

Industrial ERP Software

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XERP Software is one of the leading Cloud ERP Software in Bangladesh , for Industrial Manufacturing also Production oriented companies .Our industrial ERP Software is Better Than Best Software Solutions for Your Sector. The ERP Software system works with combined modules of-

Orders, Sales & Export Management Module Purchase & Import (LC) Management CRM (Party Management Module) Collection & Payment Management Module Inventory Management Module Production Management Module Banking & Transactions Management Core Accounting System Human Resources Management with Payroll Reporting & Statements Module Software Administration & Security Management


ERP Software Architecture

    Full featured out of the box ERP Software with the flexibility to run swiftly for any size of users. The ERP Software System can be integrated into an IIS web server environment and a centralized MS SQL Server database will be used for synthesizing these systems, which will retain in a real IP based central Windows server. The workstations (Computer or any other smart devices) would be anywhere and will be used for accessing the master database through web browsers internet connection.

Integrated Features :

    3 Tier Architecture, Agile based development Integrated Security System for ERP Software hacking protection Light weight UI design for high data traffic 128bit encryption for securing data Scalable Database System Master Page and theme based ERP Development User level  access Authentication- assigned from Administrator Sessioning and Safe view-stat Configuration& Authorization Integrated and linked modules etc.


Technologies Used for Development

    Extreme SAS Framework for ERP Templating Microsoft® MVC 4.0 with HTML5 & CSS3 for front-end In ERP Microsoft® C# as back-end coding language Microsoft® SQL Server 2012 for Database Crystal Reports & Developer Express  for reporting JQuery & AngularJs for AJAX functionalities


ERP Software Features

ERP General Features

    Secured Administration & User Panel Web based centralized cloud server system Compatible with smart devices/mobile browsers Multi users with multi authorization types Time-based Multiple User Data-Entry Management Transactional SMS/ Email Integration (Optional) Searching & Reporting data by any criteria.


Sales Module

Sales, Export LC & Collection

    Setup: Customers, Brands, Sales Representative, Sales Zone, Delivery Points Set Customer Credit Limit by Maturity Days & Amounts. Provision For Create/Edit Delivery Order (DO) against PO Money Collection from Customers (By Cheque, Cash etc.) Order Status Monitoring Sales Invoice Generation according to DO Provision for Sales Entry without DO Create PI for Export Create LC from PI (with amendment provision)  Sales Return/Adjustment Cancel DO, Re-open closed DO Sales Collection (Cash/Credit/Cheque/TT/Barter) Collection against LC Collection-Cheque Status (in hand/in bank/passed/bounced) M.R/ S.R & Location Based Sales Invoice Tracking Customer Credit limit & Day Limit For Sales Invoice Preparations Provision For Auto & Manual Discount

Sale Reports

    Print DO & Sales Invoice Sales Statement (Date & Party-wise) Customer Wise Sales-Collection History (Opening-During The Period-Balance ) Customer Ledger Credit List with Financial Summery DO History (Delivered/Pending) Sales by Item Group, Categories, Products, Customers etc.  Sales by Marketing Persons Collection By Cash, Cheque, DD, TT ETC. Dues/Credit tracking and aging of dues Cheque In and Out Tracking Provision Of Making The Cheque Dishonor Provision Of Again Placing Of Cheque For Dishonored Cheque Customer Analysis and The Best Customer Reporting.
Menu Architecture Sub Menu Entry Form Setups Customers Customer Brands Sales Representatives Sales Zone Delivery Points POS Sales Order Entry Edit Sales Order Create New PI Update PI Info Create LLC from PI LLC Amendment Order Delivery Direct Invoicing Sales Return Close/Reopen PO/LLC Collections Sales Collection Collection From LC Cheque Processing Reports Sales by Items Sales by Pack-Size Pack-Size Sales Summery Sales by Item Grade Item Sales by Month Yearly Sales by Pack-Size Yearly Sales to Customers Yearly Sales by Grade & Company Sales by Grade & Company Customers Sales Summery Customers Sales Details PO By Date Range PO Items Pending Delivery Items Invoice By Date Range Invoice By Payment Status Search Invoice Credit List Customer Ledger Sales Collection History

Purchase Module

Import LC Local Purchase

    Product Manufacturer & Supplier Setup Import Agent & CNF Setup LC Insurance & Banks Local Purchase Entry Purchase & LC Items Return Return Payment: Suppliers, CNF Agent, Bank etc. Payment Cheque Processing Party Balance Adjustment LC Expense Heads Setup & Expenses Entry LC General Info LC Amendment LC Costing Calculation: Duty, CNF Commission, Insurance, Bank Charges, Others.

Local Purchase & LC Reports

    Purchase History: Suppliers, Agents, Item Group, Products etc. LC Status Payment Status & history Party Credit List Date-wise Purchase Supplier Ledger Item-wise Actual Costing LC wise Profit Statement Payment-Cheque Status

Menu Structure

Setups Supplier Categories Manufacturers Import Agents CNF Agents Insurence Company Purchase Zones Referrers Vendors (Suppliers) Local Purchase Purchase Entry Purchase Edit Purchase Return Purchase Payment Cheque Processing Adjustment LC LC Expense Heads LC General Info LC Status Updates LC Amendment LC Expenses LC Finalization LC Payment Purchase Reports Purchase by Invoice Supplier Credit List Supplier Ledger Purchase by Products Party Payment History Search Purchase LC Reports LC By Date Range LC Detail View Item Costing Comparison LC Items History LC Payment History Search LC Info

Inventory Module


    Product Group Setup Product Categories Setup Product Grade Setup  Product Information Setup Auto Code generation for products Search Information by grade, categories, groups Unit type conversion for products


    Warehouses Setup by Locations Set Opening Stock Stock Quantity Adjustment Provision for multiple godown Stock Easy Adjustment Provision of Purchase Stock-in Under LC or Local Purchase Godown to godown item transfer

Stock Reports

    Current Stock by Group, Category, Grade & Products Date Wise Stock Register (item in/out history) Stock by Godown Stock Valuation LC/LP wise product stocking

Menu Architecture

Product Setup Product Groups   Product Sub-Group   Product Grade   Product Category   Product Name   Pack Size   Units   Ink Specifications       Warehouses Warehouses Setup Store Areas   Adjustment Raw Stock Adjustment Wastage Stock Adjustment Processed Item Adjustment Finished Stock Adjustment Machinery Stock Adjustment Others Stock Adjustment   Reports Current Stock (Raw) Current Stock (Wastage) Current Stock (Processed) Current Stock (Finished) Current Stock (Machineries) Current Stock (Others) In-Out History (Raw) Transfer History

Production Module

Production Material Consumption

    Production Costing Calculation Provision For Pre Fixed Raw Material Assumption For Preparation Each Ton of Finish Good Easy To Setup Raw Wastage % Per Finish Goods Production Auto Stock Deduct Based on Daily Finish Goods Production Auto Finish Goods Add On Finish Good Stock

Note: There is Also Provision for Manually Adjust Raw Material from Stock by requisitions Voucher & also provision for Finish Goods adjustment.

Raw-stock Production Reports

    Supervisor-wise Production Report Monthly Production Report (Item & Date wise) Raw Material Assumption (Each Ton) Detail Raw Stock Report With Purchase Values Costing of Daily Production (Actual Or Last Purchase Value Or Average)
Menu Architechture Setups Sections Machines Lines Shifts Operations Colors Production Purposes Standard Production Production Shearing Offset Printing Power Press Round Tin Plastic Container Screen Print Plastic Finishing Reports Stock Register Hourly Production Report Employee Efficiency Report Production by Date Production by Sections

Core Accounting System

      Banks Info 4 Steps Chart of Accounts (Group, Control, Sub-Accounts, Accounts Head) Auto Head Selection By Voucher Particulars Dual Entry Vouchering System Voucher entry and Day Books Voucher Approval Voucher Cancellation Provision Ledgers
    Accounts Group Control Accounts Sub-Accounts Accounts Head Debtors Ledger Creditors Ledger Debtors & Creditors Summery
      Auto Voucher entry from Other Financial Activities Day Book (Daily Collection / Expenditure Summery) Financial Statements
    Chart of Accounts Receipts & Payments Income Statement Cash-flow Statements Profit and Loss Accounts Balance Sheet Trial Balance
      Date-wise & Individual Voucher Report with canceled voucher Net Position of Funds
Menu Architechture
Setups Subsidiary Accounts Control Accounts Accounts Head Setup Banks Setup Bank Accounts Particulars Data Entry Voucher Entry Voucher Edit Reports Chart of Accounts Trial Balance PL Account Income Statement Balance Sheet A/C Group Ledger Sub A/C Ledger Control A/C Ledger A/C Head Ledger Cancelled Vouchers Voucher by Date

Human Resources Management

    Employee Designation Setup (For Admin, Supervisor, Worker etc.) Working Hour/ Shift Setup Employment Type for Fixed or work-based Salary (Casual & Permanent) Employee Profile With Photo Search Employee Data for Possible match with previous records Rate/Salary Info for Casual & Permanent Employees Auto Salary Generation upon Service/ Work (Daily/ Monthly) Prepare Pay Slip & Salary Sheet Including Other Benefits Payment to Employee (Salary, Advance, Convince etc.) Daily Attendance Posting with Scheduling, Tasks & Status etc.
Setups Employee Departments Sections Designations Rules & Regulations Duty Shifts Holidays Employee Setup Promotion/Termination Bonus Setup Data Entry Daily Attendance Edit Employee Attendance Monthly Attendance Salary Processing Bonus Processing Pay to Employee Reports List of Employees Salary Sheet Pay-Slip Employee Ledger Attendance History Employee Applications


Document Library LC PO Purchase LLC Others Search Doc Library Setups Address Book Task Scheduler Expense Heads Complain Categories Data Entry Customer Queries Customer Support New Campaign Email to Customer Campaign Expenses

Facts Module

Declarations Price Declaration Consumptions Consumption Statistics Print Impresion Reduce/MTT/Thiner Ink Consumption Coating, Varnish, Sizeetc Measurements Tin Sheet Measurement Standard Height Spec.

Software Administration

Setups Country Setup City Setup Company Info Main Menu Sub Menu Form Settings Notice & Messages Post News to Scroll Send Message to User Edit News All News Updates Received Messages Users & Security Permission Level Create Login Profile User Permissions Block User Reset Password User Login History User Activity Log Admin Reports Important Documents Maintenance Data Backup