

Extreme POS (Retail)

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Retail shop accounting software in Bangladesh

Retailer also can use ExtremePOS in lowest price with Extreme Solutions.Retail POS also covered the area of sales, Purchase, collection, Daily transaction atmost your complete accounting section. From this single local point all customer enquiries and transactions are then efficiently handled. We also providing 1 year full free service & support.


Main Activities

•        Supplier Management

•        LC Management

•        Customer Management

•        Sales/ Distribution Management

•        Inventory Management Module

•        Reporting & Statements Module

•        Software Administration & Security Management


                                               Software Features

General Features


•        Secured User Panel

•        Desktop based centralized database server system

•        Multi users with multi authorization types

•        Time based Multiple User Data-Entry Management

•        Transactional SMS/ Email Integration (Optional)



To learn more about ExtremePos for retail contact us on +8801613987363,+8801817251582.