

Online EHR Software

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What is online EHR software?

Although some clinicians use the terms EHR and EMR interchangeably, the benefits they offer vary greatly. An EMR (electronic medical record) is a digital version of a chart with patient information stored in a computer and an EHR (electronic health record) is a digital record of health information.


    EHR (or Online EHR or Web based EMR) is an EHR software program which maintains patient health records data on remote servers instead of servers located within the premises of a medical clinic or facility. Also called hosted EMR, it resides on the EHR vendor's network and is accessed via the Internet on the client's devices and equipment. The practice leases the software and network on a monthly or annual subscription basis from the EMR vendor.
    It provides medical practices with simplified operation, instant scalability, reduced costs and improved data sharing with security to its users and requires only a computer with an Internet connection

    Scalable from single physician clinics to large, multi-location and multi-specialty practices

    Designed around the unique and specialty specific workflows, it allows you to streamline your workflow while complying with ever-changing rules and regulations—freeing your time so you can focus on what matters–improving patient care.

    Includes specialty-specific templates and features that simplify the care delivery, documentation, and billing processes of specialty practices

    Streamlines communication, simplifies administrative and financial tasks, and enhances physician and staff productivity

    Time-proven implementation methods for successful EHR transition


Is Online EHR Systems Safe?
Most physicians who are skeptical of cloud-based EHR systems cite security as a primary concern. While uncertainty is understandable, web-based EHR systems can actually deliver greater security than client-server systems and paper records.

Web-based EHR systems achieve HIPAA compliance through data centers with bank-level security and high-level encryption methods that render data unreadable — even if a security breach occurs. Client-server systems are often left unencrypted and only as secure as the room where they are stored.

Cloud-based data is safer than paper and client-server records in the event of a natural disaster or fire because the data is backed up securely in multiple locations. Backups for client-server records are most vulnerable to breach in transport to storage facilities, unlike cloud systems.

Most people are already allowing a great deal of their sensitive data to be stored in the cloud. Email systems like Gmail and Yahoo! are stored in the cloud. Online banking, shopping, and personal information on social sites like Facebook are all cloud-based systems as well.

Ultimately, cloud-based EHR systems provide users of all sizes and industries great advantages in cost savings, data accessibility, and security. Now, medical practices just have to be willing to look to the cloud for the future of healthcare IT.