messaging
Send Messages
Received Messages
Users & Security
Unlimited Number of User Creation
User Profile
Create Login Profile
User Permissions Level
Menu Structure
Menu Level Security
Form Level Security
Block User
Reset Password
User Login History
Working Unit Setup
Authorization Setup/ User Permission (Add, Edit, Delete, View, Menu, Download, Print, Undo, Copy, Approval, Process etc.)
XHRM ERP version: HR-ERP software in Bangladesh with human resources management, time attendance, payroll & complete financial accounting system.
XHRM Software- ERP version with Human Resources, Attendance, Payroll & Financial Accounting system. The software includes employee attendance and leave management, human resource management, automated payroll processing, provident fund management, company Income statement, Balance sheet etc. Below are some of the general functionalities of the XHRM ERP version:
Employee Information
Ø Department Setup
Ø Designations
Ø Location Setup
Ø Keep Employee Information with Photo
Ø Provision for Salary Setup and fixed benefits.
Ø Assigning employee-wise in-out time.
Ø Employee Closing/ Deactivate & Deleting
Ø Employee Bonus/ Benefits setup
Payroll Management
Ø Daily Attendances Entry.
Ø Easy to Assign Employees Leaves after requesting through software
Ø Easy to Assign Employee Promotion & Increments
Ø Easy to Assign Bonus Information
Ø Monthly Salary Sheet Processing
Ø Overtime & Double duty Processing
Ø Monthly Salary Sheet Reprocessing
Ø Other Benefits Entry
Ø Payment to Staffs
Ø Deduction from Employees
Ø Keep Employee Information with Photo
Ø Provision for Salary Setup and fixed benefits.
Ø Assigning Employee-wise in-out time
Ø Daily Attendances Entry.
Ø Easy to Assign Employees Leaves after requesting through software
Ø Easy to Assign Employee Promotion & Increments
Ø Easy to Assign Bonus Information
Ø Monthly Salary Sheet Processing
Ø Overtime & Double duty Processing
Ø Monthly Salary Sheet Reprocessing
Ø Other Benefits Entry
Ø Payment to Staffs
Ø Deduction from Employees.
@ Employee Information Bio-data with Picture.
@ Staff’s Monthly Attendances with Payment
@ Bonus Information As Company Required.
@ Monthly Salary Sheet
@ Monthly Overtime Sheet with Departments
@ Generates Employee wise Salary Pay Slip.
@ Leaves History with Department or Individual
@ Attendance History
@ Employee Ledger
@ Employee related any other Sales report (if needed)
Financial Accounting System
Ø BanksAccounts Information
Ø 4 Steps Chart of Accounts (Group, Control, Sub-Accounts, Accounts Head)
Ø Auto Head Selection By Voucher Particulars
Ø Dual Entry Vouchering System
Ø Voucher entry and Day Books
Ø Auto & editable narration for voucher description
Ø Voucher Cancellation Provision
Ø Ledgers
· Accounts Group
· Control Accounts
· Sub-Accounts
· Accounts Head
· Debtors Ledger
· Creditors Ledger
· Debtors & Creditors Summery
Ø Auto Voucher entry from Other Financial Activities
Ø Bank Book
Ø Financial Statements
· Chart of Accounts
· Ledger Book (by Group, Control A/C, Subsidiary A/C & A/C heads)
· Income Statement
· Cash-flow Statements
· Profit and Loss Accounts
· Balance Sheet
· Trial Balance
Ø Date-wise & Individual Voucher Report with canceled vouchers
For more details please call us: +8801613987363.
General medicine physicians Prescription writing software in Bangladesh- PrescribeRx. Doctors can write prescription from any discipline with complete medicine database of Bangladesh.
PrescribeRx: Prescription Writing Software in Bangladesh
What is PrescribeRx?
Prescribe-Rx is complete Prescription Writing Software in Bangladesh. Auto Prescription printing and Patients Record Management Software for Doctors Daily Use. Auto Prescription Software makes relationship between physicians, Patients, and pharmacies by automating the Prescription Management System.
E-prescribing is meant to reduce the risks associated with traditional prescription script writing. It is also one of the major reasons for the push for electronic medical records. By sharing medical prescription information, e-prescribing seeks to connect the patient's team of healthcare providers to facilitate knowledgeable decision making.
About Prescribe-Rx
Our Prescription Writing Management Software will print a well formatted Prescription your Patients will love it. We are Medical Software Development Company in Bangladesh making a complete Prescription Writing Software system with the help of some specialized Doctors which will be a part and parcel of every Medical practitioner. This Software is part of a series of research, teaching tools and study material with the features of Patients Records Management, Medicine Management, Patients Historical Data Analysis, Easy Prescription & Medical Certificate Printing, Statistical data analysis etc. expecting to release at a very cheap cost with the finest service and supports all over in Bangladesh.
Doctors Benefits to Software
Bangladeshi Prescribe-Rx is created to give more knowledge and power to the Doctors to record, update, and keep track of all reports of the Patients. Most Doctors, for example in Bangladesh, other emerging or undeveloped countries do not keep track of Patient histories. They normally write a Prescription on a pad and give it to the patient. When the Patient visits again, records are usually lost.
We want to give Doctors more control by enabling them to enter Prescription on the computer, posted, saved and printed through online facilities in the Prescribe-Rx. Doctors can also avail compiled treatment data to generate their own research on Disease, Medicines, and Diagnosis, that would eventually drastically enhance the healthcare situation of Bangladesh.
Software Benefits
Easy Operation for Doctors
No internet Connection is required
Doctors Chamber Management
Patients Management (New & Old Patients)
Searching Patients by name & mobile Number
Medicine Database with medicine details
Prescription Writing
Patients Appointment Serial Entry
Daily Collection
Advice & Therapy Acknowledgements etc.
Statistical Analysis etc.
General features
Different Prescription format to print
Patients Searching in Software Dashboard
Printing old Prescriptions
Edit-Delete provision for any records
Daily Serial Entry with Appointment Card
Patients Appointment Schedule Report
Money receipt against collection
Admission for visiting Doctors (Direct or from serial)
Daily/Weekly/Monthly List of Patients and collected amounts
Disease profile,
Patients search and preview.
Drug Directory:
Generic Name editor
Literature for Generic Names, showing dosage, indication, side effects etc.
The prescription can be Export to other formats or Email to your Patients.
Different Statistical Reports
Software Modules
Lab test
Serial Entry
Appointment card
Print Old Prescription
Daily Appointments
Daily Visited
Diagnosis History
Chamber History
Patients Catalogue
Doctors Info
Change Password
Change Login-id
For 64 bit Download
For 32 bit Download
Login Information: User 123, Password 123
To learn more about Prescribe Rx (Prescription Management Software) or another Our product or service? Contact us, we’ll be happy to help.
Hotline: +88031712114, +8801613987363
Customizable Electronic health records EHR software for pediatric physicians & surgeons. Best EMR practice management prescription software for pediatrician in Bangladesh.
Personalized EHR Software for doctors in Bangladesh
Are you a pediatrician or pediatric surgeon who wishes to start practice using EHR (Electronic Health Record) management software? PrescribeRx is a personalized EHR software is the best solution for pediatric doctors to analyze & treat patients using computerized EHR technologies. The prescription writing & medical records management Software is the most popular medical practice management system in Bangladesh.
The main benefit of PrescribeRx EMR software is- the system is fully customizable as per your data interaction needs. We will personalize the software data entry and reporting system upon your requirements. After developed in 2008, the system is already in full shape after customized for 1000+ pediatricians and pediatric surgeons.
PrescribeRx will simplify the data collection of patient health information in a digital format. These records can be shared across different healthcare settings. You can include a range of data, including demographics, medical history, medication and allergies, immunization status, laboratory test results, radiology images, vital signs, personal statistics like age, weight, BMI etc .
The PrescribeRx software was designed to store data accurately and to capture the state of a patient across time. It eliminates the need to track down a patient's previous paper medical records and assists in ensuring data is accurate and legible. It can reduce risks of data replication as there is only one modifiable file, which means the file is more likely up to date and decreases the risk of lost paperwork.
Due to the digital information being searchable and in a single file, PrescribeRx is more effective when extracting medical data for the examination of possible trends and long-term changes in a patient. It is designed to store data accurately and to capture the state of a patient across time.
The Prescription Writing & EHR Management Software will print a well-formatted Prescription that your patients will also like it. The Software is part of a series of research, teaching tools and study material with the features of Patients Records Management, Medicine Management, Patients Historical Data Analysis, Easy Prescription & Medical Certificate Printing, Statistical data analysis etc.
Features of PrescribeRx EHR Software for Pediatrician & Pediatric Surgeons
Different Prescription format to print
Patients Searching in Software Dashboard
Printing old Prescriptions
Edit-Delete provision for any records
Daily Serial Entry with Appointment Card
Patients Appointment Schedule Report
Money receipt against the collection
Admission for visiting Doctors (Direct or from serial)
Daily/Weekly/Monthly List of Patients and collected amounts
Disease profile,
Patients search and preview.
Drug Directory
Drug Details
Search Drugs
Drugs by Brands
Drugs by Generics
Drugs by Classes
Drugs by Conditions.
Advance search
Generic Name editor
Literature for Generic Names, showing dosage, indication, side effects etc.
Prescription can be Export to other formats or Email to your Patients.
Different Statistical Reports
64 bit Download link: PrescribeRx64
32 bit Download link: PrescribeRx86
Login Information: User 123, Password 123
PrescribeRx is a personalized EHR software provides many advantages to the pediatric physicians and pediatric surgeons. Our pediatric EHR and practice management software solutions enable you to provide excellent pediatrics with limited resources, improve patients' access to care, and manage issued health research funding. Created with the input of practicing pediatricians, they are not an adult EHR/EMR system morphed into a pediatric system. Our solutions are designed for the demands of childhood medicine and your specific workflow.
Pediatric EMR software for specialized doctors in Bangladesh. Pediatrician doctors prescription software Bangladesh. Easypress prescription writing software Bangladesh. Best doctors EHR & prescription Bangladesh prescription software. Bangladeshi doctor prescription software. Bangladeshi doctor prescription pad software. Doctor prescription pad Bangladesh for digital prescription. Doctor prescription Bangladesh free prescription software BD. Prescription software free download Medical Practice Management Software.
pediatric EHR, pediatrics EHR, EHR pediatrics, pediatric EHR software, pediatric EMR, pediatrics EMR, pediatric practice management, pediatric practice management software.
To learn more about Prescribe Rx (Prescription Management Software) or another Our product or service? Contact us, we’ll be happy to help.
Hotline: +88 031 712114, 01613987363
Electronic health records EHR software using by general surgery specialists & medical surgeons. Best EMR practice management software & computerized prescription system in Bangladesh.
EHR Management & Prescription writing Software in Bangladesh
Extreme Solutions brings you best Surgery EHR software solutions known for their ease of use and functional features - from the highest-rated vendors on the market in Bangladesh. We know that your Prescription writing software needs are different from the typical physician practice, and an Operation history & Treatment notes, Where PrescribeRX for specific Surgery version will allow you to improve office functioning, increase revenue, and provide a higher standard of patient care.
PrescribeRX Features
Daily Serial Entry with Appointment Card
Admission for visiting Doctors (Direct or from serial)
Patients Appointment Schedule Report
Patients Searching in Software Dashboard
Edit-Delete provision for any records
Printing old Prescriptions
Daily/Weekly/Monthly List of Patients and collected amounts
Disease profile,
Patients search and preview.
Drug Directory
Drug Details
Search Drugs
Drugs by Brands
Drugs by Generics
Drugs by Classes
Drugs by Conditions.
Advance search
Generic Name editor
Literature for Generic Names, showing dosage, indication, side effects etc.
Prescription can be Export to other formats or Email to your Patients.
Different Statistical Reports
PrescribeRX Surgery version special Features:
Operation Note
Advance Prescription (Includes Operation Features)
Before operation Treatment note
After operation Treatment Note
Operation Procedure Setup (Once)
Treatment Procedure Setup (Once)
Specially Customized for the Surgeon:
Surgeons will find patient education handouts, links to patient’s clinical records, drug databases, and information to evaluate quality and cost of care, and many other critical features for your General Surgery practice. All our specific PrescribeRX include many custom templates for history of present illness, complaints, review of systems, medication prescribing, and CPT coding.
PrescribeRX with the Patient in Mind
The Surgeon needs a certain level of compassion when it comes to dealing with your patients. Not only do you need to know the patient's complete medical history - in addition, a physician should be able to understand and relate to what his or her patients are going through.
PrescribeRX can assist surgeons in improving the quality of care being provided as well as assist the surgeon in building solid relationships with his patients.
Your Answer to the best Surgery Prescription writing software
Many more experts’ surgeons’ worked with us to develop the ultimate specific Surgery version the best Surgery Prescription Software. Let us guide you through the maze and bring you the best solutions for your practice.
To learn more about Prescribe Rx (Prescription Writing Software for Surgery) contact us at our Hotline: +88 031 712114, 01613987363
PrescribeRx for Physical Medicine. Prescription Software is now available in version 2.0.1 for physical Medicine Format.
E-prescribing allows a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to electronically transmit a new prescription or renewal authorization to a community or mail-order pharmacy. It outlines the ability to send error-free, accurate, and understandable prescriptions electronically from the healthcare provider to the pharmacy.
General features
Different Prescription format to print
Patients Searching in Software Dashboard
Printing old Prescriptions
Edit-Delete provision for any records
Daily Serial Entry with Appointment Card
Patients Appointment Schedule Report
Money receipt against collection
Admission for visiting Doctors (Direct or from serial)
Daily/Weekly/Monthly List of Patients and collected amounts
Disease profile,
Patients search and preview.
Drug Directory
Drug Details
Search Drugs
Drugs by Brands
Drugs by Generics
Drugs by Classes
Drugs by Conditions.
Advance search
Generic Name editor
Literature for Generic Names, showing dosage, indication, side effects etc.
The prescription can be Export to other formats or Email to your Patients.
Different Statistical Reports
For 64 bit Download
For 32 bit Download
Login Information: User 123, Password 123
To learn more about Prescribe Rx (Prescription Management Software) or another Our product or service? Contact us, we’ll be happy to help.
Hotline: +88031712114, +8801613987363
Prescribe Rx for Internal Medicine. Prescription Software is now available in version 2.0.1 for internal medicine specialist.
Prescription for Community Medicine. Prescription software is now available in version 2.0.1 for Community Medicine.
Extreme Solution Provides out of box POS Distributive Software. To learn more about Distributive ExtremePOS Call now : +8801817251582,+8801613987363.
Distribution POS Software in Bangladesh
Manage your distribution companies with this POS software. Distributor companies need POS software for their daily business transaction management, accounting, and inventory management tasks. ExtremePOS is one of the best POS software in Chittagong developed by Extreme Solutions- one of the leading software development firms in Bangladesh.
The software was specially developed for superstore, distributors, and retailers in Bangladesh. Any other type of companies having stock & inventory can use this software for their daily transactions.
The readymade packaged software price is also very comfortable for every company. You can free download the POS software with 30 days trial (download link is given below).
Extreme POS Software can be used by any types of retail shop, departmental stores or distribution companies for accounting, purchase, sales & inventory automation and also giving service to customers in terms of transactions.

POS Software Features:
Barcode Based Products Setup
Warehouses Inventory
Suppliers Management
Purchase Management
Customers Management
Sales Management Module (POS)
Banking & Transactions Management
Accounting Management System
Reporting & Statements Module
User Security Management

Software Modules:
Product Management Module
Sales Management Module
Inventory Management Module
Party Management Module
Purchase Management Module
Bank &Transanction Management Module
Stock Management Module
Ledger Report Module
Extreme POS is an out of box POS Software in Chittagong.
To learn more about ExtremePOS Call now : +88 01613 987 363.
FREE Trial Download
Windows 7, 8, 10 (64 bit)
Login ID: admin Password: 1
Windows 7, 8, 10 (32 bit)
Login ID: admin Password: 1
Sales & Inventory software for retail stores and distributors ExtremePos is available for retailer also.
Retail shop accounting software in Bangladesh
Retailer also can use ExtremePOS in lowest price with Extreme Solutions.Retail POS also covered the area of sales, Purchase, collection, Daily transaction atmost your complete accounting section. From this single local point all customer enquiries and transactions are then efficiently handled. We also providing 1 year full free service & support.
Main Activities
• Supplier Management
• LC Management
• Customer Management
• Sales/ Distribution Management
• Inventory Management Module
• Reporting & Statements Module
• Software Administration & Security Management
Software Features
General Features
• Secured User Panel
• Desktop based centralized database server system
• Multi users with multi authorization types
• Time based Multiple User Data-Entry Management
• Transactional SMS/ Email Integration (Optional)
To learn more about ExtremePos for retail contact us on +8801613987363,+8801817251582.
Book shop software & library book sales management system. Best software for book publication & distribution companies in Bangladesh.
XPOS (Book Store POS)
XPOS (ExtremePOS) is especially a ready software for Book Store or Library, in XPOS you can keep much as you want book history. Extreme Solutions make the solutions easy that anyone can operate. This solution is a desktop based Software. XPOS features are :
Multi store-house
Customer Management
Supplier Management
Purchase history
Accounting with Cash & Bank Management
Customers & Suppliers
Income & Expense
Reports with ledger / Register
All Transaction history
You Can Start Master Reseller Hosting Business in Bangladesh With Us,We are Ensure You That You are Got Cheapest Hosting Provider In Dhaka, Chittagong In Over Bangladesh.
Linux Reseller Hosting In Bangladesh
Master Linux Reseller Hosting privided by Extreme Solutions in Bangladesh. We will be happy to work with entrepreneur whose are Dynamic and want to do something better in career, for them our Linux reseller packages is available in lowest price in Bangladesh.The Linux Hosting Reseller purchases the host’s services in Bangladesh, wholesale and then sells them to customers, possibly for a profit. Linux Master Reseller Hosting Starting 100 GB @ 10000 taka. Gurentee It is the Cheapest Hosting Price in Bangladesh. Linux Master Reseller plans take the features from the shared plans, the technology from Reseller plans and another plugin, WHMPHP/Zamfoo/WHM Reseller – allowing you to resell both shared accounts and Resellers.
# Master Linux Reseller 100GB@ 10000 tk./Year
Free Domain Name: 01 (TLD)
Reseller Account: Unlimited
Bandwidth: Unlimited
DDOS Protection: Yes
Softaculous: Included
MySQL: Unlimited
Email Address: Unlimited
Private Nameservers: Yes
WHM Reseller Panel: Yes
To learn more about Linux Hosting please call us on : +801613987363,+88031712114
50GB Linux Reseller Hosting Is engaged deals region primarily for the Divisional zones of Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Barisal, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi and Rangpur.
Linux Reseller Hosting In Bangladesh
Being a leading Linux Hosting firm, we are offering Linux Reseller Hosting in Bangladesh. We understand the difficulties faced by Linux Hosting businesses, looking to make a mark in the Web Hosting industry. All of our Linux Reseller Hosting will allow you to create unlimited c panel with unlimited web sites under your own brand name, own private name server, own WHM Panel, with your own prices, Linux Packages and features. So start your Linux Reseller Hosting Business In Bangladesh with us.
We endeavor to guarantee ultra quick Hosting server execution for moderate bundles, and highlight rich Linux reseller Hosting administrations in the business, for any present, or future bundles and value restorations too. Our engaged deals region primarily for the Divisional zones of Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Barisal, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi and Rangpur urban communities In Bangladesh.
With fabulousness in administration for subsequently all the more then 10 years, our progressive facilitating arrangement is effective, basic and shockingly moderate, for saddling the web has never been so less Demanding.
# Linux Reseller Hosting 50GB@ 5000 tk./Year
Free Domain Name: 01 (TLD)
Cpanel Account: Unlimited
Bandwidth: Unlimited
DDOS Protection: Yes
Softaculous: Included
MySQL: Unlimited
Email Address: Unlimited
Private Nameservers: Yes
WHM Reseller Panel: Yes
Lab Management Software
Lab Management Software
SSL Certificates
SSL Certificates
Membership/Directory Management System
Startup Website Package (Wordpress)
IoT-based management solution for fuel & gas stations with credit sales, accounting, gas, fuel & oil inventory management system. XFSM Software & Mobile App automation.
<div><div>Traditional Filling Stations face a lot of problems in looking after delivery and stocks, calculating transactions, and keeping track of activities efficiently. </div><div><br></div><div>XFSM is a complete IoT-based solution for modern Fuel & Gas station management. We will convert your existing Fuel & Gas station into an intelligent and automated service station. </div><div><br></div><div>No need to remove your existing assets and resources or reinvest for dispensers or ATGs. After the transformation, you will be able to manage everything smartly and with confidence.</div><div><br></div><div>The IoT devices will be seamlessly integrated for sending data into a central database, from where you will be able to analyze and monitor your complete business data.</div><div><br></div><div>Using the XFSM Mobile app, all your service station’s data will be available to you from anywhere you want to access it. The system can notify you on your mobile for any notifications you desire. </div></div><div><br></div><div><span style="background-color: transparent;">We have developed robust filling service station management software to maintain any kind of petrol pump, gas station, or fuel filling station. Using the software you can easily maintain your filling station without losing your time, money, and extra effort.</span><br></div><div>[VIDEO]<br><br></div><div>The system is very efficient for handling any kinds of transaction matters in your filling station. You do not have to worry about stealing money or oil from your service station. Our filling station management system is one of the best service station management software in Bangladesh.</div><div><br></div><div>The software is featured with:</div><div><div><ul><li>Credit customers and vehicles info setup<br></li><li><b>Sales Modes</b>: Cash Sale, Credit/ Loan Sale (Kacha Slip), Payment Due/ Advance Fuel, Advance Payment, Order Delivery (Paka Slip), Due Delivery (Paka Slip)<br></li><li>Dispenser wise auto Meter Reading based upon sales<br></li><li>Tank-wise fuel/ gas stock quantity<br></li><li>Other Item Types (ie, 5L Mobil Can)<br></li><li>Order List Printing (Pending & Due)<br></li><li><b>Delivery Modes:</b> Order Delivery, Due Delivery, Loan Paid, Payment, Cash Sale, Loan Sale<br></li><li>Daily Other Income Entry (ie, Empty Drum Sale)<br></li><li>Credit Customer, Sections & Vehicle wise Billing<br></li><li>Vehicle wise Pending List<br></li><li>Customer wise Vehicle Outstanding List<br></li><li>Customer Ledger [Office Copy & Customer Copy]<br></li><li>Credit Sales Dues Collection<br></li><li><b>Payment Modes:</b> Fake Order Delivery (Cash Payment to Driver), Due Delivery by Cash Payment, Loan Sale by Cash Payment, Payment to Suppliers<br></li><li><b>Adjustment Modes:</b> Order Delivery, Due Delivery, Barter (Loan Transfer)<br></li><li>Delivery Bill with History (Summary & Details)<br></li><li>Meter Reading History<br></li><li>Item wise Stock Register<br></li><li>Current Stock with Sales & Purchase Price<br></li><li>Suppliers Info Setup<br></li><li>Purchase from Suppliers<br></li><li>Payment to Suppliers<br></li><li>Item Purchase History By Suppliers<br></li><li>Price List Printing<br></li><li>Stock Lookup (By Item Group, Category, Tank etc.)<br></li><li>Head wise & Group wise Expense History<br></li><li>Loan Summary<br></li><li>Head wise Loan History<br></li><li>Bank Transaction History<br></li><li>Cash Ledger<br></li><li>Trade Receivable List<br></li><li>Suppliers Payment History<br></li><li>User Security Management (Unlimited Users)<br></li></ul></div></div><div><br></div><div>For more details and price of the filling station management software, please call us <b>+88 01613 987363</b></div>
Inventory management software helps you to track, handle your stock register, inventories, loan & return Voucher, transfer stock, stock movement, etc.
Extreme-Inventory is one of the best Store & <b><u><a href="">Inventory Management Software</a> </u></b>in Bangladesh. Most suitable for enterprise or group of companies central master inventory management with thousand of store and warehouses. The software is completely cloud-based featured with GRN, Items Stock Register, Loan & Return Voucher, Search any Product, Transfer stock, stock movement history, current stock position, and many best exclusive features-<div bis_skin_checked="1"><br></div><div bis_skin_checked="1"><ul><li>Multi-company management </li><li>Multi Branches </li><li>Multi-Store and Warehouses</li><li>GRN- Goods Receive Notes </li><li>Manage Any types of Serial and Non-serial products </li><li>Track Items by Suppliers, Manufacturers, Part No, warranty, etc.</li><li>SIR- Store Issue Report</li><li>LV- Loan Voucher</li><li>RV- Return Voucher</li><li>TV- Transfer/ Stock Movement Voucher</li><li>TIR- Transferred Items Receive</li><li>Item wise all movement history</li><li>Search any items for stock availability anywhere</li><li>Workflow Management </li><li>Permission-Based Inventory Control System</li></ul></div><div bis_skin_checked="1"><br></div><div bis_skin_checked="1"><span style="background-color: transparent;">Flexible inventory management software that helps enterprise businesses to manage the optimum levels of inventories always. You can manage hundreds of Store 7 warehouses for Inventories in one software. </span><span style="background-color: transparent;">To know more about the Best Inventory Management Software in Bangladesh please call the Extreme Inventory Management software team: <b>01680794707, 01613987363</b></span><br></div><div bis_skin_checked="1"><div bis_skin_checked="1"><br></div><div bis_skin_checked="1">[VIDEO]</div><div bis_skin_checked="1"><br></div><div bis_skin_checked="1">Inventory Management Software in Bangladesh; Advanced Inventory Management Software System. Inventory management software in Bangladesh: made an easy and measurable Inventory management software that avails you to handle Best Inventory Management Software Company in Dhaka Bangladesh, Stock Management Software, Accounting Management Software.</div><div bis_skin_checked="1"><br></div><div bis_skin_checked="1">Inventory Management Software Bangladesh provides the best Inventory Management Software in developing countries like Bangladesh which helps. one of the most organized systems for managing inventories in the market. Fit for small to midsize companies Fishbowl offers inventory control. An inventory management system is an automation software to track the inventory record, ordering, purchasing. Get This Software at a very reliable price.</div><div bis_skin_checked="1"><b><br></b></div><ul><li><a href=""><u><b>The inventory management system</b> </u></a>is an automation software to track the business inventory recording, inventory control system ordering, purchasing. <span style="background-color: transparent;">To know more about the Best Inventory Management Software in Bangladesh please call the Extreme Inventory Management software team:</span><span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span><span style="background-color: #ff0033;"><b style=""><font style="" color="#ffffff">01680794707, 01613987363, 8801817251582.</font></b></span></li></ul></div><div bis_skin_checked="1"><br></div><div bis_skin_checked="1"><ul><li>The inventory management system in Bangladesh is one of the best inventory management software in Bangladesh. You will get Items in the stock of the <span style="background-color: transparent;">To know more about the Best Inventory Management Software in Bangladesh </span></li></ul></div><div bis_skin_checked="1"><br><ul><li>Sunnah inventory management software uses in small, medium, and large size businesses like stores, fisheries, pharmacies, and all general inventory.</li></ul><br><ul><li>Smart Account is an affordable accounting and inventory management software that lets you control all accounting activities and it is the best accounting</li></ul></div><div bis_skin_checked="1"><div bis_skin_checked="1"><br></div><ul><li>Best Web Design Inventory and Payroll Management software Company in Bangladesh: Trust your website with a company that now hosts over 5000 domains</li></ul><br><ul><li>POS Software in Dhaka Bangladesh including features like Open Customer Accounts and Customer Branches Make Sales Areas.<b style="background-color: transparent;"><font color="#ffffff"><span style="background-color: #9900;">98</span></font></b></li></ul><b style="background-color: transparent;"><font color="#ffffff"><span style="background-color: #9900;">7363</span></font></b><ul><li>Inventory Control System is the key solution of Distribution Management where you will be able to grow your Modern online warehouse management software.<span style="background-color: transparent;"> <br></span></li></ul><div bis_skin_checked="1"><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span></div><ul><li>We are a leading Bangladesh web design company, providing end-to-end solutions in web development and software in Bangladesh and globally across platforms.<span style="background-color: transparent;"> <br></span></li></ul><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span><ul><li>Online Accounting Billing Inventory Management Software Dhaka, Khulna - Bangladesh- Purchase, Sales, stock management software, Billing Software<span style="background-color: transparent;"> <br></span></li></ul><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span><ul><li>Accounting and inventory management software Bangladesh helps small and medium-sized businesses reduce their accounting workload and reduce the paper-based <span style="background-color: transparent;">making business life easier for you. We develop the Best ERP Software in Bangladesh to help you be more productive.</span></li></ul><div bis_skin_checked="1"><br></div><ul><li>We provide you with the best Retail Management Software in Bangladesh book and allocate facilities, Inventory tracking, invoicing, and monitoring </li></ul><br><ul><li>ERP system like Accounting & inventory management software allows you to track workflow online. Star IT provides a complete inventory accounting solution.</li></ul><ul><li>Explore IT's board "Inventory Management Software Bangladesh". We can provide you best warehouse management software for all web-based solutions in Dhaka. EASY TOUCH IT is the leading name in the field of Warehouse.</li></ul><br><ul><li>Is One Of The Most Reliable IT Or Software companies Which Analysis, Develop, Implement and Maintain Inventory Management System Software.</li></ul><br><div bis_skin_checked="1"><br></div><ul><li>Largest Retail POS Software Provider in Bangladesh that provides POS Software in Super shop, Restaurant, Electronics Shop, Apparel, <span style="background-color: transparent;">Soft is the best software company in Bangladesh. We provide Inventory Management Software for your business. you can maintain easily using this.</span></li></ul><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span><ul><li>The software was specially developed for trading companies and retailers in Bangladesh. Any other type of company having stock & inventory can use this </li></ul><br><ul><li>A lot of businesses feel they have the right inventory management system to make everything work just fine, and they very well might. It is not my goal to <span style="background-color: transparent;"> <br></span></li></ul><div bis_skin_checked="1"><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span></div><ul><li>The main benefits of using our inventory and accounting software are an advanced Powerful inventory management system, better tracking of your expenses of yours.</li></ul><br><ul><li>OUR SERVICES · Garments ERP Management · Stock Inventory Management · HR & Payroll Management · School Management Software · Points Of Sales (POS) · Restaurant <br></li></ul><br><ul><li>Find and compare Inventory Management software. To relieve you from pressure and worries, we have brought POS software to Bangladesh for you.</li></ul><div bis_skin_checked="1"><br></div><ul><li><b>Extreme Solutions</b> offers all-in-one accounting and inventory ERP software in Bangladesh to manage your business easily. It is designed to reduce manual. <span style="background-color: transparent;"> <br></span></li></ul><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span><ul><li>Purchase management; Stock management with reports; Add expense and view expense list; Nice and simple payment system; Easily store warehouse information; Real.</li></ul><br><ul><li>Use the best Spare Parts Inventory Management Software – Automobile Shop Software. Most advanced Essential features. </li></ul><div bis_skin_checked="1"><br></div><ul><li>The inventory management system is an automation software to track the inventory record, ordering, purchasing. It also maintains the account of suppliers & stock. <span style="background-color: transparent;">Inventory Management ERP Software BD · Stock Status (single & all) · Item Ledger Daily, Monthly, Yearly · Item wise, Item Group-wise & all) · <br></span></li></ul><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span><ul><li>Inventory Management System — Reports on Asset Status, Location, Group & so on. Fixed Asset Register. Inventory Management System. Item Information. <span style="background-color: transparent;">Features of · Product Availability · Raw Material Availability · Stock List Report · Stock Status Report · Physical Inventory Reports (count sheets</span></li></ul><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span><ul><li>When we are talking about inventory software it's a smart choice to manage your business in an easier way. It's a computer-based tracking system to keep track. </li></ul><div bis_skin_checked="1"><br></div></div>
Best POS Software in Bangladesh with Sales, Billing, and Inventory Management that helps retailers to manage business with the best Point of Sales Software features.
<h2>POS software in Bangladesh</h2><p><b><br></b></p><p><u><b><font face="times new roman,times,serif"><a href="">Extreme POS</a></font> </b></u>is a Point of Sales software with sales-purchase, store-inventory & core accounting system. It's one of the best shop management systems- <u><b><a href="">POS software in Bangladesh</a></b>. </u>Install a free trial version of the windows-based POS software and check the benefits & features of the POS software.<br></p><p><br></p><p>The software was specially developed for<g data-gr-id="60"> a superstore</g>, mega shops, distributors, and retailers in Bangladesh. Any other type of company such as restaurant, fashion house or eCommerce store having stock & inventory can use this software for their daily transactions. </p><p>To know more about the POS software please call: <b>01613 987 363 or 8801817251582<br></b></p><p><br></p><img src="" alt="Best POS software in Chittagong"><p><br></p><p>Download your free trial now and enjoy the software free for 30 days. (download link is given below).<br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><h3>Video demonstration of POS software</h3><p><i><b>[VIDEO]</b></i><b><br></b></p><p><b><br></b></p><p><b>Extreme POS </b>Software can be used by any type of retail shop, departmental stores, or distribution companies for accounting, purchase, sales & inventory automation, and also giving service to customers in terms of transactions. <br></p><h3><a href="">Features List of Extreme POS</a></h3><p><span style="background-color: transparent;">Extreme POS software is suitable for super-stores, grocery shops, supermarkets, </span><span style="background-color: transparent;">distributors, </span><span style="background-color: transparent;">trading companies, restaurants, apparels cloth stores, <g data-gr-id="40">tire</g>, and automobile Parts, tiles shops, filling stations, etc. </span><br></p><p><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span></p><p><span style="background-color: transparent;">The ultimate <u><a href="">Point of Sales (POS)</a></u> solution for retailers and distributors. Our Ready XPOS Software is one of the best software In Dhaka, Chittagong, and all over Bangladesh. Therefore One size fits all out-of-box POS Software in Chittagong. features included:</span><br></p><p><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span></p><ul><li>Sales with Bar-code/ easy searching<br></li><li>Product & Inventory</li><li>Multi-stock/ warehouses</li><li>Customer Management</li><li>Supplier Management</li><li>Purchase history<br></li><li>Core Accounting with Balance Sheet</li><li>Cash & Bank Management<br></li><li>User Security & Access Control<br></li><li>Reports with ledger / Register</li><li>All Transaction history</li></ul>
Top ERP software in Bangladesh for Garments Textiles Industries, Flour Mills & Plastic container manufacturing companies. Cloud ERP Software Solution.
<h2>XERP: ERP Software in Bangladesh</h2><p><b>ERP</b> stands for <b>Enterprise Resource Planning</b> is a <i>software</i> that acts as the encyclopedia of business activities. <b>XERP </b>is a versatile ERP software developed fully in Bangladesh by <b><a href="">Extreme Solutions</a></b> for any kind of enterprise automation including Garments/ RMG/Textiles Industries, Flour Mills & Plastic container manufacturing companies, Geo bag manufacture, Spinning mills, any types of trading businesses, etc. Business intelligence integrated cloud ERP Software for factory production-oriented business. <span style="background-color: transparent;">There are many companies providing ERP software in Bangladesh but most of the ERP software was not developed based on core ERP functionalities and benefits in mind. </span><span style="background-color: transparent;"><a href="">Extreme solutions</a> offer you the affordable and best ERP solution in Bangladesh for maximum results.</span></p><p><br></p><p>The software is a world-class ERP Software in Bangladesh very suitable for business perfectionist companies having <span style="background-color: transparent;">industrial production-oriented or any trading-based business</span><span style="background-color: transparent;">. The software is used by more than 500 companies including Garments/ Textile Factories, Plastic Manufacturing Industries, and Flour Mills in Bangladesh and abroad.</span></p><p>[video]</p><h3>Why use XERP Software?</h3><p>In a digital world, business success is defined by agility and speed. Legacy <b>ERP</b> software <g data-gr-id="199">has</g> been stopping your business from achieving its full potential. Our <i>ERP Software (<g data-gr-id="36">XERP</g>) solution</i> with greater agility and also business intelligence- achieve the results faster. </p><p>Here are the top reasons why you should choose XERP for your business automation:</p><ul><li><b>Modern</b>: Always up-to-date with all the recent frameworks and technologies</li><li><b>Cloud compatible</b>: Web-based real-time MRP Software</li><li><b>Experienced & Stable</b>: More than 15 years in the market</li><li><b>Layered</b>: 5 Tier Architecture, Agile-based development</li><li><b>Security</b>: Highly Secured and built-in hacking protection system</li><li><b>Portability</b>: Full-featured modules work combined in one app</li><li><b>Data Storage</b>: Integrated and linked modules with one centralized database system</li><li><b>Scalability</b>: Highly scalable Database System made for cloud computing</li><li><b>Easy</b>: User-friendly interface designed with a mobile-first approach</li><li><b>Configurable</b>: Customization possibility for any size & type of business system</li><li><b>Controllable</b>: Unlimited user accounts controlled by Super Administrator</li><li><b>Stable</b>: Highly cached, Master Page and theme-based development</li><li><b>User Experience</b>: Lightweight mobile responsive UI designed for high data traffic</li><li><b>Secured</b>: Non-injectable Parameter based data transfer for high data security</li><li><b>Authorization</b>: Menu and Form level access Authentication- controlled by Administrator</li><li><b>Balanced</b>: Sessions with Safe view-stat & authorization system</li><li><b>Accountable</b>: User Audit Trails for tracing any types of user activities</li><li><b>Mechanism</b>: Highly flexible ERP software with business intelligence</li><li><b>Independence</b>: Flexibility to run swiftly for <a href="">any size of users.</a></li></ul><p></p><img src="" alt="XERP Best ERP software in Bangladesh"> <p> </p>The ERP<b> </b>software provides an integrated view of core business processes in real-time. The <b>ERP Software</b> processes business resources, such as materials requirements planning, sales orders pipeline and delivery, LC & local purchases, warehouse & inventory, production with BOM, accounting & payroll, etc. XERP is an out-of-the-box best <i>ERP Software solution in Bangladesh,</i> for companies who want to implement a highly dependable <b>ERP Software system</b> into their business operations.<div><br></div><div><br><p>XERP Software concentrates on all the business information in one place, which can dispense with the issue of synchronizing changes between multiple systems, and allow the management team to get a more exact perspective of the business' data. Many industrial production-oriented companies in Dhaka & Chittagong are using XERP software as their enterprise resources data management system. </p><p><br></p><h2>XERP Software covers the following common functional areas:<br></h2><ul><li>Cloud ERP Software: Web-based real-time ERP Software.</li><li>Full-featured all-in-one centralized modules work combined.</li><li>Highly Stable Database ERP Software made for cloud computing.</li><li>Out-of-box user-friendly interface designed with the mobile-first approach.</li><li>Customization possibility for any size & type of business system.</li></ul><h3>ERP Software Versions </h3></div>
Extreme Solutions IoT products in Bangladesh including Cloud, Augmented Reality (AR) and the Digital Twin. We Make Your Home Smart | A Complete Smart Solution under one roof – We Make Your Home Smart.
For best IoT (Internet of Things) enabled smart devices in Bangladesh please call 01977251582. Industrial automation is the use of technologies such as computer software and robotics to control machinery and processes which replace human beings in performing specific functions. The functions are primarily centered on manufacturing, quality control and material handling processes. Home automation is building automation for a home, called a smart home or smart house. A home automation system will monitor and/or control home attributes such as lighting, climate, entertainment systems, and appliances. Home automation is a network of hardware, communication, and electronic interfaces that work to integrate everyday devices with one another via the Internet. Each device has sensors and is connected through WiFi, so you can manage them from your smartphone or tablet whether you’re at home, or miles away. This allows you to turn on the lights, lock the front door, or even turn down the heat, no matter where you are. Features: • Managing all of your home devices from one place • Flexibility for new devices and appliances • Maximizing home security • Increased energy efficiency • Remote control of home functions Agro Automation Agro automation, sometimes known as “smart farming,” is a type of technology that improves farm efficiency by automating the crop or livestock production cycle. Drones, autonomous tractors, robotic harvesters, automatic watering, and seeding robots are all being developed by a growing number of companies. Agricultural robots usually come in handy to perform tasks that are slow, repetitive, and dull for farmers. Robotic farming can help the farmers to focus more on improving the overall yield. Features: • Soil analysis • Phenotyping • Weed Control • Sorting and packing • Harvesting and picking • Environmental Monitoring • Automated mowing, pruning, seeding, spraying Industrial Automation Industrial automation is the technological enhancement of systems and machinery used for industries like manufacturing and production. The goal is to limit procedures performed by human workers. Features: • Enhance Safety • Boost Quality Production • Lower Costs
School management software in Chittagong with students attendance, auto SMS sending, exam, academic & accounting management system.
<h2>Best School Management Software in Chittagong</h2><p><a href=""><b>Digital Pathshala</b></a> made by Extreme Solutions is a paperless School, College, and University Management System for all educational institutes. Digital Pathshala is highly flexible, user-friendly, and easy to use. It is one of the best school, college, and university management software in Dhaka, Chittagong, Barishal, Khulna, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Mymensingh, and Sylhet. <br></p><h4 style="letter-spacing:2px;color:green;"><br></h4><p>The software provides the facility to carry out students, academic, and accounting activities (School, College or University) and makes them fast, easy, efficient, and accurate. It is a simple yet powerful software platform that connects all the departments of an institution along with office administration, student subscription, examination, certification, reports generation, result generation, fee counter, library, payroll system and many more. </p><p><br></p><p><a href="">Extreme Solutions</a>- the best software company in Chittagong has developed one of the most robust School Management systems in Bangladesh. This software helps educators to manage, analyze and get r<g data-gr-id="41">eport</g>s of extensive data while saving time by eliminating repeated data entry.</p><p><br></p><p>The primary and exclusive feature of this software is, that you will get all the information and data in one place at the same time from anywhere. Digital Pathshala FEATURES & MODULES are-</p><ul><li><b>CRM- Enquiry Module</b></li><li><b>Online Admission</b></li><li><b>Student Information?? & Class Information?</b></li><li><b>Attendance? (Biometric/ RFID Integration For Students and Employee Attendance)</b></li><li><b>Hostel management</b></li><li><b>Library management</b></li><li><b>Assignment</b></li><li><b>Student Feedback</b></li><li><b>HR Management</b></li><li><b>Recruitment</b></li><li><b>Scholarship</b></li><li><b>Notices</b></li><li><b>Students attendance</b></li><li><b>Auto SMS sending</b></li><li><b>Online class and recording</b></li><li><b>Digital Examinations & Results system</b></li><li><b>Quiz - Online MCQ Test, Online Admission</b></li><li><b>Academic & accounting information management system</b></li><li><b>Visitors Management</b></li><li><b>Teachers' salary and payroll system management</b></li><li><b>Committee Management</b></li><li><b> Payment Gateway Integration</b></li><li><b>Certificate Printing- Convocation & Certificate Printing</b></li></ul><p><br><br>The key features of <span style="font-weight: bold;">Digital Pathshala</span> included are:</p> <ul><li><b>Simple, web-based, easy to use, and highly accurate user interface.</b></li><li><b>Highly scalable database system.</b></li><li><b>Manage student admission & enrollment procedure with ease.</b></li><li><b>Prepare Invoice and Money Collection Reports easily</b></li><li><b>Fully Automated Fees, Discounts, Fines, Collection, and Expenses Management.</b></li><li><b>Integrated financial accounting system.</b></li><li><b>Automated Result Publication System based upon achieved marks.</b></li><li><b>Automatic Creation of Identity Cards, Admit Card, and Certificates.</b></li><li><b>Year-end transfer of students to next class easily</b></li><li><b>Generate different types of customized reports with just one click.</b></li><li><b>Efficient MIS system with ease and simplicity.</b></li><ul><h2>Digital Pathshala Software Packages</h2></ul></ul>
Looking for the best mobile app company in Bangladesh? Extreme solutions offer the best Android & iOS app development at a very affordable cost.
<h2 style="line-height:25px"> Are you looking for a mobile app development company in Bangladesh?</h2><div> App developers manage, build, test, and develop mobile apps. They are skilled in programming languages best for mobile apps across multiple platforms. These app development programming languages include Java, Swift, Python, Objective-C, Ruby, PHP, and more. As you look for an app development company to help you with your mobile app, consider platform compatibility – Android, iOS, cross-platform – and the programming languages the developer may need experience with. These criteria will narrow your search. Next, consider the features your app needs. <br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div> EXTREME SOLUTIONS is the best cross-platform mobile app development service provider in Chittagong for fully native apps development with customization services. We provide offline synchronization supported cost-effective Artificial-Intelligence-based mobile app solutions for any type of Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS devices. Our app solution is available for any devices like Android Mobile phones, Windows PC or Laptop & Phones, Web, Desktop, Wearables, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, smartphone, tab, smart TV, smartwatch, etc. <div> </div> <div> Whether you need a simple mobile app for your small business or you have a mobile game development plan, we have lower-priced solutions for your specific needs. With a team of 15+ software engineers, we have developed 200+ local & international projects, implemented great mobile apps for many companies to succeed in the last 16+ years. </div> <div> <img alt="Mobile App Development Cost in Bangladesh" src="../Uploads/Photos/Mobile-Application-development-cost-bd.jpg" style="float: right; max-width: 500px; margin: 20px;margin-top:25px;"></div> <h3 style="line-height:25px"> Why Choose Extreme Solutions for your next App Development?</h3> <br> <ul> <li> <b>Experienced developers:</b> All our developers are well experienced in developing large mobile apps</li> <li> <b>Fully native apps development:</b> We don't just develop on web-view or js-based platforms.</li> <li> <b>Same UX for iOS & Android:</b> Our app UI & UX will be similar for both iOS & Android</li> <li> <b>Deploy to App Store & Play Store:</b> We will take care of it from initial study to live on stores</li> <li> <b>Affordable pricing:</b> The cost of the app will be lower than competitors</li> <li> <b>Faster delivery:</b> We ensure the timely delivery within the scheduled date</li> <li> <b>Long term service contract:</b> Our minimum app development contract is 01 year</li> <li> <b>Any level of customization:</b> We will make it within the scope of the works</li> </ul> <div> </div> <div> If you have any queries about your next mobile apps development needs, please call us at <b>01613 987363</b> contacts us using the information on <b>the </b><a href=""><b>Contact Info</b></a> page.</div> <div> </div> <a href=""><br> </a><h3 style="line-height:25px"><a href=""> How to find a good mobile app development firm in Bangladesh?</a></h3> <div> </div> <div> You may search for web-view-based mobile app development services which will show contents from a website. Most of the mobile app development firms can do that at a very affordable cost for you. But if you are looking for a perfect mobile app development company in Bangladesh, you need to find who are the companies working for <b>Native Mobile App development services</b>. If you need an enterprise-level mobile app with customization services, the searching process will be harder. The difficult thing is to choose the best mobile app development company or a custom mobile development firm in Bangladesh, as Google will suggest many companies for your specific search query “Mobile App Development firm in Bangladesh.“. We suggest you some points to judge the Mobile app development company on the basis of the below points. These will help you while choosing the right mobile app company in Bangladesh for your next mobile app project development.</div> <div> </div> <div> <img alt="Mobile App Development in Bangladesh" src="../Uploads/Photos/app-development-bd.jpg" style="max-height: 500px;"></div> <div> After searching with app-specific keywords- here are the points to consider why choosing a Mobile app Development firm in Bangladesh-</div> <v> </v></div><div> <p> </p> <p> <b>Look at the company’s previous works</b></p> <p> Never judge a company by the points they talk about. Always judge a company on their done mobile app projects listed on their website. Examine if their portfolios are deep enough to meet your project-specific goals.</p> <p> </p> <p> <b><b>Schedule for meeting after understanding the company</b></b></p> <p> Present your mobile app requirements briefly and ask them for suggestions on your business strategy. Ask for a work plan and then ask for the quotation. Thus, you will get some idea about the company based on their responses.</p> <p> The company should be able to report to you from time to time their app development progress based upon the plan technical support and hand over your mobile app product to you. If you like their after-sales service plans, then you may proceed.</p> <p> </p> <p> <b><b>Ask them how much time they need to make the app</b></b></p> <p> Ask them to involve you in an existing development process, it will help you to understand your app and you can recommend some changes in your app also.</p> <p> Tell the developers if they will give you the controls of the admin account so that you can check the app performance timely.</p> <p> </p> <p> <b><b>Discuss budget and pricing</b></b></p> <p> If you are satisfied with the above parameters then you can trust any company to choose for your work. As per the above criteria, EXTREME SOLUTIONS can ensure all of the criteria specified. The company is providing the best mobile app, delivering on time, and also providing superior after-sales support to clients.</p> <p> </p></div><p> </p><p> Finally, you don’t have to contact all app development companies across the search results after choosing the top 3 as your choice for filtering them to choose the best one. As your mobile app development company, EXTREME SOLUTIONS is well-experienced in creating all kinds of mobile apps from scratch to beta with professional developers. We spent a good number of years in mobile app development continuing the success story of our clients in this highly competitive market.</p><p><br></p><div><b>Mobile App Development Company in Chittagong. Android & iOS application development in Bangladesh.</b></div><div><br></div><div>Mobile app development is the act or process by which a mobile app is developed for mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants, or mobile phones. Mobile app development has been steadily growing, in revenues and jobs created.</div><div><br></div><div>Mobile application development is the set of processes and procedures involved in writing software for small, wireless computing devices such as smartphones or tablets. One way to ensure that applications show optimum performance on a given device is to develop the application (app) natively on that device.</div><div><br></div><div>Mobile application development is the complete process of creating all of the designs, assets, and code required to implement a software application that runs on a mobile device and all of its supporting services that are accessed from the mobile application via the network connection and run on remote computing.</div>
Extreme solution offers the best HR & payroll management software in Bangladesh. It is cloud-based and highly powerful and manages employees, salary, payrolls, attendance, leaves, etc
<br><div>XHRM is a web-based Human Resources Management software with complete features of attendance to salary sheet preparation and in-between systems. The software has proven capabilities to process workers' time-attendance and payroll management with ease for all types of attendance devices- made it an ideal attendance system for manufacturing industries- more specifically for garments manufacturing industries. </div><div><br></div><div>XHRM is very flexible to many companies' HR rules & regulations, which include employee attendance and leave management, human resource management, automated payroll processing, and provident fund management. The system is also 100% customizable upon organization-specific requirements to reflect complete organizational policies/ buyers recommendations- making it one of the leading HRM software for garments manufacturing industries in Chittagong, Bangladesh. </div><b><br><br>General Features :<br></b><br><ul><li>Multi-company management</li><li>Complete human resources department management<br></li><li>Secure administration & user panel</li><li>A web-based centralized cloud server system</li><li>Compatible with smart devices/ mobile browsers</li><li>Unlimited users with multi authorization</li><li>Time-Based Multiple Data- Entry Management</li><li>Transactional SMS/ Email Integration (optional)</li><li>Searching & Reporting Data by any criteria</li></ul><div><br></div><div>XHRM is the best HR and Payroll software service in BD is the professional platform for small-medium and enterprise businesses. Their focus is to serve a modern and updated payroll management system that is focused on user experience and simplifying complex workflows.</div><div><br></div><div><a href=""><br></a><b><a href="">Extreme Solutions</a> has some amazing features that are very helpful for the management of a company. They are given below:</b></div><div><br></div><div><ul><li>This software can run independently on any platform All the information about the employee data records smoothly in one central palace.</li></ul><ul><li>Many business companies maintain several sections to manage HRM data, but we provide an all-in-one solution. It saves time.</li></ul><ul><li>No need to print record documents because Extreme HR software(XHRM) is available on your mobile, PC, Laptop, and Desktop. It’s paly a crucial role in reducing the use of paper by up to 75%</li></ul><ul><li>It offers a reliable and flexible face detection attendance system.</li></ul><ul><li>It has a multi-layer for leave, evaluation, confirmation, and so on.</li></ul><ul><li>It’s great for an employee evaluation system so that a good relationship could grow between company and employee. It also offers an assessment grading point for employee and auto-generated promotion letters, increment letters, and so on.</li></ul><ul><li>Through email and popup alerts, Extreme solutions send notification about pending works</li></ul><ul><li>It offers unlimited adding facilities. Even the end person can add or modify the report.</li></ul><ul><li>Administrators can centrally control all the necessary calculating without the help of a software maker company.</li></ul><ul><li>Attendance and monthly salary processes are super fast in Extreme Solutions.</li></ul><ul><li>Multiple general shifts and up to three-shift roster are managed by Extreme Solutions intelligently at one time.</li></ul><ul><li>They work on customers’ any kind of customization.</li></ul><ul><li>In this platform, all the HR documents (appointment letters, confirmation letters, etc) can be generated.</li></ul><br>Including the above points, XHRM software provides other common services like salary reports, loan reports, deductions, allowances, and other things in an easier way.<br></div><div><br></div><p><br></p><h3>Software Demo Link</h3><p><span style="background-color: transparent;">Please use the following id & password for login:</span><br></p><p><span style="background-color: transparent;"><b><a href=""></a></b></span><br></p><p>User Id: <b>demo</b></p><p>Password: <b>demo123456</b></p><p><br></p><p>To know more details about the software modules please select bellow packages as per your needs or <a href="">call us</a>: +8801613987363. </p>
Patient management, prescription writing and printing software for doctors daily use only @9,900 BDT lifetime license. Fully customizable, EHR and medical practice management software in Bangladesh.
<p>Imagine a personalized and safe prescribing system that allows to easily create and print prescriptions quickly and efficiently that makes life more productive for doctors & patients. </p><p><br></p><p>The electronic prescription writing software will also craft relationships between physicians, patients, and pharmacies with the help of automated prescription writing and an efficient patient management system for doctors. </p><p><br></p><p>Our software engineers made it possible under the supervision of specialized and experienced doctors by combining essential features and ease of use techniques.</p><p><br></p><img src=""><p><br></p><p><b>PrescribeRx</b> was originally initiated by Prof. Dr. Aminuddin A Khan, the vice principal <g data-gr-id="56">and</g> professor of Physical Medicine, <a href="">Chittagong Medical College</a> in the year 2007. The aim of the system was to develop an automated prescription writing software that can be operated with simplicity for doctors’ daily use with minimum efforts but the outcome with maximum results.</p><br>[VIDEO]<br><p>The software now has rich features for prescription writing based upon doctor’s specialty, patient management, drug directory with generic details & Brand name editing, appointments management, re-printing prescription, statistical analytics reports, etc.<br></p><h3>Importance of using a computerized prescribing system:</h3><ul><li><bprescriberx< a="">( One of the best Automated Prescription Software in the market ) will increase doctors' efficiency dramatically.<br></bprescriberx<></li><li>Doctors can now prepare prescriptions within 20-60 seconds using Prescribe-Rx Software. More patients can be prescribed within a specific time.<br></li><li>Well formatted Prescription, no hassle of bad handwriting.<br></li><li>No need for entry/writing the same things again and again.<br></li><li>The patient's history will be recorded forever and can be checked anytime for any type of analysis.<br></li><li>Patients Appointment Serial entry and money collection will be smoother than ever.<br></li><li>A lot of analytical & statistical reports will make doctors think and decide more confidently.</li></ul><h3>Why Choose <b>PrescribeRx</b>?</h3><ul><li>Doctors Personalize/Custom Prescription Format<br></li><li>10+ Prescription Format (Medicine, Surgery, Eye, ENT, pediatrics etc.)<br></li><li>No need for an internet connection<br></li><li>Drug Listed with Generic name<br></li><li>PrescribeRX is 10+ years in Market<br></li></ul><h3>The architecture of the software</h3><b>Prescribe Rx</b> is ultra-fast as Microsoft SQL Server was used as the database system and Microsoft dot net technology as the front-end framework which increases software scalability and stability to ensure that your system will not become slow or unstable although after it will contain millions of data. The reporting system is also very intuitive with SAP crystal reports technology.<br><h3>How we sell: Service, support, and warranty</h3>We are providing the software with a per PC lifetime license. You can also try our system with a limited quantity of prescription preparation. After purchasing you will get licensing code for activating the software. You can also ask for any extra reports or for personalized customization into your prescription writing system.<p></p>
Cloud accounting software in Bangladesh featured with CRM, billing, sales, purchase, inventory and accounts management system
<div><div><b><font size="3">What Is Accounting Software</font>:</b></div><div><span style="background-color: transparent;">Accounting Software delineates a kind of use Software that records and systems Accounting trades inside helpful modules, for instance, loan boss liabilities, cash due, back, and trial conform. It functions as an Accounting information System. </span><span style="background-color: transparent;">Accounting Software is a kind of PC Software utilized by Accounting experts to oversee accounts and perform Accounting operations. </span></div><div><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span></div><div> [video] </div><div><br></div><div>Accounting is the efficient practice, work or procedure of conveying and recording money related data. In a business setting, this is accomplished for the motivations behind inward and outside reviews, required reports and budgetary investigation to meet legitimate or interior administrative necessities. Accounting may likewise incorporate efficient and differing estimation, characterization, confirmation, summation and translation of budgetary data. </div><div><br></div><div>Accounting Software can go from straightforward, single-section projects utilized for individual record-keeping to more complex, twofold passage System that can procedure debt claims, creditor liabilities, finance and stock, among different capacities.</div><div><br></div><div><b style="background-color: transparent;">Accounting Software</b><span style="background-color: transparent;"> describes a type of </span><i style="background-color: transparent;">application Software</i><span style="background-color: transparent;"> that records and processes Accounting transactions within functional modules such as accounts payable, Accounting receivable, payroll. It's an ideal opportunity to get Digitized up for your bookkeeping programming by the </span><span style="background-color: transparent;">Accounting </span><span style="background-color: transparent;">Software. </span><br></div><div><span style="line-height: 1.42857; background-color: transparent;">The up and coming era of web bookkeeping programming is here. What's more, it's amazingly straightforward. </span><span style="line-height: 18.5714px; background-color: transparent;">The ideal fit for little and medium measured organizations. Presently you can have it all, for less.</span></div></div><div>Interface with a scope of arrangements and applications that are custom-made to your industry or business needs. Here are only a couple of case of a portion of the prevalent arrangements we bring to the table. We are provider of <b>Accounting Software</b> in Chittagong Dhaka and over Bangladesh, and As Like <i>Industrial Accounting Software</i>, Trading Accounting Software, <b>Accounts Management Software</b> , <i>Billing Software</i> etc.<br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
Leading CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software in Bangladesh for service-oriented companies with automation of digital marketing & sales-lead generation, accounting and employee management process, website content management system etc.
<div><br></div><div><b>Customer Relationship Management</b> (CRM) software system that focuses on total customer interactions by automating marketing, sales & accounting system. The scope of this software also covers digital marketing automation, managing employee to customer relationship, employee performance analysis, website content management system etc. A CRM system can also become a powerful tool for deep business analysis to make confident decisions making in complex business systems.</div><div><br></div><div>"<b>Extreme CRM</b>" was developed by EXTREME SOLUTIONS mainly built for non-production based service-oriented companies. The software was primarily built for in-house customer & employee monitoring along with accounting system of all types of transactions. It is now fully capable of completely automated process of sales lead generation, team management, sales invoice generation, accounting data entry, automated email/SMS sending, MIS of business analysis etc.</div><div><br></div><div>The software is also capable to provide personalized business data to provide services/products that customers demand most, make better customer service, help sales teams to cross-sell and up-sell more effectively, close deals, retain current customers and to better understand exactly who the customers are etc. So, if you are looking for a fully customized/ personalized CRM software with lifetime license, <b>Extreme CRM</b> is one of the best options for you. </div><div><br></div><div>Below are some categories of <b>Extreme CRM</b> software. To learn more about Extreme CRM software, please email to <a href=""></a> or contact hotline: +88 031 712114, +88 01613 987363</div>
Website development in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Experienced in Reactjs, Express, WordPress (WooCommerce), Magento, nopCommerce, Drupal, PrestaShop and Custom CMS Development.
<h2>Website Design & Development </h2><div><br></div><div>We worked with some of the Bangladeshi leading startups, SMEs, and companies to grow their business through user-friendly interactive online experiences. We design, build, support, integrate, optimize, and market amazing websites that converts visitors into sales. So if you are looking for a well-designed UI, customizable, refreshing UX, and super-fast website development company in Bangladesh, we are your best option to choose.</div><div><br></div><div>For the last 14+ years, we have been providing web development services to our clients. Experienced in Reactjs, Express, WordPress (WooCommerce), Magento, nopCommerce, Drupal, PrestaShop, and Custom CMS Development. Many small to enterprise companies have taken our services in Bangladesh, USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and many other countries. More than 500 websites have been developed by us and made customers satisfied with creative designing, expert programming and after-sales services. </div><div><br></div><div>The web development services we provide are- Small to Medium Business website, Group of Companies website, Enterprise/ Corporate business website, Newspaper website, eCommerce Website (Fully Customized or Woo-Commerce), Clubs website, Real-Estate website, Product & Portfolio website and many other types of web development services.</div><div><br></div><div>If you are looking for website development services in Chittagong, you can either suggest your budget or suggest your requirements. The price of our web development services starts from 16,000 BDT only. </div><div><br></div><div>All the developed websites provided to our customers are with eye-catching design, mobile responsive, and also AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) optimized. HTML codes and website structures are SEO (<span style="background-color: transparent;">Search Engine Optimization</span><span style="background-color: transparent;">) friendly for getting the top place in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Our engineers take careful steps in every aspect of the creative designing & development process. </span></div><div><br></div><div>We use various technologies for developing websites depends on customer requirements and budgets. The main technologies, framework, and platforms we use for website development are: </div><div><ul><li>HTML5<br></li><li>CSS3<br></li><li>ReactJs</li><li>ExpressJs</li><li>AngularJs</li><li>Javascript & Jquery<br></li><li>VueJs<br></li><li>WordPress<br></li><li>Asp.Net Core+SQL Server<br></li></ul></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><h3>Design your website from EXTREME SOLUTIONS</h3><div><br></div><div>We not only design your website, we will also develop your brand- which will promote your online presence 24 hours a day!</div><div><br></div><div>For your online presence to impress your visitors, your website needs to exclude credibility with professionalism and quality. We understand that in the internet arena saturated with billions of web pages, a well-designed website is vitally important to marketing, building brand awareness, and attracting prospective customers.</div><div><br></div><div>We ensure to provide you best of website design & development services in Chittagong. </div><div><br></div><div><b>For more details, please call us to +88 01613 987363.</b></div>
Cloud based diagnostic center (clinical laboratory) billing, accounting & report preparation software. Free trial available with monthly subscription based system.
<h2>Best Clinical Laboratory Management Software in Bangladesh</h2><div><br></div><div>XLab is a leading solution for diagnostic center/ clinical lab/ pathology lab management software in Bangladesh. Get the software backed by the expert support team in the medical industry for more than 15 years. Our integrated cloud lab management software is all you need to manage your lab and collaborate with doctors as well as patients from anywhere and anytime!</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>XLab is a convenient Pathology billing & reporting software for diagnostics Labs in Bangladesh. Extreme Solutions has developed & designed customize software for easy diagnostic center/ clinical lab/ pathology lab management solution. </div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Online Pathology Management Software allows the healthcare industry like Pathology, Diagnostic Centers & Medical Centers, etc. This software is structured with a creative approach for an effective and user-friendly interface by keeping in mind innovative features included to manage entire management procedure.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>XLab can improve your customer satisfaction with an amazing digital platform has proven its excellence in various ways. It is an integrated software solution designed with accordance of Clinical lab, Diagnostic Pathology, and Public health in Bangladesh. The most versatile feature suits all Laboratories with the handiest functionalities added to the business specific requirements.</div><div><br></div><h3>Why choose XLAB?</h3><div><ul><li>Clinical Test Setup & Management<br></li><li>Billing & Report Delivery<br></li><li>Referrer Doctors Information<br></li><li>Auto Doctors Commission generation<br></li><li>Invoice with Collection & Due<br></li><li>Daily Expenditure Entry<br></li><li>Day Book Printing<br></li><li>User Profile<br></li><li>Pathology Report Preparation<br></li><li>Search Report By Date Or Name<br></li><li>Doctors & Patients Ledger<br></li></ul></div><div><br></div><i>To Learn More About XLAB Please call us on +88 031 712114, 01613987363.</i><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><div><br></div></div>