

XHRM Software- ERP version

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XHRM Software- ERP version with Human Resources, Attendance, Payroll & Financial Accounting system. The software includes employee attendance and leave management, human resource management, automated payroll processing, provident fund management, company Income statement, Balance sheet etc. Below are some of the general functionalities of the XHRM ERP version:

Employee Information

Ø   Department Setup

Ø   Designations

Ø   Location Setup

Ø   Keep Employee Information with Photo

Ø   Provision for Salary Setup and fixed benefits.

Ø   Assigning employee-wise in-out time.

Ø   Employee Closing/ Deactivate & Deleting

Ø   Employee Bonus/ Benefits setup


Payroll Management

Ø   Daily Attendances Entry.

Ø   Easy to Assign Employees Leaves after requesting through software

Ø   Easy to Assign Employee Promotion &  Increments

Ø   Easy to Assign Bonus Information

Ø   Monthly Salary Sheet Processing

Ø   Overtime & Double duty Processing

Ø   Monthly Salary Sheet Reprocessing

Ø   Other Benefits Entry

Ø   Payment to Staffs

Ø   Deduction from Employees

Ø   Keep Employee Information with Photo

Ø   Provision for Salary Setup and fixed benefits.

Ø   Assigning Employee-wise in-out time

Ø   Daily Attendances Entry.

Ø   Easy to Assign Employees Leaves after requesting through software

Ø   Easy to Assign Employee Promotion &  Increments

Ø   Easy to Assign Bonus Information

Ø   Monthly Salary Sheet Processing

Ø   Overtime & Double duty Processing

Ø   Monthly Salary Sheet Reprocessing

Ø   Other Benefits Entry

Ø   Payment to Staffs

Ø   Deduction from Employees.



@  Employee Information Bio-data with Picture.

@  Staff’s Monthly Attendances with Payment

@  Bonus Information As Company Required.

@  Monthly Salary Sheet

@  Monthly Overtime Sheet with Departments

@  Generates Employee wise Salary Pay Slip. 

@  Leaves History with Department or Individual

@  Attendance History

@  Employee Ledger

@  Employee related any other Sales report (if needed)



Financial Accounting System


Ø  BanksAccounts Information

Ø  4 Steps Chart of Accounts (Group, Control, Sub-Accounts, Accounts Head)

Ø  Auto Head Selection By Voucher Particulars

Ø  Dual Entry Vouchering System

Ø  Voucher entry and Day Books

Ø  Auto & editable narration for voucher description

Ø  Voucher Cancellation Provision

Ø  Ledgers

·         Accounts Group

·         Control Accounts

·         Sub-Accounts

·         Accounts Head

·         Debtors Ledger

·         Creditors Ledger

·         Debtors & Creditors Summery

Ø  Auto Voucher entry from Other Financial Activities

Ø  Bank Book

Ø  Financial Statements

·         Chart of Accounts

·         Ledger Book (by Group, Control A/C, Subsidiary A/C & A/C heads)

·         Income Statement

·         Cash-flow Statements

·         Profit and Loss Accounts

·         Balance Sheet

·         Trial Balance

Ø  Date-wise & Individual Voucher Report with canceled vouchers



For more details please call us: +8801613987363.